Would someone be able to tell me which of these methods of passing data is this best? Thanks.

#include <iostream.h>

const int MAX_TYPES=2, MAX_LEN=10;

void Test(int *, const char [MAX_TYPES][MAX_LEN], const int);

int main(void)
  const char TYPE[MAX_TYPES][MAX_LEN]={{"Reference"},{"Pointer"}};
  const int REF=0, POINT=1;
  int Num, *NumPointer=&Num;

  cout << "Enter number: ";
  cin >> Num;

  Test(&Num, TYPE, REF);
  Test(NumPointer, TYPE, POINT);

  return 0;

void Test(int *Test, const char Type[MAX_TYPES][MAX_LEN], const int TypeCat)
  cout << "\nAddress of test: " << Test << ".\nValue of test: " << *Test
       << " (passing by " << Type[TypeCat] << ").\n";