Hi guys

I'm a c++ newbie and am having issues with returned data.

In the documentation of the toolkit I'm using I'm provided with the following method:

SbBool SoVolumeData::getVolumeData ( SbVec3s & dimension,
void *& data, SoVolumeData:: DataType & type, int * numSignificantBits = NULL

Im trying to use the following code to get info pulled back but cant get this to work:

SoVolumeData *volData = new SoVolumeData();
SbVec3s volDims = NULL;
SoVolumeData *ptoData;
SoVolumeData::DataType dtype ;
int sigBits =0;
volData->getVolumeData(volDims, ptoData, dtype, sigBits);
Upon compiling I get the following error msg:

error C2664: 'getVolumeData' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'class SoVolumeData *' to 'void *& '
A reference that is not to 'const' cannot be bound to a non-lvalue

Any ideas what I need to alter in my code to resolve this...
