
I want to know how to convert struct to tables in turbo c++ . that means when the user enter the informations it will be saved in tables ( matrice ) and not structure.


This was the declaration part of the structure in my project.

typedef struct
char nom[50];
char nomau[50];
char maison[100];
char pages[20];
char type[20];
char code[20];

Annu tab[50];
After the user enter the informations it will be copied in the strcture:

if(m==1) strcpy(tab[j].nom,c1);
if(m==2) strcpy(tab[j].nomau,c1);
if(m==3) strcpy(tab[j].maison,c1);
if(m==4) strcpy(tab[j].pages,c1);
if(m==5) strcpy(tab[j].type,c1);
if(m==6) strcpy(tab[j].code,c1);
However i want the informations to be copied into a table ( matrice).

Let me know with examples if you don't mind.

Thanks in advance.