hi everyone...
i know the code below has many other problems with it but it's in 'develope-"mental" stage' (if you know what i mean)..
it's going to be a list database employee payroll system when it grows up..
presently though, i have a wierd problem...
my overloaded friend function ostream for <<.
I am getting 'protected data' error C2248, when i try to compile.
However, a human friend of mine has run it fine on their machine sans errors. I am stumped. I have rebuilt, cleaned and even
openeed a new project ...
can anyone take a look and tell me if they see something?
thanks Michele
ps any comments on anything else will also be appreciated and
considered constructive...this is a big project for me, and I am still pretty much a newbie-green.
thanks again

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
using std::istream;

using std::list;

using namespace std;

#include <fstream>
using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;

#include <string>

struct Name 
    char first[20];
    char last[20];
struct EmployeeData
    char type[20];
    Name name;
    char ssn[12];
    double rate;
    double commission;

// Abstract base class definition
class employee          // Declare a virtual base
                        // class named employee

  // Constructors for employee class
  employee(EmployeeData data);
  // Declare pure virtual functions
  virtual void print() = 0;
  virtual double pay() = 0;

//Friend Function definitions / overloaded stream operators
friend ostream & operator << ( ostream & output,  const employee *n_employee );
  EmployeeData data;

}; // End of the employee class definition

// default constructor
// required for multiple inheritance of virtual base class 
strcpy(data.name.first, "");
strcpy(data.name.last, "");
strcpy(data.type, "");
strcpy(data.ssn, "000-00-0000"); 
data.rate = 0;
data.commission = 0;
//employee constructor
employee::employee(EmployeeData E_Data)

strcpy(data.name.first, E_Data.name.first);
strcpy(data.name.last, E_Data.name.last);
strcpy(data.type, E_Data.type);
strcpy(data.ssn, E_Data.ssn);
data.rate = E_Data.rate;
data.commission = E_Data.commission;


class hourly:virtual public employee
 hourly(){}//needed for Salaried to be a base class
 hourly (EmployeeData E_Data, double hours);

  // pay function for the Engineer class
  virtual double pay();

  // print function for the Engineer class
  virtual void print();

	double hours;

//hourly constructor
hourly::hourly(EmployeeData E_Data, double hrs)
strcpy(data.name.first, E_Data.name.first);
strcpy(data.name.last, E_Data.name.last);
strcpy(data.type, E_Data.type);
strcpy(data.ssn, E_Data.ssn);
data.rate = E_Data.rate;
data.commission = E_Data.commission;
hours = hrs;

// Definition of the pay function for the hourly class
double hourly::pay()

if (hours <=40)
  return ((data.rate) * (hours)) ;
 return ((data.rate) * (40))+((data.rate*1.5) * (hours-40));

// Definition of the print function for the hourly class
void hourly::print()

  cout << "Employee name : " << data.name.first << " , " << data.name.last << endl;
  cout << "Employee Type :" << data.type << endl;
  cout << "Social Security Number : "<< data.ssn <<endl;
  cout << setprecision(2); 
    	cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); 
  cout << "Pay is : $" << pay()
	   << " dollars this month." << endl;
  cout << endl;

//end hourly member functions


class salary:virtual public employee
 salary(){}//needed for Salaried to be a base class
 salary (EmployeeData E_Data, double sal);

  // pay function for the Engineer class
  virtual double pay();

  // print function for the Engineer class
  virtual void print();

	double annual_sal;

//salary constructor
salary::salary(EmployeeData E_Data, double sal)
strcpy(data.name.first, E_Data.name.first);
strcpy(data.name.last, E_Data.name.last);
strcpy(data.type, E_Data.type);
strcpy(data.ssn, E_Data.ssn);
data.rate = 0;
data.commission = 0;
annual_sal = sal;

// Definition of the pay function for the hourly class
double salary::pay()

  return annual_sal / 12 ;

// Definition of the print function for the hourly class
void salary::print()

  cout << "Employee name : " << data.name.first << " , " << data.name.last << endl;
  cout << "Employee Type :" << data.type << endl;
  cout << "Social Security Number : "<< data.ssn <<endl;
  cout << setprecision(2); 
    	cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); 
  cout << "Pay is : $" << pay()
	   << " dollars this month." << endl;
  cout << endl;

//end hourly member functions



class Employee_Database 

 void showEmployeeMenu();
 void getMenuSelection();
 Employee_Database( const char* employee);
 void Run();
	void Hire();
	void Fire();
	void Retire();

Employee_Database::Employee_Database( const char* employee)


void Employee_Database::Hire()

void Employee_Database::Fire()

void Employee_Database::Retire()


//Friend Function definitions / overloaded stream operators
ostream &operator << ( ostream & output,  const employee *n_employee )
  cout << left << setw(12) << n_employee->data.name.first
       << setw(12) << n_employee->data.name.last;
  return output;

//utility function

//void enterData( EmployeeData &newWorker);

void main()

EmployeeData newWorker;
strcpy(newWorker.name.first, "John");
strcpy(newWorker.name.last, "Doe");
strcpy(newWorker.type, "SecurityGuard");
strcpy(newWorker.ssn, "111-11-1111");
newWorker.rate = 30.0;
newWorker.commission = 0;
EmployeeData newWorker2;
strcpy(newWorker2.name.first, "Jane");
strcpy(newWorker2.name.last, "Doe");
strcpy(newWorker2.type, "Engineer");
strcpy(newWorker2.ssn, "222-22-2222");
newWorker.rate = 0;
newWorker.commission = 0;

hourly SecurityGuard( newWorker, 46 );


salary Engineer( newWorker2, 40000 );



void enterData( EmployeeData &newWorker)

 cout << "\nOpening File.\n\n";
 ifstream infile("PRO_IN.txt");

      cerr << "inFile could not be opened." << endl;
typedef list <string> Em_list;
    Em_List edata;

  while( infile ) 
       if (infile) 
           	edata.insert(test.end(), &newWorker);

   } //end while
 } // end function 

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