Thread: Help with Strings -- Please read

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Jan 2002

    Exclamation Help with Strings -- Please read

    Okay, I have a problem. I have a string which contains the following.


    How would I seperate that string ($ being the seperator) into four seperate strings?

    I learn by example, so please jot me down some code =) I'm sure it's not too hard, however I am not too familiar with C++ strings, as I am an ex-VB coder.

    Better yet, email me with a reply.
    [email protected]


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Mar 2002
    int x, y, strcount, length;
    char yourstring[25] = "none$none$south.dat$none";
    char *seperated[4];
    y = 0;
    strcount = 0;
    length = 0;
    for(x = 0; yourstring[x] ; x++)
    	if (yourstring[x] == '$')
    		seperated[strcount] = new char[length+1];
    		for(y = 0; y < length ; y++)
    			seperated[strcount][y] = yourstring[x-length+y];
    		seperated[strcount][y] = '\0';
    		length = 0;
    for(y = 0; y < length ; y++)
    	seperated[strcount][y] = yourstring[x-length+y];
    seperated[strcount][y] = '\0';
    not sure if this is a good way to do what you want, but it should work for any string with a few modifications
    *edited to add proper spacing*
    Last edited by Syneris; 03-26-2002 at 11:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Nov 2001
    You might also want to try the getline function if working with a input file "infile.getline(variable,4,'$')" this will read "none" into variable for 4 spaces and stop at the $ sign. You could also make the 4 a 5 or 6 and it would still stop at the $ sign. but allow for a bigger string. Try checking out ignore() to help aid the get line and maybe check the string.h lib for some ideas? Hope this helps


  4. #4
    Registered User
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    It is a file input. However, the key is that the $ may appear after any number of characters, so I need a function to stop at $, not at 4 or 5 or any characters for that matter, get what I mean?

    Oh well, thanks for the code and the replies!

    Best of luck to you all,

  5. #5
    using getline() similar to this:

    const int largestNumberOfCharacersExpected = //whatever;
    char bufferName[largestNumberOfCharactersExpected];
    fin.getline(bufferName, largestNumberOfCharactersExpected, '$');

    will allow you to read characters into bufferName until one of the following happens:

    a) the largestNumberOfCharacters expected - 1 number of characters have been read in
    b) a $ char has been encountered
    c) end of file character has been encountered

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Jan 2002


    Okay, that would work, but I need exitString[51] to be able to be split into exitNorth[12], exitSouth[12], exitEast[12], and exitWest[12].

    How could I do that with getline? That seems like the most logical idea...


  7. #7
    couldn't you just use strtok() ?

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