Hi, i'm having trouble with the following very simple program, which converts miles to kilometers. When I try to exit out of the program entering C or c, the program still continues. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Here's the code:

// Miles to Kilometers conversion

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

float mtokm(int);

int miles = 0;

int main()
	char keypress;
		cout << "\n\nEnter the amount of miles you want converted to kilometers: ";
		cin >> miles;
		(miles == 1 ? cout << "\n\n1 mile" : cout <<  "\n\n" << miles << " miles") << " is equal to " << mtokm(miles) << " kilometers.\n\n";
		cout << "Press C to do another conversion, or any other key to quit: ";
		cin >> keypress;
	while (keypress == 'c' || 'C');
return 0;


float mtokm(int)

		float kilometers;
		kilometers = ::miles * 1.61;
		return kilometers;
Thanks in advance.