Thread: Array error somewhere

  1. #1
    Registered User cyberCLoWn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South Africa

    Array error somewhere

    Compile the source and then type the following in:

    +1007 ( read a )
    +1008 ( read b )
    +2007 ( load a )
    +3008 ( add b )
    +2109 ( store c )
    +1109 ( write c )
    +4300 ( halt )
    Or even simpler:

    +1099 ( read into 99 )
    +1199 ( write from 99 )
    It works correctly the first time it's run. However, run it a second time around and you'll see from the memory dump that there's a problem somewhere. However the answer is correct. I honestly don't have a clue where the problem could lie and believe me I've looked. Also, any code suggestions are welcome.

    ## Simpletron! Simulator
    ## Written by    : CC
    ## Email         : [email protected]
    ## Last modified : 25/02/2004
    ## Description   : Allows the user to execute code written in SML language. A
    ##                 memory dump is given if an error occurs. New SML instructions
    ##                 can be coded. Many checks are run to ensure proper running of
    ##                 programs.
    ## TODO List (in order of priority)
    ##   Finish Mem Dump              [ ]
    ##   Add new features             [ ] 
    ##   Code programs                [ ] 
    ##   Write documentation          [ ] 
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::endl;
    using std::right;
    using std::left;
    #include <iomanip>
    using std::setw;
    using std::setfill;
    using std::showpos;
    using std::noshowpos;
    // Prototypes
    void loadProgram( int[] );
    void executeProgram( int *const, int *const, int *const, int *const, int *const, int [] );
    void accumulatorCheck( const int *const , int *const );
    void dump( const int *const, const int *const, const int *const, const int *const, const int *const, int [] );
    #define MEMSIZE 100
    int main()
       // Single subscripted array used for the memory          
       int memory[ MEMSIZE ] = { 0 };
       int accumulator = 0;
       // Keeps track of location in memory that contains current instruction
       int counter;
       // What operation to do (two left most digits)
       int operationCode;
       // Memory location of operation (two right most digits)
       int operand;
       // Copy of instruction from memory of what to do
       int instructionRegister;
       int again = 0;
       cout << "*** Welcome to Simpletron! ***\n\n"
            << "*** Please enter your program one instruction ***\n"
            << "*** (or data word) at a time. I will type the ***\n"
            << "*** location number and a quesion mark (?).   ***\n"
            << "*** You then type the word for that location. ***\n"
            << "*** Type the sentinel -99999 to stop entering ***\n"
            << "*** your program. Don't forget to HALT!       ***\n\n"; 
       // Load user's program into Simpletron's memory
       loadProgram( memory );
       while( again == 0 || again == 1 || again == 2 )
          counter = 0;
          operationCode = 0;
          instructionRegister = 0;
          if( again == 1 )
             system( "cls" );
          if( again == 2 )
             // Resets memory on new run
             for( int i = 0; i < MEMSIZE; i++)
                memory[ i ] = 0;
             system( "cls" );
             loadProgram( memory );
          if( again == 1 )
             cout << "\n*** Program execution begins  ***\n";
             cout << "*** Program execution begins  ***\n";
          // Execute all instructions until the halt instruction is found (or an error occurs)
          while( (operationCode != 43) && (operationCode != 50) )
              executeProgram( &instructionRegister, &operationCode, &operand, &counter, &accumulator, memory );
              // Ensures accumulator stays between -9999 and 9999
              accumulatorCheck( &accumulator, &operationCode );
          if( operationCode == 50 )
             dump( &accumulator, &counter, &instructionRegister, &operationCode, &operand, memory ); // Computer dump
             // Reset accumulator
             accumulator = 0;  
          dump( &accumulator, &counter, &instructionRegister, &operationCode, &operand, memory );
          cout << "\n[1 to rerun program; 2 to input new program; 3 to quit] ";
          cin >> again;
       return 0; // indicates successful termination
    void loadProgram( int mem[] )
       int location = 0;
       for( int i = 0; i < MEMSIZE - 1; i++)
          cout << setw( 2 ) << right << noshowpos << setfill( '0' ) << i << " ? ";
          cin >> mem[ location ];
          while( (mem[ location ] < -9999) || (mem[ location ] > 9999) )
             if( mem[ location ] == -99999 )
             cout << "Invalid data input!\n"
                  << setw( 2 ) << i << " ? ";
             cin >> mem[ location ];
          if( mem[ location ] == -99999 )
       cout << "\n*** Program loading completed ***\n"; 
    void executeProgram( int *const instructionRegister, int *const operationCode, int *const operand, int *const counter, int *const accumulator, int memory[] )
       *instructionRegister = memory[ *counter ];
       *operationCode = *instructionRegister / MEMSIZE;
       *operand = *instructionRegister % MEMSIZE;
       switch( *operationCode )
          // Case 0 is placed here so no error is given when variables are specified mid-program
          case 0:
          // Outputs a new line
          case 1:
                      cout << '\n';
          // Read a word from the keyboard            
          case 10:
                      cin >> memory[ *operand ];
          // Write a word from memory location
          case 11: 
                      cout << noshowpos << memory[ *operand ];
          // Load word into accumulator
          case 20:
                      *accumulator = memory[ *operand ];
          // Store a word from accumulator into memory
          case 21: 
                      memory[ *operand ] = *accumulator;
          // addition
          case 30:
                      *accumulator += memory[ *operand ];
          // subtraction            
          case 31:    
                      *accumulator -= memory[ *operand ];
          // division with check for divide by zero
          case 32: 
                      if( memory[ *operand ] == 0 )
                         cout << "\n*** Attempt to divide by zero ***\n"
                              << "*** Simpletron execution abnormally terminated ***";
                         *operationCode = 50;
                         *accumulator /= memory[ *operand ];
          // multiplication                      
          case 33:
                      *accumulator *= memory[ *operand ];
          // branch to memory location
          case 40:
                      *counter = *operand - 1; // We -1 from the operand as the loop in main always increases int counter by one
          // branch to mem location if negative
          case 41:
                      if( *accumulator < 0 )
                         *counter = *operand - 1;
          // branch to mem location if accumulator is negative
          case 42:
                      if( *accumulator == 0 )
                         *counter = *operand - 1;
          // halt            
          case 43:
                      cout << "\n*** Simpletron execution terminated ***\n";
                      cout << "\n*** Error in code ***\n"
                           << "*** Simpletron execution abnormally terminated ***";
                      *operationCode = 50;  
    void accumulatorCheck( const int *const accumulator, int *const code )
       if( (*accumulator < -9999) || (*accumulator > 9999) )
          cout << "*** Incorrect accumulator size ***\n"
               << "*** Simpletron execution abnormally terminated ***";
          *code = 50;
    void dump( const int *const accumulator, const int *const counter, const int *const instructionRegister, const int *const operationCode, const int *const operand, int mem[] )
       cout << "\n\nREGISTERS:\n";
       if( *accumulator > 0 )
          cout << setw( 4 ) << setfill( '0' ) << showpos << "accumulator\t\t" << *accumulator;
       else if( *accumulator == 0 )
          cout << "accumulator\t\t" << "+0000";
          cout << "accumulator\t\t" << *accumulator;
       cout << "\ncounter\t\t\t" << setfill( '0' ) << setw( 2 ) << noshowpos << (*counter - 1) // counter - 1 to take a step back to the problem
            << "\ninstructionRegister\t" << showpos << *instructionRegister
            << "\noperationCode\t\t" << setw( 2 ) << noshowpos << (*instructionRegister / MEMSIZE)
            << "\noperand\t\t\t" << setw( 2 ) << *operand << "\n\n";
       cout << "MEMORY:" << endl;
        // Display column header
        cout << "  ";
        for (int col = 0; col < 10; col++)
            cout<< setfill( ' ' ) << setw(7) << col;
        cout << '\n';
        // Display row: header-data-newline
        for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++) 
           cout << setw(2) << right << noshowpos << setfill(' ') << row << "  ";
           for (int col = 0; col < 10; col++) 
              static int number = 0;
              if( mem[ number ] == -99999 )
                 mem[ number ] = 0;
              cout << setw(5) << left << showpos << setfill('0') << mem[ number ] << "  ";
           cout << '\n';
    I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere in this C++ world!
    Last edited by cyberCLoWn; 02-25-2004 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Veni Vidi Vice
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thats a lots of code to look through. My best advice would be to use a debugger and follow the code until the error occurs.
    01000111011011110110111101100100 011101000110100001101001011011100110011101110011 01100100011011110110111001110100 01100011011011110110110101100101 01100101011000010111100101110011 0110100101101110 01101100011010010110011001100101
    Good things donīt come easy in life!!!

  3. #3
    End Of Line Hammer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    My debugger says:

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    0x00402090 in dump(int const*, int const*, int const*, int const*, int const*, i
    nt*) (accumulator=0x22ed84, counter=0x22ed80, instructionRegister=0x22ed74,
        operationCode=0x22ed7c, operand=0x22ed78, mem=0x22ed88) at junk1.cpp:275
    275               if( mem[ number ] == -99999 )
    (gdb) print number
    $1 = 2206
    The operation on the highlighted line caused the crash. number contains a value greater than the array size, and hence you go out of bounds.

    Now all you have to do is find out why.
    When all else fails, read the instructions.
    If you're posting code, use code tags: [code] /* insert code here */ [/code]

  4. #4
    Registered User cyberCLoWn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South Africa
    I think I've found the problem. Amazing how things come to you in the shower

           for (int col = 0; col < 10; col++) 
              static int number = 0;
              if( number >= MEMSIZE )
                number = 0;
              if( mem[ number ] == -99999 )
                 mem[ number ] = 0;
              cout << setw(5) << left << showpos << setfill('0') << mem[ number ] << "  ";
    I added that check in. What happens was on any second run of the program, a dump would be made, but int number is static and would remain at 99. So when the program ran again it would reference numbers outside of the array.

    If the program does experience '-99999' in the array it will cause an error as it doesn't know what to do with it (yet). Therefore I stated that the halt command (+4300) should be used.

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