Thread: Array problems

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Array problems

    So I been working on this program for awhile and I'm trying to create two arrays that would store the employee's name and the gross pay.

     #include <iostream>
     #include <iomanip>
     #include <string>
     using namespace std;
     #define MIN_HOURS 0.00 // minimum hours per week
     #define MAX_HOURS 60.00 // maximum hours per week
     #define MIN_RATE 0.00 // minimum pay rate
     #define MAX_RATE 99.99 // maximum pay rate
     #define REGULAR_HOURS_LIMIT 40.00 // hours at which overtime begins
     #define OVERTIME_RATE 1.50 // overtime rate
     #define TAX_RATE 0.30 // tax rate (30%)
     #define PARKING_RATE 10.00 // parking deduction
     #define TRANSIT_RATE 5.00 // transit deduction
     void input_employee_data(string &full_name, double &hours,
     double &hourly_rate, double &deductions);
     string join_name(string first_name, string last_name);
     double input_bounded_value(string description, double min_value,
     double max_value);
     double calculate_deductions();
     void split_hours(double hours, double &regular_hours,
     double &overtime_hours);
     double calculate_gross_pay(double regular_hours, double overtime_hours,
     double hourly_rate);
     double calculate_tax(double gross_pay, double tax_rate);
     double calculate_net_pay(double gross_pay, double tax,
     double deductions);
     void output_payroll_data(string full_name, double regular_hours,
     double overtime_hours, double hourly_rate, double gross_pay,
     double tax, double deductions, double net_pay);
     char get_yesno(string prompt);
     int main()
     char array_names[10];
     int num_emps; // number of employees processed
     string full_name; // employee's full name
     double hours, // number of hours worked
     regular_hours, // number of regular hours
     overtime_hours, // number of overtime hours
     hourly_rate, // hourly pay rate
     gross_pay, // employee's gross pay
     tax, // employee's tax amount
     deductions, // after-tax deductions
     net_pay, // employee's net pay
     total_gross_pay; // total gross pay of employees
     cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
     // Initialize counters and accumulators
     num_emps = 0;
     total_gross_pay = 0.00;
     do {
    #define SIZE 10
     // Input section
     input_employee_data(full_name, hours, hourly_rate, deductions);
     // Processing section
     split_hours(hours, regular_hours, overtime_hours);
     gross_pay = calculate_gross_pay(regular_hours, overtime_hours,
     tax = calculate_tax(gross_pay, TAX_RATE);
     net_pay = calculate_net_pay(gross_pay, tax, deductions);
     // Output section
     output_payroll_data(full_name, regular_hours, overtime_hours,
     hourly_rate, gross_pay, tax, deductions,
     // Increment counters and accumulators
     num_emps = num_emps + 1;
     total_gross_pay = total_gross_pay + gross_pay;
     } while (get_yesno("Process another employee") == 'Y');
     // Output summary information
     cout << endl;
     cout << "Employees processed: " << num_emps << endl;
     cout << "Total gross pay: $" << total_gross_pay << endl;
     // Reads the employee's name, hours and hourly pay rate from the user
     // and calculates deductions based on the employee's use of the parking
     // garage or participation in the transit program.
     void input_employee_data(string &full_name, double &hours,
     double &hourly_rate, double &deductions)
     string first_name, // employee's first name, input by user
     last_name; // employee's last name, input by user
     cout << endl;
     cout << "Enter employee's first name: ";
     cin >> first_name;
     cout << "Enter employee's last name: ";
     cin >> last_name;
     full_name = join_name(first_name, last_name);
     hours = input_bounded_value("number of hours worked", MIN_HOURS,
     hourly_rate = input_bounded_value("hourly pay rate", MIN_RATE,
     deductions = calculate_deductions();
    // Concatenates an employee's first and last names to a full name in the
    // form "Last, First".
     string join_name(string first_name, string last_name)
     string full_name; // employee's concatenated full name
     full_name  = last_name + ", " + first_name;
     return full_name;
     // or just the following:
     // return last_name + ", " + first_name;
     // Reads a value from the user and validates that it is within a
     // specific range. The user is prompted to enter a numeric value
     // as described by the 'description' parameter (e.g., "number of
     // hours worked"). Once the number entered by the user is between
     // 'min_value' and 'max_value', it is returned via the 'value'
     // parameter.
     double input_bounded_value(string description, double min_value,
     double max_value)
     double value; // value read from the user
     do {
     cout << "Enter " << description << ": ";
     cin >> value;
     if (value < min_value || value > max_value) {
     cout << "The " << description << " must be between "
     << min_value << " and " << max_value << endl
     << endl;
     } while (value < min_value || value > max_value);
     return value;
     // Asks the user various yes/no questions to determine the amount of an
     // employee's after-tax deductions.
     double calculate_deductions()
     double deductions; // after-tax deduction amount
     if (get_yesno("Does the employee use the parking garage") == 'Y') {
     deductions = PARKING_RATE;
     else if (get_yesno("Does the employee participate in the "
     "transit program") == 'Y') {
     deductions = TRANSIT_RATE;
     else {
     deductions = 0;
     return deductions;
     // Splits the total number of hours worked by an employee into regular
     // and overtime hours.
     void split_hours(double hours, double &regular_hours,
     double &overtime_hours)
     if (hours <= REGULAR_HOURS_LIMIT) {
     regular_hours = hours;
     overtime_hours = 0.0;
     else {
     regular_hours = REGULAR_HOURS_LIMIT;
     overtime_hours = hours - REGULAR_HOURS_LIMIT;
     // Calculates an employee's gross pay, given the number of hours worked
     // (regular and overtime) and hourly rate.
     double calculate_gross_pay(double regular_hours, double overtime_hours,
     double hourly_rate)
     double gross_pay; // employee's gross pay
     gross_pay = (regular_hours * hourly_rate) + (overtime_hours *
     hourly_rate * OVERTIME_RATE);
     return gross_pay;
     // or just the following:
     // return (regular_hours * hourly_rate) + (overtime_hours *
     // hourly_rate * OVERTIME_RATE);
     // Calculates the tax on an employee's gross pay.
     double calculate_tax(double gross_pay, double tax_rate)
     double tax; // employee's tax amount
     tax = gross_pay * tax_rate;
     return tax;
     // or just the following:
     // return gross_pay * tax_rate;
     // Calculates an employee's net pay, given gross pay, taxes and
     // deductions.
     double calculate_net_pay(double gross_pay, double tax,
     double deductions)
     double net_pay; // employee's net pay
     net_pay = gross_pay - tax - deductions;
     return net_pay;
     // or just the following:
     // return gross_pay - tax - deductions;
     // Displays formatted payroll data for an employee, including headers.
     void output_payroll_data(string full_name, double regular_hours,
     double overtime_hours, double hourly_rate, double gross_pay,
     double tax, double deductions, double net_pay)
     cout << endl;
     cout << " Reg. Ovt. Hourly Gross "
     << " Net " << endl;
     cout << "Name Hours Hours Rate Pay "
     << " Taxes Deduct Pay " << endl;
     cout << "==================== ===== ===== ====== ======="
     << " ====== ====== =======" << endl;
     cout << left << setw(20) << full_name << " ";
     cout << right;
     cout << setw(5) << regular_hours << " ";
     cout << setw(5) << overtime_hours << " ";
     cout << setw(6) << hourly_rate << " ";
     cout << setw(7) << gross_pay << " ";
     cout << setw(6) << tax << " ";
     cout << setw(6) << deductions << " ";
     cout << setw(7) << net_pay << endl << endl;
     // Prompts the user to answer a yes/no question, providing a validated
     // 'Y' or 'N' (only) via the out parameter.
     char get_yesno(string prompt)
     char yesno; // user's yes or no response
     do {
     cout << prompt << " (Y/N)? ";
     cin >> yesno;
     if (yesno == 'y') {
     yesno = 'Y';
     else if (yesno == 'n') {
     yesno = 'N';
     if (yesno != 'Y' && yesno != 'N') {
     cout << "Please type 'Y' for yes or 'N' for no"
     << endl << endl;
     } while (yesno != 'Y' && yesno != 'N');
     return yesno;

  2. #2
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    And the problem is...
    ( Before answering, please fix your code's indentation. This is eye straining )
    Devoted my life to programming...

  3. #3
    Tweaking master Aslaville's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    clang-format -i main.cpp

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Inside my computer
    Avoid dumping 300 lines of code on people. Simplify your problem!
    Also use std::string and std::vector.
    Quote Originally Posted by Adak View Post
    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
    You mean it's included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

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