#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// standard Connect Four board size
const int NROWS = 6;
const int NCOLS = 7;

//globalvariable declarations
int board [NROWS][NCOLS] = {0, 0}; // make everything equal 0
// NOTE: The 8th row is the row that contains the height of the column

// I see what you are trying to do above.
//   A better way is just to check to see if their is a piece in the
//   topmost row of the column.
// Since the 8th row is messing you up, I've removed it.
int currentPlayer = 1;
int playerMove = 1; // which player's move it is.
int victory; // who has won (0 if no one)

// prototype declarations
void displayBoard ();
int inputNewMove ();
int checkForWin ();
void gameOver ();
void logo();
void playername(string& name1, string&name2);
void rules();


int main ()
  string name1, name2;
  playername(name1, name2);
  displayBoard ();
  for (int i = 0 ; i < 42 ; i++)
           if ( currentPlayer == 1 ) {
  cout<<name1 <<"'s turn"<<endl;

	else {
  cout<<name2 <<"'s turn"<<endl;

    inputNewMove ();
    displayBoard ();
    victory = checkForWin ();
    if (victory > 0)
      gameOver ();
      return 0;

void displayBoard ()
  // suggestion: use a lookup table
  const char LUT[] = " 12";

  cout << "  1 2 3 4 5 6 7" << endl;
  cout << "  --------------";
  for (int boardRow = 0 ; boardRow<NROWS ; boardRow++)// cycle through rows
    cout << endl; // go to the next line
    cout << (boardRow + 1) << "|";
    for (int boardColumn = 0 ; boardColumn<NCOLS ; boardColumn++) // cycle through columns
      cout << LUT[ board[boardRow][boardColumn] ] << ' ';
      if (board [boardRow][boardColumn] == 0) // empty
        cout << "  ";
      if (board [boardRow][boardColumn] == 1) // player 1's piece
        cout << "1 ";
      if (board [boardRow][boardColumn] == 2) // player 2's piece
        cout << "2 ";
  cout << endl << endl;

bool isColumnFull( int col )
  return board[0][col] != 0;

int inputNewMove()
  int x;
  int height;
  for (;;)
    cout << "Column? ";
    cin >> x;

    if ((x <= 7) && (x >= 1) && !isColumnFull( x-1 ))  
      {                       //(board[8][x-1] != 8))

      cout << "Choice must be between 1 and 7, and column cannot be full." << endl;

// brilliant! however, since board[7] no longer exists... 
//  board[8][x-1]++; // adds one to the HEIGHT OF THE COLUMN VALUE (ROW 8)
//  height = (8 - (board[8][x-1])); // determines point in array to fall (simulates the falling piece until it stops)

  // search for the next available space
  for (height=NROWS-1; board[height][x-1] != 0; height--);

  board [height][x-1] = playerMove; // sets array coordinate to the number of the player

  //switch move
  if (playerMove == 1)

  return 0;

int checkForWin ()

  //test for VERTICAL victory
  for (int i=0; i<NCOLS-3; i++) // columns
    for (int j=0; j<NROWS; j++) // rows

      if (board[j][i] == 1 && board[j][i+1] == 1 && board[j][i+2] == 1 && board[j][i+3] == 1)
        return 1;
      if (board[j][i] == 2 && board[j][i+1] == 2 && board[j][i+2] == 2 && board[j][i+3] == 2)
        return 2;

  //test HORIZONTAL victory
  for (int i=0; i<NCOLS; i++) // columns
    for (int j=0; j<NROWS-3; j++) // rows

      if (board[j][i] == 1 && board[j+1][i] == 1 && board[j+1][i] == 1 && board[j+1][i] == 1)
        return 1;
      if (board[j][i] == 2 && board[j+1][i] == 2 && board[j+2][i] == 2 && board[j+3][i] == 2)
        return 2;

  // don't forget to test for diagonal victory
  // (combine what was done for your vertical and horizontal tests)

  return 0;

void gameOver()
	  cout << endl << "Game Over! Player " << victory << "has won!\n" ;
void logo()
	cout<<"------------Welcome to Connect 4 ----------------"<<endl;
	cout<<"     ************Connect*************"<<endl;
	cout<<"    **********************************"<<endl;
	cout<<"   *****************4******************"<<endl;
	cout<<"  *****************4*4******************"<<endl;
	cout<<"  ****************4**4******************"<<endl;
	cout<<"  **************4444444***************"<<endl;
	cout<<"   *****************4****************"<<endl;
	cout<<"    ****************4***************"<<endl;
void playername(string& name1, string&name2)
	cout<<"What is player 1's name : ";
	cout<<"What is player 2's name : ";
	cout<<"Hi "<<name1<<", "<<name2<<endl;
void rules()
	cout<<"The following is the rules of the Connect 4 : \n";
	cout<<"1. Each player in his turn drops one of his checkers down any of the slots \n   in the top of the grid. \n";
	cout<<"2. The play alternates until one of the players gets four checkers of his \n   colour in a row. The four in a row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.\n";
	cout<<"3. The first player to get four in a row wins.\n";
	cout<<"4. If the board is filled with pieces and neither player has 4 in a row, \n   then the game is a draw.\n";
in the main()
int main ()
  string name1, name2;
  playername(name1, name2);
  displayBoard ();
  for (int i = 0 ; i < 42 ; i++)
           if ( currentPlayer == 1 ) {
  cout<<name1 <<"'s turn"<<endl;

	else {
  cout<<name2 <<"'s turn"<<endl;

    inputNewMove ();
    displayBoard ();
    victory = checkForWin ();
    if (victory > 0)
      gameOver ();
      return 0;
in the for loop, why i change 42 instead of 15, the program can't check the win diagonal???

also, when player 1 wins , how can his name displayed???
like this image
