Thread: C++ Winsock with VB

  1. #1

    C++ Winsock with VB

    Ok, I've recently started experimenting with winsock in C++. I had intended to write a server-type program in C++, and then use MSVB 6.0 for the client side. I can set up a socket, open it, and accept connection from a C++ server to a C++ client. However, If I write the server in C++ and try to conenct using a client program I wrote in VB onto the same port, the connection is not found. My understanding is that winsock allowed 2 computers to communicate regardless of the underlying language. Here I will post my code in both languages. I understand that this is not a VB board, was just hoping someone might be able to shed some light onto the situation. BTW the code is not all my own, so I make no claims to ownership of it.

    C++ Server:

    //Assumes:you MUST add the "mpr.lib wsock32.lib "

    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <winsock.h>
    #include <string.h>
    // Prototypes

    // Functions

    // mian Function

    int main()

    WSADATA WsaDat; //Declares what is necessary to use winsock
    int ip1(127), ip2(0), ip3(0), ip4(1); //Holders for IP address, used for simplicity
    if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &WsaDat) != 0) //Initiallizes the WSA
    cout << "WSA initialization failed.";
    cout << "Closing. . .";
    return 0;

    SOCKET mysocket; //Our Handy Dandy Socket
    mysocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); //Sets the properties of our socket
    if (mysocket == INVALID_SOCKET) //Checks to see if it created correctly
    cout << "Socket creation failed!";
    cout << "Closing. . .";
    return 0;

    SOCKADDR_IN SockAddr; //this keeps track of the socket's address info
    SockAddr.sin_port = 10119;
    SockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    SockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = ip1;
    SockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = ip2;
    SockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = ip3;
    SockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = ip4;

    char Servername[20], CCommand[20]; // self-explanatory


    // bind to IP address. . .
    if (bind(mysocket, (SOCKADDR *)(&SockAddr), sizeof(SockAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
    cout << "Attempt to bind failed" << endl;
    cout << "Closing. . .";
    return 0;

    cout << "Waiting for client. . ." << endl;
    //go into "Listen" mode. . .
    listen(mysocket, 1);
    //when request received to connect, accept it
    while (TempSock == SOCKET_ERROR)
    TempSock = accept(mysocket, NULL, NULL);
    mysocket = TempSock;
    //send your screen name to the client
    cout << "Client Found. Sending data" << endl;
    send(mysocket, Servername, sizeof(Servername), 0);
    bool acomplish;
    acomplish = false;
    while(acomplish == false)
    int WaitforCommand = SOCKET_ERROR;
    while (WaitforCommand == SOCKET_ERROR)
    WaitforCommand = recv(mysocket, CCommand, 20, 0);
    if ((WaitforCommand == 0)||(WaitforCommand == WSAECONNRESET))
    cout << "Connection closed at the other end while receiving screen name! RATS!" << endl;
    cout << "Closing. . .";
    return 0;

    ///And here is where all hte coding takes place, for debug only///
    if ((strcmp(CCommand, "bob")) ==0)
    cout << "They sent bob" << endl << endl;
    acomplish = true;
    cout << "Didnt send bob, so thats it" << endl;
    acomplish = true;



    // end prog
    cout << "Closing. . .";
    return 0;


    VB Client, in the formload with only a single component, a winsock activeX with name sckClient:

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    sckClient.RemoteHost = ""
    sckClient.RemotePort = 10119

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    And this code even compiles??

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: C++ Winsock with VB

    Originally posted by Grausherra

    SOCKADDR_IN SockAddr;
    SockAddr.sin_port = 10119;
    Try doing this ;

      SockAddr.sin_port = htons(10119);
    Could also try reading through this tutorial on winsock for c++

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