Thread: using namespace std

  1. #1
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    using namespace std

    couple questions......

    1. what does using namespace std exactly do?

    2. does it do something to the way eof works?
    i had a program that worked when i didnt have using namespace std but i needed to add it for other reasons and now it seems like my eof (end of file) doesnt work and my program just goes into an endless loop. i was using eof because i need to keep getting data from a file until it reaches the eof.

  2. #2
    End Of Line Hammer's Avatar
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    When all else fails, read the instructions.
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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    well that makes sense do i fix it then?

    my while loop looked like this
    while( ! in_stream.eof())

    i'm a pretty new programmer and a lot of that stuff that you sent me to kind of went over my head.

  4. #4
    End Of Line Hammer's Avatar
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    Use the return code from the function doing the reading to determine when eof is reached.

    Post the bit that is doing the reading.
    When all else fails, read the instructions.
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  5. #5
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    heres the whole code......the eof while statement takes place in the input function

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    struct StackFrame
    	string data;
    	StackFrame *link;
    typedef StackFrame* StackFramePtr;
    class search
        bool check();  //declare the function check
        void output(StackFramePtr top); //declare the function output
        void input(search sight, char *file);
    	void input2(search sight, char *file, StackFramePtr top);
    	int a;
    	int b;
    	int total3;
        int total;//variable for total number of strings
    	int total2;//variable for number of characters in temp array
    	int i;//variable for number of strings in array
    	int j;//variable for number of characters in a string
    	int m;//variable for number of characters in temp string
    	int n;//variable for the insert loop
    	int s;//variable for ?
        ifstream in_stream; //create an instream
    	ofstream out_stream;//creat an outstream
    	char array[1000][30];//create an array
    	char temp[1000][30];//create an array
    	char next;//variable for next character in
    int main()
    	char *name;
        search sight1;
    	sight1.a = 0;
    	sight1.b = 0;
    	sight1.total3 = 0;
    	StackFramePtr top;
    	top = new StackFrame;
    	for(int h = 0; h < 1; h++)
    		if(h == 0)
    		   name = "text1.txt";
               sight1.input(sight1, name);
    	       sight1.input2(sight1, name, top);
    		if(h == 1)
    			name = "adams.txt";
    			sight1.input(sight1, name);
    			sight1.input2(sight1, name, top);
    		if(h == 2)
    			name = "jefferson.txt";
    			sight1.input(sight1, name);
    			sight1.input2(sight1, name, top);
    		if(h == 3)
    			name = "madison.txt";
    			sight1.input(sight1, name);
    			sight1.input2(sight1, name, top);
    	cout << " " << sight1.total3;
    	return 0;
    void search::input(search sight, char *file)
    for(s = 0; s < 1000; s++)
       for(m = 0; m < 30; m++)
          temp[s][m] = 'c';
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
    	for(j = 0; j < 30; j++)
    	   array[i][j] = 'd';
    s = 0;
    m = 0;
    total2 = 0;
    total = 0;
    i = 0;
    j = 0;;
    while(! in_stream.eof())//while next is not end of file
         //invariant: next is not the end of the file and next is a part of the file
    		if(isspace(next))//if next is space
    			in_stream.get(next);/*//get next character from file
    			array[i][j] = '\0';//put null to end current string
    		    j = 0;//bring number of characters back to zero
    			i++;//start a new string
    			total++;//add one to total number of strings*/
    		else//if next is not a space
    			//invariant: next is either a letter or a number and next is a part of the file
    				temp[s][m] = tolower(next);//put next into temp array
    			    m++;//go to next place in temp array
    				total2++;//add one to total number of temp characters in temp string
    				in_stream.get(next);//get next character from file
    			temp[s][m] = '\0';
    			m = 0;//bring back to first character in temp string
    			if(check())//if temp string already in array
    				in_stream.get(next);//get next character from file
    	        else//if temp string not already in array
    				for(n = 0; n < total2; n++)//for every character in temp array
    				//invariant: n is less than total2 and has a place in the array
    					array[i][j] = temp[s][n];//add temp character to current place in array
    				    j++;//go to next place in current array
    				array[i][j] = '\0';
    			    in_stream.get(next);//get next character from file
    				i++;//start a new string
    				total++;//add one to total number of strings
    				total2 = 0;//reset number of characters in temp string back to zero
    				if(! in_stream.eof())
    					j = 0;
    void search::output(StackFramePtr top)
        while(top != NULL)
    		string result;
    		result = top->data;
    		StackFramePtr temp;
    		temp = top;
    		top = top->link;
    		delete temp;
    		cout << result;
    bool search::check()//function defenition
    	int sum = 0;//represents sum of coorect letters
    	int answer = 0;
    	int numstring;//represents string of array
    	int x;
    	int l = 0;
    	int f = 0;
        int totalchar;
    	if(total == 0)
    		return false;
    	for(numstring = 0; numstring < total; numstring++)//loops through all strings in array
    	//invariant: numstring is less than c and a[numstring][f] is part of an array
    		totalchar = 0;
            for(f = 0; array[numstring][f] != '\0'; f++)
    		//invariant: a[numstring[f] does not equal a null character and a[numstring][f] is part of an array
            l = 0;
    		sum = 0;
    		x = 0;
    		while((array[numstring][l] != '\0') || (temp[s][x] != '\0'))
    		// a[numstring][l] and b[t][x] are both not null characters and they are both parts of arrays
    			 if(array[numstring][l] == temp[s][x])
    				if(temp[s][x] != '\0')
    				if(array[numstring][l] != '\0')
    				 if(temp[s][x] != '\0')
    				 if(array[numstring][l] != '\0')
    		     if((sum == total2) && (x == l) && (totalchar == sum))
    		        answer = 1;
    	if(answer == 1)
    void search::input2(search sight, char *file, StackFramePtr top)
    	int j;
    	j = 0;/*
    	array[i][j] = '?';//add a question mark to current place in array to signal end of array
        i = 0;//reset current string to first string
    	j = 0;//reset current character to first character
    	top = new StackFrame;
    	top->data = array[i];
    	top->link = NULL;
    	while(array[i][j] != '?')//while not end of array
    	//invariant: array[i][j] is not a question mark and array[i][j] is part of an array
    		StackFramePtr temp;
    		temp = new StackFrame;
            temp->data = array[i];
    		temp->link = top;
    		top = temp;

  6. #6
    End Of Line Hammer's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    Rather than me deciphering your code, tell me what it is supposed to do. What does the input look like, what are you trying to do with it.

    That input function looks a mess (sorry!). I would suggest you have only one call to the read function (.get() in this case), and control the loop around that. But once I know what you're trying to do, I can advise you better.
    When all else fails, read the instructions.
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  7. #7
    Registered User
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    i'm trying to read text from a file and store the words in an array, i then want to to store the words as strings in a linked list so that they point to what files the words appear in. basically a search engine. i'm pretty sure the problem has something to do with me using namespace std and that screwing up the eof while loop i use in the input function

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