Thread: Storing to Arrays

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Question Storing to Arrays

    Hey everyone, I'm having some trouble storing user input to an array in C++. I have created a class defining a fraction containing a numerator, denominator, and dash(/). I created an array of type fraction but I can't seem to store a user-inputted fraction to this array. cin is giving me an error "no operator '>>' matches these operands". I'm at a loss now.
    usingnamespace std;
    int numerator, denominator; //numerator and denominator variable initialization
    char dash; // "/"
    void getFraction() //get fraction function
                cout << "Enter fraction (ex. 1/2) "; //prompts user to enter fraction
                cin >> numerator >> dash >> denominator; //reads user input from console
    void displayFraction() //display fraction function
                cout << numerator << dash << denominator << endl; //prints fraction to console
    void addFraction(fractiona, fractionb) //add fractions function
                numerator = (a.numerator * b.denominator) + (b.numerator * a.denominator); //calculates numerator
                denominator = a.denominator * b.denominator; //calculates denominator
    void subtractFraction(fractiona, fractionb) //subtract fractions functions
                numerator = (a.numerator * b.denominator) - (b.numerator * a.denominator); //calculates numerator
                denominator = a.denominator + b.denominator; //calculates denominator
    void multiplyFraction(fractiona, fractionb) //multiply fractions function
                numerator = a.numerator * b.numerator; //calculates numerator
                denominator = a.denominator + b.denominator; //calculates denominator
    void divideFraction(fractiona, fractionb) //divide fractions function
                numerator = a.numerator * b.denominator; //calculates numerator
                denominator = a.denominator + b.numerator; //calculates denominator
    voidfraction::lowterms() // change ourself to lowest terms
    long tnum, tden, temp, gcd;
                tnum = labs(numerator); // use non-negative copies
                tden = labs(denominator); // (needs cmath)
    if(tden==0 ) // check for n/0
                    cout << "Illegal fraction: division by 0"; exit(1);
    elseif( tnum==0 ) // check for 0/n
                    denominator = 1;
    // this ‘while’ loop finds the gcd of tnum and tden
    while(tnum != 0)
    if(tnum < tden) // ensure numerator larger
                } // swap them
                tnum = tnum - tden; // subtract them
                gcd = tden; // this is greatest common divisor
                numerator = numerator / gcd; // divide both num and den by gcd
                denominator = denominator / gcd; // to reduce frac to lowest terms
                cout << "Lowest Terms: " << numerator << dash << denominator << endl; //outputs lowest terms fraction to console
    void averageFraction()
    int_tmain(intargc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    fraction a, b; //fraction 1 and fraction 2
    char op, cont; //op = operator, cont = continue?
    int choice;
    for(int i = 1; i != 0;) //for loop running until user enters 'n'
    int showanswer = 1; //decides whether or not to show answer
            cout << "Would you like to average fractions, or perform an operation? (1 = average, 2 = other) ";
            cin >> choice;
    if(choice == 1)
    int arraysize = 0, numerator, denominator;
    char dash;
                cout << "How many fractions would you like to average? (Positive Integer)";
                cin >> arraysize;
    fraction *array = newfraction[arraysize];
    for(int i = 0; i < arraysize; i++)
                    cout << "Enter a fraction to average: (Ex. 3/4)";
                    cin >> *array;
                cout << "You have chosen average!\n";
    elseif(choice == 2)
                a.getFraction(); //calls getFraction function
                cout << "Enter Operator (+ - * /): "; //prompts user to enter operator
                cin >> op; //reads operator and stores in op
                b.getFraction(); //calls getFraction function
    if(op == '+'){ //checks if op is +
                    a.addFraction(a, b); //calls add function if true
                    i = 0; //sets i to 0
    elseif(op == '-'){ //checks if op is -
                    a.subtractFraction(a, b); //calls subtract function if true
                    i = 0; //sets i to 0
    elseif(op == '*'){ //checks if op is *
                    a.multiplyFraction(a, b); //calls multiply function if true
                    i = 0; //sets i to 0
    elseif(op == '/'){ //checks if op is /
                    a.divideFraction(a, b); //calls divide function if true
                    i = 0; //sets i to 0
                    cout << "You have entered an invalid operator, please use +, -, *, or /\n"; //prints to console if not + - * /
                    i = 1; //sets i to 1
                    showanswer = 0; //doesn't show answer
    if(showanswer == 1){ //if show answer is 1, run below
                    a.displayFraction(); //displays fraction
                    a.lowterms(); //displays fraction in lowest terms
                    cout << "\nWould you like to perform another calculation? (y/n) "; //asks user if they would like to perform another calculation
                    cin >> cont; //reads user input and stores in cont
    if(cont == 'y'){ //if yes
                        i = 1; //run loop again
    elseif(cont == 'n'){ //if no
                        i = 0; //end loop and exit
                        cout << "You have entered an invalid key. Exiting\n"; //if incorrect key
                        i = 0; //exit
                cout << "Invalid Option\n";
    return 0;
    Thanks in advance for any tips guiding me in the right direction!

  2. #2
    Bored Programmer
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Tomball, TX

    Just a tip for you turn up your warnings and compile things. If you post with an error message then we at least know what to focus on

    These are my warnings/ errors
    main.cpp:4:1: error: ‘usingnamespace’ does not name a type
    main.cpp:7:1: error: ‘classfraction’ does not name a type
    main.cpp:150:10: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token
    So the first one points to line 4 and it doesn't recognize usingnamespace. When you inspect that you might realize that:
    usingnamespace std;
    should be
    using namespace std;
    since using namespace std isn't being recognized properly it won't reconize the cin explaining your first issue.
    cin is giving me an error "no operator '>>' matches these operands".
    Second one line 7 says classfration does not name a type. What does that mean? Well every data has a type associated with it. Your classes work the same way so C++ is assuming you are meaning to declar something named classfraction. I'm guessing what you intending was to declare a class as the type and fraction as the name. Something like this:
    changed to
    class fraction{
    last one points to your int main it expects a valid constructor before the ( because my complier doesn't recognize
    int_tmain(intargc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    As a valid declaration of the main entry point for the program. It is looking for something a little more like
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    There will be more error messages to follow these fixes but post your complete list of error messages as learning to read these will lead to better programming and understanding of the language.

    "You can give a man debug tips for a day, but teach him to read error messages and he will debug for life." ;o)

    PS: The reason my compiler might not recognize the main declaration is my lack of stdafx.h on my system as I am building in G++ on Ubuntu.
    Last edited by Lesshardtofind; 01-07-2013 at 09:59 PM.
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