Thread: Output in columns

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Output in columns

    I have a program that computes basically a bouncy ball inside a fixed area, and if it has direct collision with stationary object it prints the collision info in a file... I have all the logic done but i want to get it to write the information in colums:

    Number of moves to generate=100
    Moving Object: x=1 y=8 x_movement=-1 y_movement=1
    Stationary Object: x=1 y=10

    Collision:1 Move:2 Location:2,5 Direction:5,2
    Collision:2 Move:58 Location:4,2 Direction:2,3

    A total of 2 collisions occurred in 100 moves.

    However i keep getting my first row, pushed over like this :

    Collision:1 Move:2 Location:2,5 Direction:5,2
    Collision:2 Move:58 Location:4,2 Direction:2,3

    How can i fix it ? Im using the setw(x) and it should work??

    if ((nextx==statx)&&(nexty==staty)){	// Direct collision
    					string loc, dir;
    					loc= currentx + "," + currenty;
    					dir= movx + "," + movy;
    					output << left;
    					output  << setw(10) << "Collision:" << setw(10) << collisions   
    					   << "Move:"  << setw(10) << step << "Location:" << setw(10) << loc
    					   <<  "Direction:" << setw(10) << dir << endl;

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Try using 'setprecision( number )' for your numbers.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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