Thread: Ok guys, I need help with 1 final program. PLEASE help!

  1. #1
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    Ok guys, I need help with 1 final program. PLEASE help!

    Ok hopefully I wont get flamed or nothing for asking for help. Im sure you all saw my Pig Latin program (Thanks for the help Salem) and my recent one about factors. Well I got this one big final program to do. Here are the details:

    Design 7: write the algorithm and draw a picture of your structure
    Write a C program that assigns family information to structures:  
    	struct family      {
    				char name [50]; 		/* person's name */
    				char street [50]; 		/* street address */ 
    				char csz [50];		/* city, state, zip */
    				char relation [30];		/* relation to you */
    				char birthday [20];		/* mm-dd-yy */
    	struct family people[5];
    or more if you have more immediate family members.
    Have 5 members (include yourself; make someone up if you have to).
    Read in the data from the file   a:\   Create it in notepad to look like:
    	Joe Redfield
    	6220 Culebra
    	San Antonio, TX 78228
    	10-03-56					(and so on for each member) 
    Output for each person the following information to the screen and to the file   a:\family.out   formatted as below:
    	Carol L. Redfield				Relation: 	self
    	609 Ridge View				Birthday:  	July 19, 1958
    	San Antonio, TX 78253			Age:        	36
    Now I understand the basic concept of it and how to "read" or "write" infomation to a specific place. But in class all we did as examples were numbers. I was practicing today and I cant do sentences at all. I just dont get it. I know I gotta write all my 5 family members information to a single Notepad but I dont get how the program will get individual information for the individual people.

    I really, really hope someone can help me. Now Im not trying to get people to do my work for me. But I need some help with this. I already read about *pointers and it didnt help much at all. I hope someone can help. Even if its a simple little comment. Everything here is vital.

    Please help. It would be very much appreciated.

    Last edited by Desperado; 11-29-2001 at 07:26 PM.

  2. #2
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    I actually figured out how to do sentences. For some odd reason I gotta have something in there thats: "feof" I was looking around and I dont know what the hell that is. I looked in my notes and everything. It was in one of the examples I did and it made my program work, so for some reason I have to have it in order to get an output of a sentence.

    Well thats progress. Hope theres some people here who can help out.

    Thanks again.

  3. #3
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    Feof tests for the end of file (eof) on a file stream.

    RESULT = feof( STREAM_NAME );

    RESULT is 0 if not at end and 1 if at end.


  4. #4
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    Ahhh. Thanks for the info man. Its appreciated. Ill be working on this all night (what a way to spend Friday night huh?) so if youor anyone else has any more info, please post it! Thanks

  5. #5
    use sizeof(family) in your expressions to move from one record to another in the file. I'm not sure how much C differs from C++, so can't get too precise for you. I just did a similar program with fewer fields in the struct, but still all char[]'s. It'll initialize, enter, update, delete and print to screen, but is in C++, not C. If you have a specific question, post that, I'll try to help.

  6. #6
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    Thanks man, its very cool of you.

    Well Ive just been practicing things to try and get things started. I have a few basic questions really.

    If I save the individual family information (all 5 people) to one notepad, how will C know what info to get for each individual person? Is there a special way I have to label them or something?

    Thanks for your help man. I cant say how much I aprreciate your help. Everyones help really.

    Its appreciated.

  7. #7
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    Here's how I initialized 100 records of struct person.
    struct person
    	char lastName[15];
    	char firstName[15];
    	char age[4];
    void initialize(const string& filename)
    	ofstream personOut(filename.c_str(), ios::binary);	
    	if (!personOut)
    		cerr << "\nCan't open output file \"" << filename << "\"" << endl;
    // id is an instance of struct person, initialized to values in brackets
    	person id = {"unassigned", "", "0"}; 
    	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    		personOut.write((char *)&id, sizeof(person));
    This writes records to a file. Here's code that reads valid records to the screen. If you want all records printed, ignore the if test. This isn't formatted, but you should be able to do that.
    void printName(const string& filename)
    	ifstream personPrint(filename.c_str());
    	person blank;
    	int k = 1; *)&blank, sizeof(person));
    	while (!personPrint.eof())
    		if (!strcmp(blank.lastName, "unassigned\0") == 0)
            cout << k << ": " << blank.lastName  <<  " "<< blank.firstName << " "<< blank.age << endl; *)&blank, sizeof(person));
    Hope that helps some.

  8. #8
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    Unhappy God, this is hard....

    Ok, get this,My cousin and I spent from 8:00 PM last night to 6:00 AM this morning! This sucks. WE cant get crap to wrok. I looked at your guys suggestions and could only do so much. Heres my program below so hopefully you guys can critique it and help me out. Its really appreciated.

    /* C program by C.Redfield for CS1410
     * show an example of using structures
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
     struct family {	    
                    char name [50]; 		/* person's name */
                    char street [50]; 		/* street address */ 
                    char csz [50];		        /* city, state, zip */
                    char relation [50];		/* relation to you */
                    char birthday [50];		/* mm-dd-yy */
                    char age [50];                  /*person's age */
    struct family PEOPLE[5];
    struct family *field;
    void main (void)
    char linein[50];  
      FILE *in, *out;
      in = fopen ("a:\\", "r");
    /*  out = fopen ("a:\\family.out", "w"); */
      while ( !feof(in) )
         fgets(linein, 50, in);
         printf("the line: %s", linein);
    /*  fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), in);  */
    /*	sscanf(buffer, "%s %s %s %s %s %s"), *member->name, *member->street, *member->csz, *member->relation, *member->birthday, *member->age);*/
    /* printf("%s\tRelation: %s\n%s\tBirthday: %s\n%s\tAge: %s\n\n",
           *member->name, *member->street, *member->csz, *member->relation, *member->birthday, *member->age); */
    Last edited by Desperado; 12-02-2001 at 07:18 PM.

  9. #9
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    I don't know enough C to help you, but it looks like half your program is commented out. I also don't see where you use the two structs you declared, PEOPLE and *field. Where does *member come from? Maybe that's C stuff.

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