Thread: Base10 to Base n converter

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Base10 to Base n converter

    well I guess im a c/c++ noob (although im majoring in programming, im only a freshman) but anyway, after taking a class on binary, octal, hex, conversions,a dn that sort of thing, I decided to use my limited knowledge to whip up a converter. Tell me what ya think and throw in any suggestion you might have.

    //Decimal to Base 'n' Converter
    //Converts any positive decimal number (up to 4,294,967,295) to base 'n'
    //'n' being any base between 2 and 16
    //Written by P4r4digm 
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        //declare variables
        int convertFromCopy, digit, convertTo;
        unsigned int convertFrom;
        char playAgain = 'y';
        string stringDigit, answer;
        //allow game to loop without ending
        while (playAgain != 'n')  
            //delete pervious answer if run consecuteively
            answer = "";
            //Get user input
            cout << "Enter the number you wish to convert: ";
            cin >> convertFrom;
            cout << "Enter the base to convert the number to(max: 16): ";
            cin >> convertTo;
            //createcopy of original input to display later
            convertFromCopy = convertFrom;
            //continue dividing until original input is 0
            while (convertFrom != 0)
                //calculate digit through use of modulo    
                digit = convertFrom % convertTo;
                //declare conversion variable (from int to char)
                int asciiConversion = 48;
                //for loop converts digit from int 0-15 to char '0'-'9', 'A'-'F'
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                    if(digit == i)
                    stringDigit = asciiConversion;
                    asciiConversion += 1;
                    //skip from 9 to A on the ascii table and continue
                    if (asciiConversion == 58)
                    asciiConversion = 65;
                //tack on converted digit to the beginning of the answer string
                answer = stringDigit + answer;
                //divide original input by conversion constant and loop
                convertFrom /= convertTo;                
            //Show original input, base to be converted to, and converted number
            //and ask to repeat
            cout << convertFromCopy << " written in base " << convertTo << " is:\n" << answer << "\nAgain? (y/n)";
            cin >> playAgain;
        return 0;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    It's well done.

    >            //declare conversion variable (from int to char)
    >            int asciiConversion = 48;
    >            //for loop converts digit from int 0-15 to char '0'-'9', 'A'-'F'
    >            for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
    >            {
    >                if(digit == i)
    >                stringDigit = asciiConversion;
    >                asciiConversion += 1;
    >                //skip from 9 to A on the ascii table and continue
    >                if (asciiConversion == 58)
    >                asciiConversion = 65;
    >            }
    You could replace the above code with this:
    	if (digit < 10)
    		stringDigit = '0' + digit;
    		stringDigit = digit - 10 + 'A';

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