Thread: Diffrence in C and C++...From "Homework" thread

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Y'all love thisone then:
    What's then diff tween C & C++?

    wannabe Newbie

  2. #2
    Registered User kitten's Avatar
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    C++ supports inheritance, templates and encapsulation to mention few things... Somebody may continue from this.
    Making error is human, but for messing things thoroughly it takes a computer

  3. #3
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    c++ is object orented where as C is not, they are closely related as a matter of fact c++ is the predicessor of C. C++ means C+1 There for its the language C and more. The diffence between the two is very small, they work on the same principles although the header files my differ. were as in C++ you will see a lot of "cout<<"hello world;" " in C you will see more 'printf("hello world)'. also in C you cant call a sting by using 'string variale;' those are the diffrences.

  4. #4
    _B-L-U-E_ Betazep's Avatar
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    >>The diffence between the two is very small

    You are kidding right?

    I never coded C, but I thought the major benefit of C++ was CLASSES.

    Hence the reason why some people call C++ "C with classes."

    Just a thought...
    Last edited by Betazep; 09-23-2001 at 01:01 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Originally posted by rkjd2
    c++ is object orented where as C is not, they are closely related as a matter of fact c++ is the predicessor of C.
    I think you mean C is the predecessor of C++.

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