Thread: Howdy! Temperature prog

  1. #1
    Registered User [BIO]Asgard's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Talking Howdy! Temperature prog

    Hi to all new here and new to C++ just making a temperature program that works by entering the temp and such ANY help is appreciated how would i go about making the background color change and the text any other suggestions or help is appreciated im a total newbie at this.

    #include<iostream.h> //Allows Cin and Cout to be used
    int main() //Allows starting of program 
    int temp;
    cout <<"Please input the temperature\n\n:";
    cin >>temp;  //User input
    if (temp>90)
    cout <<"Spanish Weather : Wear shorts!\n";  //Prompt output based on user input
    else if (temp>70)
    cout <<"Ideal weather : Short sleaves are fine\n";
    else if (temp>50)
    cout <<"A little chilly : Wear a light jacket\n";
    else if (temp>32)
    cout <<"English weater : Wear a heavy coat\n";
    cout <<"Stay inside\n";
    return 0; //End the program

  2. #2
    & the hat of GPL slaying Thantos's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Changing color is highly dependent on which compiler you are using.

  3. #3
    Registered User [BIO]Asgard's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    Aha okay im using C++ 6.0 lol thats about all i know lol so help advice tips appreciated looking for friends here as well as answers! lol im rob and thanks for the link any other advice is cool as well

  4. #4
    Registered User jlou's Avatar
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    Hey rob, if you feel like it, you might want to update your program to use the new, standard headers. That means <iostream> instead of <iostream.h>. There are lots of places to find information on the difference between the two, but to put it simply, the old headers will start to not work with newer compilers. There is one extra change you must make to your program if you change to the new header. Here are three examples of how you can do it. I prefer the first, but some, especially beginners, prefer the second or third (also note I added some indentation in there just for fun):
    #include<iostream> //Allows Cin and Cout to be used
    int main() //Allows starting of program 
        int temp;
        std::cout <<"Please input the temperature\n\n:";
        std::cin >>temp;  //User input
        if (temp>90)
            std::cout <<"Spanish Weather : Wear shorts!\n";  //Prompt output based on user input
        else if (temp>70)
            std::cout <<"Ideal weather : Short sleaves are fine\n";
        else if (temp>50)
            std::cout <<"A little chilly : Wear a light jacket\n";
        else if (temp>32)
            std::cout <<"English weater : Wear a heavy coat\n";
            std::cout <<"Stay inside\n";
        return 0; //End the program
    #include<iostream> //Allows Cin and Cout to be used
    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    int main() //Allows starting of program 
        int temp;
        cout <<"Please input the temperature\n\n:";
        cin >>temp;  //User input
        if (temp>90)
            cout <<"Spanish Weather : Wear shorts!\n";  //Prompt output based on user input
        else if (temp>70)
            cout <<"Ideal weather : Short sleaves are fine\n";
        else if (temp>50)
            cout <<"A little chilly : Wear a light jacket\n";
        else if (temp>32)
            cout <<"English weater : Wear a heavy coat\n";
            cout <<"Stay inside\n";
        return 0; //End the program
    #include<iostream> //Allows Cin and Cout to be used
    using namespace std;
    int main() //Allows starting of program 
        int temp;
        cout <<"Please input the temperature\n\n:";
        cin >>temp;  //User input
        if (temp>90)
            cout <<"Spanish Weather : Wear shorts!\n";  //Prompt output based on user input
        else if (temp>70)
            cout <<"Ideal weather : Short sleaves are fine\n";
        else if (temp>50)
            cout <<"A little chilly : Wear a light jacket\n";
        else if (temp>32)
            cout <<"English weater : Wear a heavy coat\n";
            cout <<"Stay inside\n";
        return 0; //End the program

  5. #5
    Registered User [BIO]Asgard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Easy there tiger lol i found the site but i dont know how to intergate the colours onto the program there must be a easier way?

    Second thing is i am putting //What it does with the program any
    //you can think of thta i have missed thats important let me know its my first proper program.

    I like the indentation will put it in now

    Oh p.s is there anyway to loop it back to the start if i enter in a invalid temp?

    #include<iostream.h> //Allows Cin and Cout to be used
    int main( void ) //Allows starting of program 
    int temp;
    cout <<"Please input the temperature\n\n:";
    cin >>temp;  //User input
    if (temp>110)
    cout <<"Temperature error please re-enter\n\n\n";
    else if (temp>=90 && temp<110)
    cout <<"Spanish Weather : Wear shorts!\n";  //Prompt output based on user input
    else if (temp>=70 && temp<90)
    cout <<"Ideal weather : Short sleaves are fine\n";
    else if (temp>50 && temp<70)
    cout <<"A little chilly : Wear a light jacket\n";
    else if (temp>32 && temp<50)
    cout <<"English weater : Wear a heavy coat\n";
    else if (temp>0 && temp<32)
    cout <<"Stay inside\n";
    else if (temp<0 && temp <10)
    cout <<"Temperature below freezing wrap up warm\n";
    else if (temp<11)
    cout <<"Temperature Error please re-enter temperture\n";
    return 0; //End the program
    Last edited by [BIO]Asgard; 02-26-2004 at 03:26 PM.

  6. #6
    Registered User [BIO]Asgard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Right i have a color code how would i intergrate the two?

    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <windows.h> 
    int main ( void )
      HANDLE h = GetStdHandle ( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
      WORD wOldColorAttrs;
       * First save the current color information
      GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, &csbiInfo);
      wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes; 
       * Set the new color information
      SetConsoleTextAttribute ( h, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY );
      printf ( "This is a test\n" );
       * Restore the original colors
      SetConsoleTextAttribute ( h, wOldColorAttrs);
      return 0;

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