This is my program to read in values from a sparse matrix and store them in a linked list. Something is seriously wrong with something very basic I think!

Ok, please someone help me. Something is wrong with my addnode function I THINK, because as you can see there is a test to see if anything is in position 0,0.

I would really appreciate any help at all, anything!

I hope this code formatting thing works!
#include <stdio.h>

int size, n, temprow, tempcol, g, size1, rowcount, colcount, counter;
float tempval, q, red;

struct Node {
	int row;
	int column;
	float value;
	Node *next;

void readmatrix(void);
void insertmatrix(Node *listpointer, int w, int x, float y);
float findvalue(Node *listpointer, int r, int co);

Node *A, *B, *C;

int main() {
	A = 0;
	B = 0;
	C = 0;
	g = 0;
	printf("Please enter the no. of rows in the matrix\n");
	scanf("%i", &size);
	//this prints the first matrix
	rowcount = 0;
	colcount = 0;
	while(counter < size){
		while(rowcount < size){
			q = findvalue(A, rowcount, colcount);
			printf("%f ", q);
		rowcount = 0;
	red = findvalue(A, 0, 0);
	printf("%f", red);

void readmatrix(void) {
	n = 0;
	size1 = size * size;
	while(n < size1){
		printf("Enter the row, column and value seperated by a single space.\n");
		scanf("%i %i %f", &temprow, &tempcol, &tempval);
		if(tempval != '0'){
			insertmatrix(A, temprow, tempcol, tempval);

void insertmatrix(Node *listpointer, int w, int x, float y) {
Node *temp;
	temp = new Node;
	temp -> row = w;
	temp -> column = x;
	temp -> value = y;
	temp -> next = listpointer;
	listpointer = temp;

float findvalue(Node *listpointer, int r, int co) {
	Node *current;
	current = listpointer;
	while(current != NULL){
		if((current->row == r)&&(current->column == co)){
			return current->value;
		current = current ->  next;
	return 0;