Thread: Jump moves in Checkers Game

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Apr 2004

    Jump moves in Checkers Game


    I'm having a bit of trouble with getting jump moves and especially multiple jump moves working. Any help would be great! excuse the code, it may be a little all over the place and I could have totally the wrong method! I've also cut out a stringtokenizer class which I know works fine.

    Thanks in advance,

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <stdexcept>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include  <math.h>
    using namespace std;
    // Token types
    const int NONE   = 0;
    const int WORD   = 1;
    const int NUMBER = 2;
    string b_w = " Black";	//who's move is it
    int black_pieces_left = 12;
    int white_pieces_left = 12;
    class Board {
    	void print_board();
    	void reset_space(int, int, bool);
    	void jumped_space(int);
    	char squares[32];
    	char spaces[32];
    Board::Board() {
    	for (int i=0; i<13; i++) {
    		squares[i] = 'W';
    	for (i=12; i<20; i++) {
    		squares[i] = ' ';
    	for (i=20; i<32; i++) {
    		squares[i] = 'B';
    	for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
    		spaces[i] = ' ';
    	squares[16] = 'W';
    void Board::print_board() {
    	cout << endl << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[0] << squares[0] << " |///|" << spaces[1] << squares[1] << " |///|" << spaces[2] << squares[2] << " |///|" << spaces[3] << squares[3] << " | " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///| 1 |///| 2 |///| 3 |///| 4 | " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[4] << squares[4] << " |///|" << spaces[5] << squares[5] << " |///|" << spaces[6] << squares[6] << " |///|" << spaces[7] << squares[7] << " |///|" << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t | 5 |///| 6 |///| 7 |///| 8 |///| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[8] << squares[8] << " |///|" << spaces[9] << squares[9] << " |///|" << spaces[10] << squares[10] << " |///|" << spaces[11] << squares[11] << " | " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///| 9 |///| 10|///| 11|///| 12| " << endl;	
    	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[12] << squares[12] << " |///|" << spaces[13] << squares[13] << " |///|" << spaces[14] << squares[14] << " |///|" << spaces[15] << squares[15] << " |///| " << "\tBlack Remaining: " << black_pieces_left << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t | 13|///| 14|///| 15|///| 16|///| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[16] << squares[16] << " |///|" << spaces[17] << squares[17] << " |///|" << spaces[18] << squares[18] << " |///|" << spaces[19] << squares[19] << " | " << "\tWhite Remaining: " << white_pieces_left << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///| 17|///| 18|///| 19|///| 20| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[20] << squares[20] << " |///|" << spaces[21] << squares[21] << " |///|" << spaces[22] << squares[22] << " |///|" << spaces[23] << squares[23] << " |///| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t | 21|///| 22|///| 23|///| 24|///| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[24] << squares[24] << " |///|" << spaces[25] << squares[25] << " |///|" << spaces[26] << squares[26] << " |///|" << spaces[27] << squares[27] << " | " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |///| 25|///| 26|///| 27|///| 28| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[28] << squares[28] << " |///|" << spaces[29] << squares[29] << " |///|" << spaces[30] << squares[30] << " |///|" << spaces[31] << squares[31] << " |///| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t | 29|///| 30|///| 31|///| 32|///| " << endl;
    	cout << "\t\t +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ " << endl;
    	cout << endl << endl;
    void Board::reset_space(int start, int end, bool king) {
    	char tmp1, tmp2;
    	//King Me
    	if (king == true)
    		spaces[start] = ' ';
    		spaces[end] = 'K';
    		tmp1 = squares[start];
    		squares[start] = ' ';
    		squares[end] = tmp1;
    		//Regular Moves Pieces
    		tmp1 = squares[start];
    		squares[start] = ' ';
    		squares[end] = tmp1;
    		tmp2 = spaces[start];
    		spaces[start] = ' ';
    		spaces[end] = tmp2;
    void Board::jumped_space(int del) {
    	cout << "in jumped_space" << endl;
    	cout << "space to del: " << del << endl;
    	squares[del] = ' ';
    	spaces[del] = ' ';
    	if (b_w[1] == 'B')
    class GamePlay {
    	Board b;
    	void check_move(int, int);
    	bool legal();
    	bool game_over(string);
    	bool king_me();
    	bool reg_move();
    	bool jump_legal();
    	int jump_move();
    	int moves_GP[4];
    	int row1, row2;
    	int col1, col2;
    GamePlay::GamePlay() {
    	row1 = 0, row2 = 0;
    	col1 = 0, col2 = 0;
    void GamePlay::check_move(int a, int b) {
    	moves_GP[0] = a, moves_GP[1] = b;
    	//Switch Statement
    	if (moves_GP[0] >= 1 && moves_GP[0] <= 4) 
    		row1 = 1;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 5 && moves_GP[0] <= 8) 
    		row1 = 2;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 9 && moves_GP[0] <= 12) 
    		row1 = 3;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 13 && moves_GP[0] <= 16) 
    		row1 = 4;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 17 && moves_GP[0] <= 20) 
    		row1 = 5;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 21 && moves_GP[0] <= 24) 
    		row1 = 6;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 25 && moves_GP[0] <= 28) 
    		row1 = 7;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 29 && moves_GP[0] <= 32) 
    		row1 = 8;
    	if (moves_GP[1] >= 1 && moves_GP[1] <= 4) 
    		row2 = 1;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 5 && moves_GP[1] <= 8) 
    		row2 = 2;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 9 && moves_GP[1] <= 12) 
    		row2 = 3;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 13 && moves_GP[1] <= 16) 
    		row2 = 4;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 17 && moves_GP[1] <= 20) 
    		row2 = 5;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 21 && moves_GP[1] <= 24) 
    		row2 = 6;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 25 && moves_GP[1] <= 28) 
    		row2 = 7;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 29 && moves_GP[1] <= 32) 
    		row2 = 8;
    	if (moves_GP[0] == 5 || moves_GP[0] == 13 || moves_GP[0] == 21 || moves_GP[0] == 29) 
    		col1 = 1;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] == 1 || moves_GP[0] == 9 || moves_GP[0] == 17 || moves_GP[0] == 25) 
    		col1 = 2;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] == 6 || moves_GP[0] == 14 || moves_GP[0] == 22 || moves_GP[0] == 30) 
    		col1 = 3;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] == 2 || moves_GP[0] == 10 || moves_GP[0] == 18 || moves_GP[0] == 26) 
    		col1 = 4;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] == 7 || moves_GP[0] == 15 || moves_GP[0] == 23 || moves_GP[0] == 31) 
    		col1 = 5;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] == 3 || moves_GP[0] == 11 || moves_GP[0] == 19 || moves_GP[0] == 27) 
    		col1 = 6;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] == 8 || moves_GP[0] == 16 || moves_GP[0] == 24 || moves_GP[0] == 32) 
    		col1 = 7;
    	else if (moves_GP[0] == 4 || moves_GP[0] == 12 || moves_GP[0] == 20 || moves_GP[0] == 28) 
    		col1 = 8;
    	if (moves_GP[1] == 5 || moves_GP[1] == 13 || moves_GP[1] == 21 || moves_GP[1] == 29) 
    		col2 = 1;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] == 1 || moves_GP[1] == 9 || moves_GP[1] == 17 || moves_GP[1] == 25) 
    		col2 = 2;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] == 6 || moves_GP[1] == 14 || moves_GP[1] == 22 || moves_GP[1] == 30) 
    		col2 = 3;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] == 2 || moves_GP[1] == 10 || moves_GP[1] == 18 || moves_GP[1] == 26) 
    		col2 = 4;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] == 7 || moves_GP[1] == 15 || moves_GP[1] == 23 || moves_GP[1] == 31) 
    		col2 = 5;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] == 3 || moves_GP[1] == 11 || moves_GP[1] == 19 || moves_GP[1] == 27) 
    		col2 = 6;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] == 8 || moves_GP[1] == 16 || moves_GP[1] == 24 || moves_GP[1] == 32) 
    		col2 = 7;
    	else if (moves_GP[1] == 4 || moves_GP[1] == 12 || moves_GP[1] == 20 || moves_GP[1] == 28) 
    		col2 = 8;
    //Checking a number of parameters to see if spaces
    //used in the move are legal
    bool GamePlay::legal() {
    	//Check number for validity
    	if(moves_GP[0] <= 32 && moves_GP[0] > 0 && moves_GP[1] <= 32 && moves_GP[1] > 0) 
    		//Check if space selected is empty
    		if(b.squares[moves_GP[0]-1] != ' ') 
    			//Check if own piece is in space selected
    			if (b.squares[moves_GP[0]-1] == b_w[1]) 
    				//Space not already occupied
    				if (b.squares[moves_GP[1]-1] == ' ') 
    					//Piece Moving Right Direction
    					if ((b_w[1] == 'B' && row2 < row1) || (b_w[1] == 'W' && row1 < row2)) 
    						if (reg_move() == true)
    							return true;
    							return false;
    					//King Piece Moving
    					else if (b.spaces[moves_GP[0]-1] == 'K')
    						if (reg_move() == true)
    							return true;
    							return false;
    						cout << "Pieces may only move forward" << endl;
    						return false;
    					cout << "That space is already occupied" << endl;
    					return false;
    				cout << "You may only move your own pieces" << endl;
    				return false;
    			cout << "There is no piece in the space selected" << endl;
    			return false;
    		cout << "Move entered is outside the board or you have not entered enough parameters" << endl;
    		return false;
    bool GamePlay::reg_move() {
    	cout << "Space To Jump: " << jump_move() << endl;
    	if (abs(col1 - col2) == 1 && abs(row1 - row2) == 1) 
    		return true;
    	else if (jump_legal() == true)
    		return true;
    		cout << "You have tried to move too many spaces" << endl;
    		return false;
    bool GamePlay::jump_legal() {
    	if (b.squares[jump_move()] == ' ')
    		cout << "You cannot jump over empty spaces" << endl;
    		return false;
    		if (b.squares[jump_move()] == b_w[1])
    			cout << "You cannot jump over your own piece" << endl;
    			return false;
    			return true;
    int GamePlay::jump_move() {
    	int jumped = 99;
    	if (moves_GP[1] > moves_GP[0])
    		jumped = ((moves_GP[1] - moves_GP[0]) / 2) + moves_GP[0];
    	else if (moves_GP[0] > moves_GP[1])
    		jumped = ((moves_GP[0] - moves_GP[1]) / 2) + moves_GP[1] - 1;
    	return jumped;
    //Check if the moved piece needs to be knighted
    bool GamePlay::king_me() {
    	if(b_w[1] == 'B' && row2 == 1) 
    		return true;
    	else if (b_w[1] == 'W' && row2 == 8) 
    		return true;
    		return false;
    bool GamePlay::game_over(string s) {
    	//		no legal move available, no pieces left;
    	//Needs to be finished
    	if (b_w[1] == 'B' && (black_pieces_left == 0 || s == "pass")) {
    		cout << endl << endl << "WHITE WINS!!" << endl << endl;
    		return true;
    	else if (b_w[1] == 'W' && (white_pieces_left == 0 || s == "pass")) {
    		cout << endl << endl << "BLACK WINS!!" << endl << endl;
    		return true;
    	else if (s == "False")
    		return false;
    		return false;
    int main() {
    	int i,j;
    	int moves[4];
    	string resign = "False";
    	string record = "\nRecord Of Moves For Game:\n";
    	//Board b;
    	GamePlay g;
    	do {
    		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    			moves[i] = 0;
    		cout << b_w << "'s go: ";
    		string t="";
    		StringTokenizer st(t);
    		/*cout << b_w << "'s go: ";
    		string t;
    		StringTokenizer st(t);
    		while (!st.end()) {
    			if (st.token_type() == NUMBER) {
    				moves[j] = st.last_number();
    			else if (st.token_type() == WORD) {
    				resign = st.last_word();
    		if (moves[0] == 99)
    		g.check_move(moves[0], moves[1]);
    		if (resign != "pass")
    			if ( == true) 
    				record = record + b_w + ": " + t + "\n";
    				//Checking if King
    				if(b_w[1] == 'B') 
    				else if (b_w[1] == 'W') 
    				//Regular Pieces
    				//Switch Player
    				if (b_w[1] == 'B')
    					b_w = " White";
    				else if (b_w[1] == 'W')
    					b_w = " Black";
    	} while (g.game_over(resign) == false);
    	cout << record << endl;
    	return 0;

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    You're not going to find many people willing to debug 500+ lines of incomplete code
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
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    Debug the code one line at a time. There are two very possible programs. One is logic error (you left something essential out of the design) or syntax (you typed in the wrong syntax).


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