How to pass string(arr) to function and perform operation.

i m receiving an error:
....main.cpp|35|error: cannot convert 'std::string' to 'char*' for argument '1' to 'int check(char*)'|

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

int check(char *arr);

int main()
    string arr;
    int cont=1;
    int chck;

    while (1)
        cout << "Enter your Date of Birth (Format: DD/MM/YYYY e.g: 11/09/1984): ";
        if (arr == "0")
            cout << "Thankyou for using... :)";

            if (arr.length() != 10 )
                cout << "Syntax Error! Please follow the syntax\n\n";


            if(check(arr) != 0)    // Checking the Syntax
                if (check(arr) == 1)
                    cout << "\nError in Date. Please try again and follow the syntax\n";
                if (check(arr) == 2)
                    cout << "\nError in Month. Please try again and follow the syntax\n";
                if (check(arr) == 3)
                    cout << "\nError in Year. Please try again and follow the syntax\n";
                if (check(arr) == 4)
                    cout << "\nError in Syntax. Please try again and follow the syntax\n";


    return 0;

int check(char arr[10])
    if ((int)arr[0] <= 47 || (int)arr[0] >= 50 || (int)arr[1] <= 47 || (int)arr[1] >= 57 )
        return 1;// Date problem

    if ( (int)arr[3] == 47 && (int)arr[4] <= 48 || (int)arr[4] >= 57)
        return 2; // month problem

    if( (int)arr[3] == 48 && (int)arr[4] <= 47 || (int)arr[4] >= 49)
        return 2; // month problem

    if( (int)arr[6] <= 48 || (int)arr[6] >= 49)
        return 3; // Year problem
    if( (int)arr[2] == '/' && (int)arr[5] == '/')
        return 4;

    return 0;