Thread: File Stream I/O

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Unhappy File Stream I/O


    Ive got a txt file with 120 lines in it, basically all i want to do is read through each line in it (looping around) and once in that line position, check to see if it contains an "R", if it does then i want to do something!

    Ive had a go at doing this, as you can see from the code below. But got an error, also shown below! Please try and help in any way you can!

    //Automatic Reset
    	int CountDown[120];
    	int A;
    	char Buf[1];
    	long Dist;
    	int NumRead;
    	char Blank[2] = " ";
    	while (TRUE)
    		for ( A = 1; (A >= 1) && (A <= 120); A++)
    			Dist=(6 + ((A - 1) * 9));
    			pnHandle = fopen(gtRESET_FILE, "r+");
    			pnSize = fseek(pnHandle, Dist, SEEK_SET);
    			NumRead = fread(Buf, 1, 1, pnHandle);
    			if (Buf == "R")
    				CountDown[A] = 300;
    				//Do Block Here, Somehow??!
    				iPutEvent(A, GCEV_BLOCKED);
    				fwrite(Blank, 1, 1, pnHandle);
    			if (CountDown[A] = 0)
    				//Do UnBlock Here, Somehow??!
    				iPutEvent(A, GCEV_UNBLOCKED);

    C:\SMS\sms_c_V4\EventHandler.cpp(1121) : warning C4101: 'itemp' : unreferenced local variable
    C:\SMS\sms_c_V4\EventHandler.cpp(1637) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'struct _iobuf *'
    Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
    Error executing cl.exe.

    EventHandler.obj - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)


    Thanks for any help whatsoever,


  2. #2
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1998
    if (CountDown[A] = 0)

    Didn't you want this to be:

    if (CountDown[A] == 0)

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  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Ok made that little change. Thanks

    Ive also added more comments to code to try and help you lot help me!

    //Automatic Reset
    	//Array to countdown the 120 lines
    	int CountDown[120];
    	int A;
    	//Array to store read in Char
    	char Buf[1];
    	long Dist;
    	int NumRead;
    	//Char array containing the blank space
    	char Blank[2] = " ";
    	while (TRUE)
    		for ( A = 1; (A >= 1) && (A <= 120); A++)
    			//Number of bytes from the start of file to begin reading
    			Dist = (6 + ((A - 1) * 9));
    			//Open the file with read & write access
    			pnHandle = fopen(gtRESET_FILE, "r+");
    			//ERROR POINTS HERE!!!!!
    			//Move file pointer to correct position
    			pnSize = fseek(pnHandle, Dist, SEEK_SET);
    			//Read one byte from position and store in Buf
    			NumRead = fread(Buf, 1, 1, pnHandle);
    			//Check to see if that line needs reseting
    			if (Buf == "R")
    				//Start countdown
    				CountDown[A] = 300;
    				//Block line
    				iPutEvent(A, GCEV_BLOCKED);
    				//Remove the "R" from the ResetFile.txt file
    				fwrite(Blank, 1, 1, pnHandle);
    			//Decrement the value at current position in the array
    			//If the value at the current position in the array is zero unblock line
    			if (CountDown[A] == 0)
    				//UnBlock line
    				iPutEvent(A, GCEV_UNBLOCKED);

    --------------------Configuration: sms_c - Win32 Debug--------------------
    C:\SMS\sms_c_V4\EventHandler.cpp(1121) : warning C4101: 'itemp' : unreferenced local variable
    C:\SMS\sms_c_V4\EventHandler.cpp(1650) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'int' to 'struct _iobuf *'
    Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
    Error executing cl.exe.

    EventHandler.obj - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)

    Any more help anyone?


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