Here we go practically all finished, Marvel in the shoddily coded and bodged genetic algorithm "ish" .

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#define RAND_MAX 100
#define srand 12
#include <ctime>
#define PopSize 10

using namespace std;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;

void GetUserInput(string &Input)

    cout << "Please enter Amino Acid Sequence \"H,P\": " << endl;
    cin >> Input;

void GetSetupString(string theInput, int (Output)[10])
// To declare an Array as a reference from Main, syntax is differant then other 
// references, ie: Type (&ArryName)[Size], try finding that in any tutorial :) 


   int index;
   for (index = 0; index < theInput.length(); ++index)
       switch (theInput[index])
           case 'H':
               Output[index] = 1; 
           case 'P':
               Output[index] = 0;
        cout << Output[index] ;
cout << endl;

void GetPopulation(int (Output)[10], int (Pop)[PopSize][12])

    int index;
    int j;
    for ( index = 0; index < PopSize; index++)
        for ( j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    Pop[index][j] = Output[j];
                    cout << Pop[index][j];
   cout << endl;

void GetFitness(int (Pop)[PopSize][12])
    // Fitness is kept in the 11th element which is only touched upon in this 
    // function and left alone in all other functions
    int index;
    int j;
    int fitness = 0;
    int Par = 0;
    for (index = 0; index < PopSize; index++)
       Pop[index][11] = 0;
       fitness = 0; 
        for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            if (Pop[index][j] == 1)
         Pop[index][11] = fitness;
   cout << "Fitness of Parent:'"<< Par <<"'" << ".."<< Pop[index][11]<< endl;

void GetSortFitness(int (Pop)[PopSize][12])
    // Using a bastardization of Bubble sort, the two for loopa make sure that
    // the highest numbers reach the end of the array
    int i;
    int PopSort[12]; 
    int index;
    int j;
   for (i = 0; i < PopSize; i++)
       for (index = 0; index < PopSize-1; index++)
           if (Pop[index][11] > Pop[index+1][11])
               for ( j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                   PopSort[j] = Pop[index+1][j];
                   Pop[index+1][j] = Pop[index][j];
                   Pop[index][j] = PopSort[j];
                cout << " Loop Initiated" << endl;              
            cout << "Loop Not initiated" /*<< " " << Pop[index][11]*/ <<endl;
       //cout << "Sort Loop" << " " << Pop[index][11] <<endl;

int GetMutation (int (Pop)[PopSize][12])

    //Don't forget to seed rand() each time you run the program, 
    int index;
    int j;
    int Num = 0;
        for ( index = 0; index < PopSize; index++)
            for ( j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                if (rand()%100 > 90)
                        if ( rand()%100 < 50)
                                     Pop[index][j] = 0;
                                    Pop[index][j] = 1;
                  //do nothing
        cout <<  Pop[index][j] ;
      cout << endl;//cin.get(); 

void GetCrossover(int (Pop)[PopSize][12])   
    int NewPop[PopSize][10];
    int index;
    int j;
    int Inc;
    int Off = 0;
   for (index = 0; index < PopSize; index++)
          for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
              NewPop[index][j] = Pop[index][j];              
   for (index = 0; index < 9; index++)
       Inc = index;
     char  Check = 'X';   // Reinitialise Check to 'Y' for each loop
       for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
           if ( Check = 'X')
               // If Not 'X' the perform this block
                      if (rand()%100 > 70)
                          Inc = index;
                          Check = 'Y';
                          Pop[index][j] = NewPop[++Inc][j];
                          Pop[index][j] = NewPop[index][j];
           // If Check = 'X' the perform this block
           Pop[index][j] = NewPop[Inc][j];               
           cout << Pop[index][j];
       cout << endl;
       cout << "Offspring:" << ++Off << endl;
     for (index = 10; index <11; index++)  
         Inc = 0;
         for ( j = 0; j < 10; j++)
             Pop[index][j] = NewPop[Inc][j];
             cout << Pop[index][j];
         cout << endl;
         cout << "Best Parent Kept"<< endl;
int main ()

    string Input;
    int Output[10];
    int Pop[PopSize][12];
    //int size = Input.size();
    int Next;

    GetSetupString(Input, Output);
    GetPopulation(Output, Pop);
       int Next = 0;
   // GetPopulation(Output, Pop);
    while (Next !=10);

And yes there are pointless pieces of code in it and no i'am not changing it, i'am going to re write a new one probably from scratch, and probably using "strings" Anon .

Well hope yoiu enjoyed the journey as much as i did. Appreciated all the help over the number of threads created.

Regards Wolfe