Thread: Help with a math algorithm.

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Help with a math algorithm.

    I'm translating a small python script into C++, for a fellow internaut.
    Though the script is less than 100 lines long, I haven't finished it. In fact I'm stuck a the very beginning.
    This snippet is the culprit:
    if level < 10: 
            base_precision = 24 + (level - 1) * 4 
        elif level < 20: 
            base_precision = 24 + 8 * 4 + (level - 9) * 6 
        elif level < 30: 
            base_precision = 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6 + (level - 19) * 8 
        elif level < 40: 
            base_precision = 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6 + 10 * 8 + (level - 29) * 10 
        elif level < 50: 
            base_precision = 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6 + 10 * 8 + 10 * 10 + (level - 39) * 12 
        elif level < 60: 
            base_precision = 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6 + 10 * 8 + 10 * 10 + 10 * 12\ 
                + (level - 49) * 14 
        elif level < 70: 
            base_precision = 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6 + 10 * 8 + 10 * 10 + 10 * 12 + 10 * 14\ 
                + (level - 59) * 16 
        elif level < 80: 
            base_precision = 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6 + 10 * 8 + 10 * 10 + 10 * 12 + 10 * 14\ 
                + 10 * 16 + (level - 69) * 18 
            base_precision = 24 + (8 * 4) + (10 * 6) + (10 * 8) + (10 * 10) + (10 * 12)\ 
                + (10 * 14) + (10 * 16) + (10 * 18) + 20
    The reason why he used those whimsical calculations elude me. The first thing I thought, was to remove the unnecessary steps.
    if (userTraits.level < 10)
          basePrecision = (userTraits.level -1) * 4 + 24;
       else if (userTraits.level < 20)
          basePrecision = (userTraits.level -9) * 6 + 56;
       else if (userTraits.level < 30)
          basePrecision = (userTraits.level -19) * 8 + 116;
          basePrecision = 916;
    That was simple enough, and it worked. But I was struck with the idea that there is a pattern in those numbers.
    After puling my hair for while I finally I came up with this formula:
    basePrecision = (level * 0.1 + 3.2) * level + 20
    It works alright for the most part, but it's a little off for certain values of level. e.g: if level = 34, basePrecision should be 246, but my formula returns 244.4
    For such a small difference I thought playing around with ceil() or floor() would even it out. The problem is that it does, but it offsets other correct values.

    My math skills are next to nonexistent. Perhaps you guys can see something there that I didn't, and come up with a more accurate formula.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Cat without Hat CornedBee's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    I don't think you can find a reasonable approximation in a single formula. But you might come up with a loop.
    The pattern is:
    base_precision = 24
    for each level below 10, add 4
    for each additional level below 20, add 6
    for each additional level below 30, add 8

    Something like:
    int tlevel = level;
    int base_precision = 24;
    int group = 1;
    while (tlevel >= 10) {
      base_precision += 20 * group;
      tlevel -= 10;
    base_precision += 2 * group * tlevel;
    Except that this contains some off-by-one errors for the thresholds.
    All the buzzt!

    "There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be, any programming language in which it is the least bit difficult to write bad code."
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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    The bigger question is whether or not the original code is more correct that either of the simplifications listed in the thread.

    But another approach is a to have a lookup table of base values plus a variable for the level you happen to be in
    int base[] = {24, 24 + 8 * 4, 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6, 24 + 8 * 4 + 10 * 6 + 10 * 8, ...}
    int val = base[level / 10] + (level % 10) * (4 *  2* level/10);
    Or something like that.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Mar 2009
    Replace 4 * 2 * level / 10 with 4 + 2 * level/10.

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