Thread: Putting Data into a 2D array

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Putting Data into a 2D array

    I really went wrong with this one.

    I have a .txt file with the contents:

    1, 2, zz
    1, 9, ccc
    2, 3, lll
    2, 13, aaaaa
    3, 3, mmm
    3, 11, oo

    Just so you know the info in the file represents LINE#, COLUM#, text. This .txt file is also the output from another part of this program...but that part works.

    Anyways I will be sorting the data by the alpha characters. I have been looking at example and it seems that I must first put this data into an array so that I can use pointers and then use the qsort() function. I am however stuck as to how to put the data into a 2D array. My code is messed up, what am I doing wrong (besides everything)?
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    	ifstream inData;
    	ofstream outData;
    	char ch;
    	char lineData[BUFSIZ][50];							
    	int index6 = 0;
    	int lineCount = 1;
    		cout << "ERROR in opening " << "text.txt" << endl;
    			cout << "Opening file: " << "text.txt" << endl << endl;
    			ch = inData.get();
    			while(ch != EOF)
    				if(ch == '\n')
    					index6 = 0;
    				lineData[lineCount][index6] = ch;
    				ch = inData.get();
    				cout << lineData << endl;
    		return 0;

  2. #2
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    Here, I'll do what I proboly should have done to begin with...I'll post the program. I suppose it is best to see just what I did. Maybe there is a better way of putting the data into the file for me to retrive it. I'm pretty sure that I have found enough examples on these boards to sort the data with qsort(), but getting the data from the file in a way that it can be sorted is driving me crazy. I belive that I must place it into a 2D array to do this.

    Also I have no clue as to why mode code gets so indented when I post it...sorry if that bugs you.

    using namespace std;
    #define OPEN	'['
    #define CLOSE   ']'
    int main()
    	ifstream inData;
    	ofstream outData;
    	char fileNameIn[50];
    	char fileNameOut[50];
    	char lineOfText[50];
    	char ch;
    	char ch1;
    	char word[50];
    	char lineData[BUFSIZ][50];
    	int bLen = 1;
    	int line;
    	int index;
    	int index1;
    	int index2 = 0;
    	int index3 = 0;
    	int index4 = 0;
    	int index5 = 0;
    	int index6 = 0;
    	int loc[3];
    	int lineCount = 1;
    	int nLineCount = 1;
    	int colum = 0;
    	int openFlag = 0;
    	int closeFlag = 0;
    	cout << "Enter filename to read DATA from: ";
    	cin >> fileNameIn;
    	cout << endl;;
    	cout << "Enter filename to write DATA to: ";
    	cin >> fileNameOut;
    	cout << endl;;
    		cout << "ERROR in opening " << fileNameIn << endl;
    			cout << "Opening file: " << fileNameIn << endl << endl;
    			ch = inData.get();
    			while(ch != EOF)
    				if(ch == '\n')
    					cout << endl;
    					colum = 0;
    					for(index4 = 0; index4 < 50; index4++)
    						lineOfText[index4] = ' ';
    					index4 = 0;
    					lineOfText[colum] = putchar(' ');
    					openFlag = 0;
    					closeFlag = 0;
    					if(ch == OPEN && openFlag == 0)
    						openFlag = colum + 1;
    						if((ch == CLOSE && closeFlag == 0) && openFlag == 0)
    							closeFlag = 0;
    								if(ch == CLOSE && closeFlag == 0)
    									closeFlag = colum - 1;
    									if(closeFlag != 0)        
    										for(index1 = openFlag; index1 <= closeFlag; index1++)
    											word[index2] = lineOfText[index1];
    											index2 = index2 + 1;
    										word[index2] = NULL;
    										line = lineCount;
    										index = openFlag;
    										loc[0] = line;
    										loc[1] = openFlag;
    										//here is where I put the data into the file
    										outData << loc[0] << ", " << loc[1] << ", " << word << endl << endl;
    										for(index3 = 0; index3 < strlen(word); index3++)
    											word[index3] = ' ';
    										index3 = 0;
    										for(index3 = 0; index3 < 10; index3++)
    											loc[index] = ' ';
    										index2 = 0;
    										index3 = 0;
    										openFlag = 0;		
    										closeFlag = 0;		
    				lineOfText[colum] = ch;
    				cout << ch;
    				ch = inData.get();
    			cout << endl << endl;
    Everything above here works as I want it to. Now I am trying to get the
    data from the new file into a form that I can use to sort it with
    			cout << "ERROR in opening " << "text.txt" << endl;
    				cout << "Opening file: " << "text.txt" << endl << endl;
    				ch1 = inData.get();
    				while(ch1 != EOF)
    					if(ch1 == '\n')
    						index6 = 0;
    						cout << lineData << endl;
    					lineData[nLineCount][index6] = ch1;
    					ch1 = inData.get();
    			This is where I will put the sorting code once I figure out for to
    			correctly read the data from the file in a form that will allow me to sort it.
    			Until I can get the data into a form that I can sort Im just dead in the water.
    	return 0;
    Last edited by Zalbik; 11-25-2002 at 02:22 PM.

  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    > Also I have no clue as to why mode code gets so indented when I post it
    Your code editor is using real tabs for indentation
    Switch it to using say 4 spaces for each indentation level, then it will look better posted here

            while(ch1 != EOF)
                if(ch1 == '\n')
                    index6 = 0;
                    cout << lineData << endl;
                lineData[nLineCount][index6] = ch1;
                ch1 = inData.get( );
                lineData[nLineCount][index6] = '\0';  //!! you need this!!
    So the aim of this is to get lineData looking something like
    lineData[0] = "1, 2, zz"
    lineData[1] = "1, 9, ccc"

    Though it would seem to me to be a lot easier to read a whole line using this,
    inData.getline( lineData[nLineCount] );
    Rather than reading each character at a time.

    Here's a short example showing how to sort such data based on the text field at the end of the line

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std;
    // define a type for each line of text
    // it saves more complicated casts later on
    typedef char    line[50];
    // find the 2nd comma in a string
    const char *find2ndComma ( const char *p ) {
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 && p != NULL ; i++ ) {
            p = strchr( p, ',' );
            if ( p != NULL ) p++;
        return p;
    // compare two strings from the lineData array
    // starting at the 2nd comma in each one
    int compare ( const void *a, const void *b ) {
        const line *pa = (const line*)a;
        const line *pb = (const line*)b;
        const char *comma1 = find2ndComma((const char*)pa);
        const char *comma2 = find2ndComma((const char*)pb);
        return strcmp( comma1, comma2 );
    int main ( ) {
        line lineData[6] = {
            "1, 2, zz",
            "1, 9, ccc",
            "2, 3, lll",
            "2, 13, aaaaa",
            "3, 3, mmm",
            "3, 11, oo"
        qsort( lineData, 6, sizeof(line), compare );
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ) {
            cout << lineData[i] << endl;
        return 0;
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Oct 2002
    I have never done a typedef before. I'll try it out. It seems much easier to do it that way. Thanks.
    Last edited by Zalbik; 11-26-2002 at 01:47 AM.

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