Thread: bool palindrome definition

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Oct 2003

    Exclamation bool palindrome definition

    Here what my program looks like now. I am trying to finish the bool palindrome definition. in the definiton i have shown what i am suppose to do but don't know how to write it out. all instructions are at the very bottom of the screen

    // A Program that lets a user enter a line of text and states
    // weather or not the line is a palindrome

    #include <iostream> // provides cout, etc.
    #include <fstream> // provides file functions
    #include <cstdlib> // provides exit()
    #include <cstring> // provides str len()
    using namespace std;

    const int MAXSTRINGSIZE= 80; // no more than 79 characters used
    const int SENTINEL[]="stop"; // used to end data entry

    void explain_prog(ostream& os);
    // Explains what the program does

    void read_string(istream& is,char s[],int maxlength);
    // postcondition: a string s of at most maxlength-1 characters has
    // been read from input stream is

    void write_string(ostream& os,const char s[]);
    // precondition: string s has a value
    // postcondition: s is written to output stream os

    void blank_remover(const char s1[],char s2[]);
    // precondition: s1 has a value
    // postcondition: s2 is s1 with all the blanks removed

    bool palindrome(const char s[]);
    // precondition: s is a string with all blanks removed
    // postcondition: value true returned if s is palindrome
    // otherwise false is returned

    int main()
    char s1[MAXSTRINGSIZE], // holds one line of text
    s2[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; // s1 with all blanks removed

    bool pal; //true if s1 is a palindrome, otherwise false
    ofstream fout; // internal name for output file

    explain_prog(cout); // explain program to User at terminal

    // open output file - check for errors opening"pal.out");
    cout << "\nOutput file opening failed!\n";

    // document output file
    fout << "\nJustin Cochrane CMSV1180\nAssignment #9 Question #1\n\n";

    // get first line or SENTINEL
    cout<< "Please enter line of text or" <<SENTINEL<<endl;


    fout<< "\nLine entered.";
    write_string(fout, s1);

    // remove blanks from s1 and store in s2


    cout<< "line of text is a palindrome";
    fout<< "line of text is a palindrome";
    cout<< "line of text is not a palindrome";
    fout<< "line of text is not a palindrome";

    //get next line of text or SENTINEL
    cout<< "Please enter a line of text or"<<SENTINEL<<endl;

    // close files

    return 0;

    void explain_prog(ostream& os)
    os << "\nThis program lets a user enter a line of text "
    << "and states weather it is a palindrome or not";


    void read_string(istream& is, char s[], int maxlength)
    char ch; //used to read eoln character
    is.get(ch); //read eoln character


    void write_string(ostream& os, const char s[])
    os <<s<<endl;

    void blank_remover(const char s1[],char s2[])
    int n=strlen(s1); // characters in s1
    int j=0; // index for s2
    for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
    if(s1[i]!=' ')
    s2[j]='\0'; // put null character in s2

    bool palindrome(const char s[])
    bool pal=true; // assume s is a palindrome until mismatch is found

    **This is what i was told to do now
    // get the length n of s using the strlen() function
    // use a loop to see if s is a palindrome
    // for example, if n is 10 you would compare
    //s[0] with s[9]
    //s[1] with s[8]
    //s[2] with s[7]
    //s[i] with s[ fill in]
    // if any of the above don't match pal is set to false
    //you should return pal at the end of the function

    ps. thank you for your help[/CODE]

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    The edge of the known universe
    Edit your post for code tags please
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    declare two ints, start and stop, to act as indices (aka a single char each) for the char array you are checking. initialize start to zero and stop to the quantitiy strlen(whateverYouAreChecking) minus 1. Declare a bool value and initialize it to true. then, while start less than stop if char represented by start not equal to char represented by stop, then not a palindrome so assign false to bool variable, and stop looking at rest of char. Otherwise increase start by one and decrease stop by one and check next pair of char.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Exclamation reply to reply on bool defintion

    bool palindrome(const char s[])
    bool pal=true; // assume s is a palindrome until mismatch is found

    int start=0,

    if(char start!char stop)
    }[CODE]I'am not sure if this is what you meant but could you clarify or possibly fix my errors

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