Thread: [OT] help translating and phrazing

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    [OT] help translating and phrazing

    Good evening,
    im working on a class that will help to understand radial movement:
    i need help in next :
    translating phrazes
    naming functions.
    making the documentation more understandable.
    some thing equelant in English to
    " Work as a parrot "
    //to do some thing without thinking.
    varphi (?) : special latin sign that is the angle (in Radians ) that is changed by time :
    r=R* cos(varphi(t) hat i + R* sin(varphi(t)) hat j
    when R is Radius
    r is the place vector.

    as in normal movement your equation is :

    X(t) = x_0 + v_0 * t + (a /2 )t^2
    X_0 = is the offset at the start point from the 0 point //could some one please say some thing more understanable.
    V_0 = the speed at startup.
    a = acceleration.

    varphi(t) = varphi_0 + omega_0 * t alpha / 2 * t^2
    alpha = omega(t)' = vephai(t)''
    omega(t) = omega_0 + alpha * t
    alpha = acceleration
    Radian = read wikipedia.
    Angle to radian = pi * angle / 180
    Pi = the ratio between the circumference and radius.

    omega_0 = the speed of the angle changing in rad / sec.
    omega(t) = the speed at on a specific time

    N = the amount of circles it did (point came back to it start point when moving on circular path).
    N = varphi (t) / 2 pi

    for now the class looks like that :

    class radial_movement
      float N;
      float varphi;
      float varphi_0;
      float omega;
      float omega_0;
      float alpha;
      int N;
      float t;//Time
      set(float varphi,float varphi_0,float omega,float omega_0,float alpha,int N);
      default values :
       varphi_0 = 0;
       omega_0 = 0;
      radial_movement(float varphi,float varphi_0,float omega,float omega_0,float alpha,int N);
      radial_movement(radial_movement& );
      set_t(float t);
      void calculate();
       is called after set
         Will calculate (if not set) varphi ,omega , alpha , N
        varphi can be calculated if (time != 0) && (scenario) ;
        scenario = 
        (N != 0) , N = varphi(t) / 2 pi.
         (omega(t) != 0) ,varphi_0 + omega(t) * t + alpha / 2 * t^2
      omega(t) is calculated using :
       varphi or alpha  or N:
       N = 2 pi / omega (t) , N = varphi / 2 pi 
      float get_varphi();
      float get_omega();
      float get_alpha();
    Last edited by jabka; 05-04-2007 at 11:35 AM.
    why Gaos didn't had a wife ?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    vector multiplication

    what class should i use for vector multiplication ?
    why Gaos didn't had a wife ?

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