Can anyone assist: I'm using the Xerces/C++ libraries and I'm trying to access/print out the element value for the elements within my XML file. In the code below, I have no problem printing out the element names, attribute names and values, but do not know how to access the element values.

void SAX2CountHandlers::startElement(const XMLCh* const uri
                                   , const XMLCh* const localname
                                   , const XMLCh* const qname
                                   , const Attributes& attrs)
	//local variables
	char* element_name = XMLString::transcode(qname);
	char * theElementValue = XMLString::transcode(  );
	 unsigned int n;

	if( element_name != 0 )
	 //print to console/screen
	    XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Element Name: "<< element_name  << "\n" <<XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
     for( n = 0 ; n < attrs.getLength() && n < 2 ; n++ )
         char* attrName = XMLString::transcode(attrs.getQName(n) );
         char* attrValue  = XMLString::transcode(attrs.getValue(n) );
	//print to console/screen
	XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Attribute Name: "<< attrName << "  Attribute Value: " << attrValue<<XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
	  XMLString::release( &attrName );
	  XMLString::release( &attrValue );
	  }//end forLoop 
	}//end if