I am trying to compile stlport with the commandline version of vc++.net but I get these errors.

	cl.exe /nologo /c /Zi /W3 /GR /GX /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /I "..\\stlport" /FI "vc_warning_disable.h" /D "_MBCS" /FD  /D "_STLP_NO_FORCE_INSTANTIATE" /D _STLP_USE_STATIC_LIB /MT /O2 /DNDEBUG   /Fo"..\\lib\\obj\\VC71\\Release\\" /Fd"..\\lib\\obj\\VC71\\Release\\" .\dll_main.cpp
..\\stlport\stl\_new.h(64) : error C2039: 'new_handler' : is not a member of 'std'
..\\stlport\stl\_new.h(64) : error C2868: 'new_handler' : illegal syntax for using-declaration; expected qualified-name
..\\stlport\stl\_new.h(65) : error C2039: 'set_new_handler' : is not a member of 'std'
..\\stlport\stl\_new.h(65) : error C2873: 'set_new_handler' : symbol cannot be used in a using-declaration
I'll upload the header file.
What's wrong with the code?