Thread: How to fill a 2d array from a file?

  1. #1

    How to fill a 2d array from a file?

    Im a newbie and need to know how to fill a 2d array from a file of integers. This code doesn't seem to work:

    #define in_file "array.dat"

    int a[5][5];

    int main()
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
    ins >> a;

  2. #2
    S­énior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    ins >> a[i][j];

  3. #3


    Thanks it worked. But the problem is now that I can read the array in , I have to make a program to check if it is symmetric, upper triangle or diagonal.

    Im reading this from the array.dat file:
    0 1 2 3 4
    1 5 6 7 11
    2 6 8 9 12
    3 7 9 10 13
    4 11 12 13 14

    When i run the program it should output symmetric is 1(true) but it doesn't work. Here's my code.. any ideas?

    //3 Void functions to check whether a 2 dimensional array falls under the special classes
    // of symmetric, upper triangle, or diagonal.
    #define in_file "array.dat"

    void checkuppertriangle(int array[5][5], int& result);
    void checksymmetric(int array[5][5], int& result);
    void checkdiagonal(int array[5][5], int& result);

    int a[5][5];
    int main()
    ifstream ins;;

    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) //sets the loop to fill the array from a file
    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
    ins >> a[i][j];

    int triangle,symmetric,diagonal; //variables to output results
    checkuppertriangle(a,triangle); //call function
    checksymmetric(a,symmetric); //call function
    checkdiagonal(a,diagonal); //call function
    cout << "Results"
    << "Upper Triangle " << triangle << endl
    << "Symmetric " << symmetric << endl
    << "Diagonal " << diagonal << endl;

    int wait;
    cin >> wait;
    return 0;

    void checkuppertriangle(int array[5][5], int& result)
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) //sets the loop to go through each cell in array
    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
    if (i > j)
    result = 0; //passing back the result using a reference
    return; //result set to 0 if not symmetric return to
    else if ((i < j) && (a[i,j]==0))
    result=1; //set result to 1, continue to check. If all are

    void checksymmetric(int array[5][5], int& result)
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) //sets the loop to go through each cell in array
    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
    if ((a[i,j])!=(a[j,i]))
    result = 0; //passing back the result using a reference
    return; //result set to 0 if not symmetric return to
    else if ((a[i,j])==(a[j,i]))
    result=1; //set result to 1, continue to check. If all are

    void checkdiagonal(int array[5][5], int& result)
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) //sets the loop to go through each cell in array
    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
    if ((a[i,j]!=0) || (i>j))
    result = 0; //passing back the result using a reference
    return; //result set to 0 if not diagonal return to main.
    else if ((a[i,j]==0)&& (i<j))
    result=1; //set result to 1, continue to check. If all are

  4. #4


    Ok i seemed to figure out the problem. Accessing arrays as
    "a[i,j]" was wrong it should be "a[i][j]..."

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