Thread: linked list logic

  1. #1
    Registered User xion's Avatar
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    linked list logic

    im finally at the chapter that deals with linked lists. and to me, its confusing. i cant grasp exactly whats going on here. heres the code from the book that im trying to understand...

    struct link        //one element of list
        int data;    //data item
        link* next;    // pointer to the next link
    class linklist    //a list of links
        link* first;        //pointer to the first link
        linklist()            //no-arg constructor
            first = NULL;    //no first link
        void additem(int d);    //add data item (one link)
        void display();            //display all links
    void linklist::additem(int d)        //add item
        link* newlink = new link;        //make a new link
        newlink->data = d;                //give it data
        newlink->next = first;            //it points to the next link
        first = newlink;                //now first points to this
    void linklist::display()            //display all links
        link* current = first;    //set ptr to first link
        while( current != NULL )        //quit on last link
            cout << current->data << endl;        //print data
            current = current->next;        //move to next link
    int main()
        linklist li;        //make linked list
        li.additem(25);        //add four items to the list
        li.display();    //display entire list
        return 0;
    now, at the additem(int) function it creates a new link, assigns d to the struct member data. what i dont get is what happens after that. *next points to the *first which is set to NULL by the
    constructor. then first = newlink? wouldnt just make the newlink point to itself?

    upon making the first link li.additem(25), this points to NULL. and first variable is set to point to '25'. and upon adding '36', it points to 25, and then having first point to '36'. LOL did i get this right?
    Last edited by xion; 02-09-2005 at 02:21 AM.

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    first = NULL;
    newlink->next = first; // = NULL;
    first = newlink; // first = newlink, newlink->next = NULL;
    Have you ever seen those red plastic monkeys that come in a little barrel? Start with one, in your right hand. Now pick up one in your left. Hang the one in your right hand off of it. Now pick up one in your right hand. Hang the ones in your left hand on it. Repeat this until you run out of monkeys, or they hit the floor, which ever comes first.

    Last edited by quzah; 02-09-2005 at 02:44 AM.
    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  3. #3
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    >Have you ever seen those red plastic monkeys that come in a little barrel?
    That's much better than my pocket full of change method. I think I'll adopt the barrel of monkeys method. Thanks quzah.
    My best code is written with the delete key.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    *next points to the *first which is set to NULL by the
    Initially, maybe you shouldn't think of 'next' as pointing anywhere--it's just assigned null.

    *next points to the *first which is set to NULL by the
    constructor. then first = newlink? wouldnt just make the newlink point to itself?
    No. Look what would happen if you did the same thing with integers:

    int next;
    int first = 0;
    int newlink = 10;

    next = first;
    first = newlink;

    Is next equal to newlink?

    In your linked list, newlink is a pointer and it is given an address by the new operator:

    link* newlink = new link;

    Lets just suppose that address in memory is the number 1000, so newlink is pointing at location 1000. Then, the line:

    newlink->next = first;

    sets next equal to null since first is null. Finally, the line:

    first = newlink;

    makes first point to the location 1000 in memory. Here is a diagram of what is happening:
    Last edited by 7stud; 02-09-2005 at 05:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User xion's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    thanks guys. got it.

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