Thread: Overloading ==

  1. #31
    Just a Member ammar's Avatar
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    Well, I hope you have some sleep now, I know how does it feel, when it's 4 am!

    In the example you gave about overloading the operator << and operator >> you cann't make them member functions because they should be members in the cout and cin objects, and that's not possible, and the only way is to make them friend functions...

    And for the example: object + 2 and 2 + object, If you want to implement a them both as friend function you will have to write two functions, but would do it, by making the function 2 + object a friend function and the object + 2 function a member function...

    About the statement I gave, I think it's a general programming principle...

    But anyways I might be wrong, because I'm not experienced in C++...
    Maybe we can make a thread about that, and ask for the advice of experiences programmers...

  2. #32
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    In the example you gave about overloading the operator << and operator >> you cann't make them member functions because they should be members in the cout and cin objects, and that's not possible, and the only way is to make them friend functions...

    You can make them members.
    But you'd have to use the syntax 'class >> cout'
    which is fine except it's not the same as how built in types work, which is confusing.

    And don't have to make two functions. You would most likeley take advantage of the implicit conversion of a constructor...or you could make an explicit conversion function. You don't NEED to make operator+ a friend, but maing it a member function is def the wrong way to go. It should always be a top level function.

  3. #33
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    just because of the class + 2, 2+ class issue, i'd make operator+ a friend function ..

    And for the example: object + 2 and 2 + object, If you want to implement a them both as friend function you will have to write two functions, but would do it, by making the function 2 + object a friend function and the object + 2 function a member function...
    I don't think you need 2 functions for it ?

    friend Class operator*(double, const Class &)

    allows me to write (when double d, class c)

    x= C * d as well as x = d *C ...
    since the compiler sees it as
    x=operator*(d, c) ..

    which is the only use for friend-functions and the reason of their existence ...

    a normal member function would be translated as
    d *c
    x=d.operator*(c) , making operator* a memberfunction of double which insn't possible and against the rules of OO

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see a way to be able to use associativity without friend functions

  4. #34
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    You can use accessor functions so that you don't need to make it a friend.

  5. #35
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    If my quick read it correct accessor = getter/setter functions ?

    Then please give me an example how to use it for c * d and d * c, because I would like to know.

    edit : and why should I use accessor functions in stead of friend functions ?

  6. #36
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    Yes, it's getters and setters. You should use them instead of a friend function because people are anal and will ***** at you if you use friend functions...seriously, friend functions violate information hiding and the whole OOP thing (at least most say so), so using getters and setters is a better idea...sometimes a friend function would simplify things though.
    class rational
       rational(int num); //just initialize num
       rational(int num, int denom); //initialize num and denom
    blah blah blah...
    Okay, so you have a fractions function that can be intialized with a numerator and denominator or with just a numerator (you would make the denom default to 1 in the implementation).

    now you have a top-level function that takes two rationals.

    const rational operator+(rational first, rational second) //my best guess at this

    Now you do '2 + rational' of course the scond rational works, but the first is an your, wait...the compiler knows if it supplies an int to the rational constructor it can make a rational. So it does and your all set. The same works for 'rational + 2'. You could also make a conversion operator function.

    The compiler will only do conversions on both args if it's a top level function.

    Anyway...sorry I'm not much of an explainer. And sorry if the code is screwed up. I don't really program. But hopefully you get the idea.

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