Hello, I'm working on a model loader, and I'm getting a runtime error. I read the text in line by line, and read in the text using sscanf. I don't know how to explain how the error is caused, but here's my code.

// Include Files
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include "debug.h"

// Using standard namespace
using namespace std;

// Main Program
int main()
   // Declare vars
   vector<MESH> meshes;       // Vector to hold the meshes of the model
   string current_line;       // Buffer for reading in the file
   bool error = false;
   // Open the model file and read it into the raw_data string
   ifstream File("target.txt");
   // Check to see if the file is open
   if (!File.is_open())
      cout << "Error loading file" << endl;
      return 0;
   // Read in the file line by line
   while (getline(File, current_line, '\n') && error == false)
      // Declare temp vars
      short num_meshes;
      short flag;
      short mat_index;
      string name;
      // Check the current line and see it contains the mesh count
      if (sscanf(current_line.data(), "Meshes: %hd", &num_meshes) == 1)
         // Start a loop and go through each mesh
         for (short i = 0; i < num_meshes && error == false; i++)
            // Initialize a new mesh
            // Get the next line
            if (!getline(File, current_line, '\n'))
                 error = true;
            // Get the mesh name
            if (sscanf(current_line.data(), "\"%[^\"]\" %hd %hd", &name, &flag, &mat_index) != 3)
               error = true;
   // Close the file
   return 0;
The bolded text is the section of code I think is causing the problem. When ever I take that section out and recompile, it runs without an error. I'm sorry if I'm being vague on this, I just don't know how to explain it properly. Any help at all is appreciated
