Thread: Derived Class Templates

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Derived Class Templates


    I have two templated classes, one derived from another. Both of them seperated out into header files and templated implementations. In my client_driver.cpp I am suppose to use the sets:
    A {1,3,8}
    B {2,3,5,10}
    C {4,6}
    and show:

    A && B
    A - B
    A || B
    A / B
    A && C
    A - C
    A || C
    A / C
    I understand that the operators aren't working because the high and lo indexes don't match up, but I cannot figure out a way to correct this.
    Please help.


    //  array_v.h
    #ifndef ARRAY_V_H
    #define ARRAY_V_H
    #include <cassert>
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    class Array_V
        IndexType partition(IndexType lo, IndexType hi);
        IndexType  sort(int numvals);
        void  qsRecursive(IndexType lo, IndexType hi);
        IndexType getHiIndex();
        IndexType getLoIndex();
        void setHiIndex( IndexType index );
        void setLoIndex( IndexType index );
        Array_V( IndexType lo, IndexType hi );  //constructor
        Array_V( int size = 0 );
        Array_V ( const Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >  &initArray );  //copy constructor
        ~Array_V();  //destructor
        BaseData& operator [] ( IndexType );
        Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >&
        operator = ( const Array_V< IndexType, BaseData > &initArray );
        void assign( IndexType i, const BaseData &val );
        // assigns val at location i
        BaseData retrieve( IndexType i );
        // returns the current value at i the array
        int getVolume() const;
        // returns the current volume of the array
        int getNumOf() const;
        // returns current number of elements in array
        bool empty() const;
        // returns true if array is empty and false otherwise
        void push_back( const BaseData& val );
        // insert item at the rear of the array.
        // as a result the array size is increased by 1
        //protected necessary for any derived classes
      private :
        BaseData *arrayData;        // the dynamic array
        IndexType loIndex, hiIndex;
        int volume;                // amount of available space
        int numElements;            // number of elements in the list
        int outOfRange( IndexType i );
        void reserve(int n, bool copy);
        // called by public functions only if n > volume. expands
        // the array capacity to n elements, copies the existing
        // elements to the new space if copy == true, and deletes
        // the old dynamic array. throws exception if memory allocation fails
    #include "array_v.t"
    //  array_v.h
    #ifndef ARRAY_V_T_
    #define ARRAY_V_T_
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;
    using std::cerr;
    #include <new>
    using std::bad_alloc;
    #include <cassert>  //for asset macro
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::partition(IndexType lo, IndexType hi)
      BaseData pivot;
      pivot = (*this)[lo];
      while (lo < hi)
        // Begin right-to-left scan
        while (  pivot < (*this)[hi]  && (lo < hi) )
        if (hi != lo) // move entry indexed by hi to left side of partition
          (*this)[lo++] = (*this)[hi];
        // Begin left-to-right scan
        while ( (*this)[lo] < pivot  && (lo < hi) )
        if (hi != lo) // move entry indexed by lo to right side of partition
          (*this)[hi--] = (*this)[lo];
      (*this)[hi] = pivot;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::qsRecursive(IndexType lo, IndexType hi)
      IndexType pivotPoint;
      pivotPoint = partition(lo, hi);
      if (lo < pivotPoint)
        qsRecursive(lo, pivotPoint - 1);
      if (pivotPoint < hi)
        qsRecursive(pivotPoint + 1, hi);
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::sort(int numvals)
      qsRecursive(loIndex, loIndex + numvals - 1);
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::getHiIndex()
      return  hiIndex;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::getLoIndex()
      return  loIndex;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    void Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::setLoIndex( IndexType index )
      loIndex = index;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    void Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::setHiIndex( IndexType index )
      hiIndex = index;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::Array_V(IndexType lo, IndexType hi)
      arrayData = new BaseData[ hi - lo + 1 ];
      assert( arrayData != 0 );
      loIndex = lo;
      hiIndex = hi;
      volume = hi - lo + 1;
      numElements = hi - lo + 1;
      // copy BaseData() into each array element
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < hi - lo + 1 ; i++)
        arrayData[i] = BaseData( );
    // constructor. initialize numElements and volume.
    // allocate a dynamic array of numElements integers
    // and initialize the array with T()
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::Array_V( int size ):
        arrayData(NULL), loIndex(0), hiIndex(size - 1), volume(0), numElements(0)
      int i;
      // if size is 0, volume/numElements are 0 and arrayData is NULL.
      // just return
      if (size == 0)
      // set capacity to numElements. since we are building the array,
      // copy is false
      reserve( size, false );
      numElements = size;
      // copy BaseData() into each array element
      for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        arrayData[i] = BaseData( );
    // set the volumw to n elements
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    void Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::reserve(int n, bool copy)
      BaseData *new_arrayData;
      int i;
      // allocate a new dynamic array with n elements
      new_arrayData = new BaseData[ n ];
      if (new_arrayData == NULL)
          throw  bad_alloc ();
          cerr << "Array_V::reserve(): memory allocation failure";
      // if copy is true, copy elements from the old list to the new list
      // may have to set loIndex and hiIndex if copy
      if ( copy )
        for ( i = 0; i < numElements; i++ )
          new_arrayData[ i ] = arrayData[ i ];
      // delete original dynamic array. if arrayData is NULL, the array was
      // originally empty and there is no memory to delete
      if ( arrayData != NULL )    
        delete [] arrayData;
      // set arrayData to the value newArr. update volume
      arrayData = new_arrayData;
      volume = n;
    // copy constructor. make the current object a copy of init.
    // for starters, use initialization list to create an empty
    // array
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::Array_V( const Array_V< IndexType, BaseData > &initArray ):
        arrayData(NULL), loIndex(0), hiIndex(-1), volume(0), numElements(0)
      // if size is 0, numElements/volume  are 0 and arrayData is NULL - just return
      if ( initArray.numElements == 0 )
      // set numElements to initArray.numElements. since we are building the array,
      // copy is false
      reserve( initArray.numElements, false );
      loIndex = initArray.loIndex;
      hiIndex = initArray.hiIndex;
      numElements = initArray.numElements;
      //the following is the object's []
      IndexType i;
      BaseData* p;
      p = initArray.arrayData;
      // copy items from the init.array to the newly allocated array
      for (i = loIndex; i <= hiIndex; i++, p++)
        ( (*this)[i] ) = *p;
    //void return implies no chaining
    // replace existing object (left-hand operand) by
    // init ( the right-hand operand)
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >&
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::operator = ( const Array_V< IndexType, BaseData > &initArray )
      if (this == &initArray)
        return *this;   //avoid self assignment
      ////  Why ????   // and causes problems /////////////
      // delete [] arrayData;
      // next line is the error
      // program in free(): error: chunk is already free
      IndexType i;
      // check volume to see if a new array must be allocated
      if ( volume < initArray.numElements )
        // make volume of current object the size of initArray. don't
        // do a copy, since we will replace the old values
        reserve( initArray.numElements, false );
      // assign current object to have same size as rhs and indices
      numElements = initArray.numElements;
      loIndex = initArray.loIndex;
      hiIndex = initArray.hiIndex;
      // copy items from initArray.arrayData to the this array
      BaseData* p;
      p = initArray.arrayData;
      for (i = loIndex; i <= hiIndex; i++, p++)
        ((*this)[i]) = *p;
      return *this;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::~Array_V()
      if ( arrayData != NULL)
        delete [] arrayData;
        arrayData = NULL; 
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    int Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::outOfRange(IndexType i)
      if ( (i < loIndex) || (i > hiIndex) )
          cerr << "Index " << i <<  " out of range"<< endl;
          return (1);
        return (0);
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    void Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::assign( IndexType i, const BaseData &val )
      arrayData[ i - loIndex ] = val;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    BaseData Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::retrieve(IndexType i)
      return(arrayData[ i - loIndex ]);
    //returns an address so can be an lvalue
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    BaseData& Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::operator [] (IndexType i)
      return(arrayData[ i - loIndex ]);
    //this ok
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    int Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::getVolume() const
        return volume;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    int Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::getNumOf() const
        return numElements;
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    bool Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::empty() const
        return  numElements == 0;
    // insure that list has sufficient volume,
    // add the new item to the list, and increment numElements
    template < typename IndexType, typename BaseData >
    void Array_V< IndexType, BaseData >::push_back(const BaseData& item)
      // if space is full, allocate more capacity
      if ( numElements == volume )
          if (volume == 0)
            // if volume is 0, set volume to 1.
            // set copy to false because there are
            // no existing elements
            reserve( 1, false );
            // double the volume
            reserve( 2 * volume, true );
      else if ( hiIndex - loIndex + 1  == numElements )
      // add item to the list, update numElements
      arrayData[ numElements ] = item;
    // set.h
    #ifndef SET_H_
    #define SET_H_
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cassert>
    #include "array_v.h"
    template <class Universe>
    class Set : protected Array_V<Universe,bool>
        Set (Universe loElement, Universe hiElement);
        Set (Set <Universe> &initSet);
        void operator = ( Set<Universe> &source );
        bool empty();
        bool operator == ( Set<Universe> &t );
        bool operator <= ( Set<Universe> &t );
        Set operator || ( Set<Universe> &t );//union
        Set operator && ( Set<Universe> &t );//intersection
        Set operator - ( Set<Universe> &t ); //a-b= elements in a not in b
        Set operator / ( Set<Universe> &t ); //a/b= elements in union ab minus
                            //elements in intersection ab
        void add( Universe element );
        void remove( Universe element );
        void writeSet();
        bool inSet( Universe element );
        Universe loElement, hiElement;
    #include "set.t"
    //  set.t
    #ifndef SET_T_
    #define SET_T_
    #include <iostream>
    using std::cout;
    using std::endl;
    using std::cerr;
    #include <new>
    using std::bad_alloc;
    #include <cassert>  //for asset macro
    template <class Universe>
    Set<Universe>::Set(Universe lo, Universe hi):
      loElement = lo;
      hiElement = hi;
      for (Universe element = loElement; element <=hiElement; ++element)
        (*this)[element] = false;
    template <class Universe>
    Set <Universe>:: Set(Set<Universe> &initSet)
        :Array_V<Universe, bool> (initSet.loElement,initSet.hiElement)
      loElement = initSet.loElement;
      hiElement = initSet.hiElement;
      for (Universe element = loElement; element <=hiElement; ++element)
        (*this)[element] = initSet[element];
    template<class Universe>
    Set <Universe> Set<Universe>::operator || ( Set<Universe>&t)
      Set<Universe> temp(loElement,hiElement);
      if ((loElement!=t.loElement)||(hiElement!=t.hiElement))
          cout << " && invalid ranges" << endl;
          return (*this);
      else for (Universe u = loElement; u <= hiElement; ++u)
          temp[u] = ((*this)[u] || t[u]);
      return temp;
    template<class Universe>
    Set <Universe> Set<Universe>::operator && ( Set<Universe>&t )
      Set<Universe> temp(loElement,hiElement);
      if ((loElement!=t.loElement)||(hiElement!=t.hiElement))
          cout << " && invalid ranges" << endl;
          return (*this);
      else for (Universe u = loElement; u <= hiElement; ++u)
          temp[u] = ((*this)[u] && t[u]);
      return temp;
    template <class Universe>
    template <class Universe>
    void Set<Universe>:: operator = ( Set<Universe> &source )
      if ((loElement != source.loElement) || (hiElement != source.hiElement))
        cout << " invalid assignment: incompatable ranges " << endl;
        for (Universe el = loElement; el <= hiElement; el ++)
          (*this)[el] = source[el];
    template <class Universe>
    bool Set<Universe>::empty()
      bool temp = true;
      for (Universe el = loElement; el <= hiElement; el++)
        if ((*this)[el]) temp = false;
      return temp;
    template <class Universe>
    bool Set<Universe>::operator == ( Set<Universe> &t )
      bool temp = true;
      if ((loElement!=t.loElement)||(hiElement!=t.hiElement))
          cout << " == invalid ranges" << endl;
          return false;
          for (Universe el = loElement; el <=hiElement; el++)
            if ((*this)[el]!=t[el])
              temp = false;
          return temp;
    template <class Universe>
    bool Set<Universe>::operator <= ( Set<Universe>&t )
      bool temp = true;
      if ((loElement!=t.loElement)||(hiElement!=t.hiElement))
          cout << " <= invalid ranges" << endl;
          return false;
          for (Universe el = loElement; el <=hiElement; el++)
            if ((*this)[el]&&(!t[el]))
              temp = false;
          return temp;
    template <class Universe>
    void Set<Universe>::add(Universe el )
        (*this).assign(el, true);
    template <class Universe>
    void Set<Universe>::remove(Universe el )
        (*this)[el] = false;
    template <class Universe>
    void Set<Universe>:: writeSet()
      bool comma = false;
      cout << '{';
      for (Universe el = loElement; el <=hiElement; el++ )
          if (comma && (*this)[el]) cout << ',';
          if ((*this)[el])
              cout << el ;
              comma = true;
      cout << '}' << endl;
    // client_driver.cpp
    #include "set.h"
    #include "array_v.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cassert>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        Set<int> A(1,8);
        Set<int> B(2,10);
        Set<int> C(4,6);
        A && B;   //  I need these to work.
        A - B;
        A || B;
        A / B;
        A && C;
        A - C;
        A || C;
        A / C;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by thomann061 View Post
        A && B;   //  I need these to work.
        A - B;
        A || B;
        A / B;
        A && C;
        A - C;
        A || C;
        A / C;
    how do they not work? care to elaborate? in the 745 lines of code you posted, where do you think the problem is? can you post a minimal code example (as opposed to your whole program) that shows the problem?
    What can this strange device be?
    When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
    It's got wires that vibrate and give music
    What can this thing be that I found?

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    In the first set (A), I have the elements of 1 as the low, and 8 as the high.
    In the second set (B), I have the elements of 2 as the low, and 10 as the high.
    For the operator && code below, it checks if the low values of A and B are not equal. They are always going to be not equal... and give me an error of invalid ranges.

    template<class Universe>
    Set <Universe> Set<Universe>::operator && ( Set<Universe>&t )
      Set<Universe> temp(loElement,hiElement);
      if ((loElement!=t.loElement)||(hiElement!=t.hiElement))
          cout << " && invalid ranges" << endl;
          return (*this);
      else for (Universe u = loElement; u <= hiElement; ++u)
          temp[u] = ((*this)[u] && t[u]);
      return temp;

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