
I'm having a bit of trouble with getting jump moves and especially multiple jump moves working. Any help would be great! excuse the code, it may be a little all over the place and I could have totally the wrong method! I've also cut out a stringtokenizer class which I know works fine.

Thanks in advance,

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ctype.h>
#include  <math.h>

using namespace std;

// Token types
const int NONE   = 0;
const int WORD   = 1;
const int NUMBER = 2;

string b_w = " Black";	//who's move is it
int black_pieces_left = 12;
int white_pieces_left = 12;

class Board {
	void print_board();
	void reset_space(int, int, bool);
	void jumped_space(int);
	char squares[32];
	char spaces[32];

Board::Board() {
	for (int i=0; i<13; i++) {
		squares[i] = 'W';
	for (i=12; i<20; i++) {
		squares[i] = ' ';
	for (i=20; i<32; i++) {
		squares[i] = 'B';

	for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
		spaces[i] = ' ';
	squares[16] = 'W';

void Board::print_board() {

	cout << endl << endl;

	cout << "\t\t +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[0] << squares[0] << " |///|" << spaces[1] << squares[1] << " |///|" << spaces[2] << squares[2] << " |///|" << spaces[3] << squares[3] << " | " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///| 1 |///| 2 |///| 3 |///| 4 | " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[4] << squares[4] << " |///|" << spaces[5] << squares[5] << " |///|" << spaces[6] << squares[6] << " |///|" << spaces[7] << squares[7] << " |///|" << endl;
	cout << "\t\t | 5 |///| 6 |///| 7 |///| 8 |///| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[8] << squares[8] << " |///|" << spaces[9] << squares[9] << " |///|" << spaces[10] << squares[10] << " |///|" << spaces[11] << squares[11] << " | " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///| 9 |///| 10|///| 11|///| 12| " << endl;	
	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[12] << squares[12] << " |///|" << spaces[13] << squares[13] << " |///|" << spaces[14] << squares[14] << " |///|" << spaces[15] << squares[15] << " |///| " << "\tBlack Remaining: " << black_pieces_left << endl;
	cout << "\t\t | 13|///| 14|///| 15|///| 16|///| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[16] << squares[16] << " |///|" << spaces[17] << squares[17] << " |///|" << spaces[18] << squares[18] << " |///|" << spaces[19] << squares[19] << " | " << "\tWhite Remaining: " << white_pieces_left << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///| 17|///| 18|///| 19|///| 20| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[20] << squares[20] << " |///|" << spaces[21] << squares[21] << " |///|" << spaces[22] << squares[22] << " |///|" << spaces[23] << squares[23] << " |///| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t | 21|///| 22|///| 23|///| 24|///| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///|" << spaces[24] << squares[24] << " |///|" << spaces[25] << squares[25] << " |///|" << spaces[26] << squares[26] << " |///|" << spaces[27] << squares[27] << " | " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |///| 25|///| 26|///| 27|///| 28| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t +---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---+ " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t |" << spaces[28] << squares[28] << " |///|" << spaces[29] << squares[29] << " |///|" << spaces[30] << squares[30] << " |///|" << spaces[31] << squares[31] << " |///| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t | 29|///| 30|///| 31|///| 32|///| " << endl;
	cout << "\t\t +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ " << endl;

	cout << endl << endl;


void Board::reset_space(int start, int end, bool king) {
	char tmp1, tmp2;
	//King Me
	if (king == true)
		spaces[start] = ' ';
		spaces[end] = 'K';
		tmp1 = squares[start];
		squares[start] = ' ';
		squares[end] = tmp1;

		//Regular Moves Pieces
		tmp1 = squares[start];
		squares[start] = ' ';
		squares[end] = tmp1;

		tmp2 = spaces[start];
		spaces[start] = ' ';
		spaces[end] = tmp2;

void Board::jumped_space(int del) {
	cout << "in jumped_space" << endl;
	cout << "space to del: " << del << endl;

	squares[del] = ' ';
	spaces[del] = ' ';

	if (b_w[1] == 'B')

class GamePlay {
	Board b;
	void check_move(int, int);
	bool legal();
	bool game_over(string);
	bool king_me();
	bool reg_move();
	bool jump_legal();
	int jump_move();
	int moves_GP[4];
	int row1, row2;
	int col1, col2;


GamePlay::GamePlay() {
	row1 = 0, row2 = 0;
	col1 = 0, col2 = 0;

void GamePlay::check_move(int a, int b) {

	moves_GP[0] = a, moves_GP[1] = b;

	//Switch Statement
	if (moves_GP[0] >= 1 && moves_GP[0] <= 4) 
		row1 = 1;
	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 5 && moves_GP[0] <= 8) 
		row1 = 2;
	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 9 && moves_GP[0] <= 12) 
		row1 = 3;
	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 13 && moves_GP[0] <= 16) 
		row1 = 4;
	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 17 && moves_GP[0] <= 20) 
		row1 = 5;
	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 21 && moves_GP[0] <= 24) 
		row1 = 6;
	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 25 && moves_GP[0] <= 28) 
		row1 = 7;
	else if (moves_GP[0] >= 29 && moves_GP[0] <= 32) 
		row1 = 8;

	if (moves_GP[1] >= 1 && moves_GP[1] <= 4) 
		row2 = 1;
	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 5 && moves_GP[1] <= 8) 
		row2 = 2;
	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 9 && moves_GP[1] <= 12) 
		row2 = 3;
	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 13 && moves_GP[1] <= 16) 
		row2 = 4;
	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 17 && moves_GP[1] <= 20) 
		row2 = 5;
	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 21 && moves_GP[1] <= 24) 
		row2 = 6;
	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 25 && moves_GP[1] <= 28) 
		row2 = 7;
	else if (moves_GP[1] >= 29 && moves_GP[1] <= 32) 
		row2 = 8;

	if (moves_GP[0] == 5 || moves_GP[0] == 13 || moves_GP[0] == 21 || moves_GP[0] == 29) 
		col1 = 1;
	else if (moves_GP[0] == 1 || moves_GP[0] == 9 || moves_GP[0] == 17 || moves_GP[0] == 25) 
		col1 = 2;
	else if (moves_GP[0] == 6 || moves_GP[0] == 14 || moves_GP[0] == 22 || moves_GP[0] == 30) 
		col1 = 3;
	else if (moves_GP[0] == 2 || moves_GP[0] == 10 || moves_GP[0] == 18 || moves_GP[0] == 26) 
		col1 = 4;
	else if (moves_GP[0] == 7 || moves_GP[0] == 15 || moves_GP[0] == 23 || moves_GP[0] == 31) 
		col1 = 5;
	else if (moves_GP[0] == 3 || moves_GP[0] == 11 || moves_GP[0] == 19 || moves_GP[0] == 27) 
		col1 = 6;
	else if (moves_GP[0] == 8 || moves_GP[0] == 16 || moves_GP[0] == 24 || moves_GP[0] == 32) 
		col1 = 7;
	else if (moves_GP[0] == 4 || moves_GP[0] == 12 || moves_GP[0] == 20 || moves_GP[0] == 28) 
		col1 = 8;

	if (moves_GP[1] == 5 || moves_GP[1] == 13 || moves_GP[1] == 21 || moves_GP[1] == 29) 
		col2 = 1;
	else if (moves_GP[1] == 1 || moves_GP[1] == 9 || moves_GP[1] == 17 || moves_GP[1] == 25) 
		col2 = 2;
	else if (moves_GP[1] == 6 || moves_GP[1] == 14 || moves_GP[1] == 22 || moves_GP[1] == 30) 
		col2 = 3;
	else if (moves_GP[1] == 2 || moves_GP[1] == 10 || moves_GP[1] == 18 || moves_GP[1] == 26) 
		col2 = 4;
	else if (moves_GP[1] == 7 || moves_GP[1] == 15 || moves_GP[1] == 23 || moves_GP[1] == 31) 
		col2 = 5;
	else if (moves_GP[1] == 3 || moves_GP[1] == 11 || moves_GP[1] == 19 || moves_GP[1] == 27) 
		col2 = 6;
	else if (moves_GP[1] == 8 || moves_GP[1] == 16 || moves_GP[1] == 24 || moves_GP[1] == 32) 
		col2 = 7;
	else if (moves_GP[1] == 4 || moves_GP[1] == 12 || moves_GP[1] == 20 || moves_GP[1] == 28) 
		col2 = 8;


//Checking a number of parameters to see if spaces
//used in the move are legal
bool GamePlay::legal() {

	//Check number for validity
	if(moves_GP[0] <= 32 && moves_GP[0] > 0 && moves_GP[1] <= 32 && moves_GP[1] > 0) 
		//Check if space selected is empty
		if(b.squares[moves_GP[0]-1] != ' ') 
			//Check if own piece is in space selected
			if (b.squares[moves_GP[0]-1] == b_w[1]) 
				//Space not already occupied
				if (b.squares[moves_GP[1]-1] == ' ') 
					//Piece Moving Right Direction
					if ((b_w[1] == 'B' && row2 < row1) || (b_w[1] == 'W' && row1 < row2)) 
						if (reg_move() == true)
							return true;
							return false;

					//King Piece Moving
					else if (b.spaces[moves_GP[0]-1] == 'K')
						if (reg_move() == true)
							return true;
							return false;

						cout << "Pieces may only move forward" << endl;
						return false;

					cout << "That space is already occupied" << endl;
					return false;

				cout << "You may only move your own pieces" << endl;
				return false;

			cout << "There is no piece in the space selected" << endl;
			return false;

		cout << "Move entered is outside the board or you have not entered enough parameters" << endl;
		return false;


bool GamePlay::reg_move() {

	cout << "Space To Jump: " << jump_move() << endl;

	if (abs(col1 - col2) == 1 && abs(row1 - row2) == 1) 
		return true;

	else if (jump_legal() == true)
		return true;

		cout << "You have tried to move too many spaces" << endl;
		return false;

bool GamePlay::jump_legal() {

	if (b.squares[jump_move()] == ' ')
		cout << "You cannot jump over empty spaces" << endl;
		return false;

		if (b.squares[jump_move()] == b_w[1])
			cout << "You cannot jump over your own piece" << endl;
			return false;

			return true;

int GamePlay::jump_move() {

	int jumped = 99;

	if (moves_GP[1] > moves_GP[0])
		jumped = ((moves_GP[1] - moves_GP[0]) / 2) + moves_GP[0];

	else if (moves_GP[0] > moves_GP[1])
		jumped = ((moves_GP[0] - moves_GP[1]) / 2) + moves_GP[1] - 1;

	return jumped;

//Check if the moved piece needs to be knighted
bool GamePlay::king_me() {

	if(b_w[1] == 'B' && row2 == 1) 
		return true;
	else if (b_w[1] == 'W' && row2 == 8) 
		return true;
		return false;

bool GamePlay::game_over(string s) {
	//		no legal move available, no pieces left;
	//Needs to be finished


	if (b_w[1] == 'B' && (black_pieces_left == 0 || s == "pass")) {
		cout << endl << endl << "WHITE WINS!!" << endl << endl;
		return true;

	else if (b_w[1] == 'W' && (white_pieces_left == 0 || s == "pass")) {
		cout << endl << endl << "BLACK WINS!!" << endl << endl;
		return true;

	else if (s == "False")
		return false;

		return false;

int main() {

	int i,j;
	int moves[4];
	string resign = "False";
	string record = "\nRecord Of Moves For Game:\n";
	//Board b;
	GamePlay g;
	do {
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			moves[i] = 0;
		cout << b_w << "'s go: ";

		string t="";
		StringTokenizer st(t);

		/*cout << b_w << "'s go: ";

		string t;
		StringTokenizer st(t);

		while (!st.end()) {
			if (st.token_type() == NUMBER) {
				moves[j] = st.last_number();

			else if (st.token_type() == WORD) {
				resign = st.last_word();

		if (moves[0] == 99)

		g.check_move(moves[0], moves[1]);
		if (resign != "pass")
			if (g.legal() == true) 

				record = record + b_w + ": " + t + "\n";

				//Checking if King
				if(b_w[1] == 'B') 
				else if (b_w[1] == 'W') 
				//Regular Pieces

				//Switch Player
				if (b_w[1] == 'B')
					b_w = " White";
				else if (b_w[1] == 'W')
					b_w = " Black";

	} while (g.game_over(resign) == false);

	cout << record << endl;

	return 0;