Thread: SIGABRT when constructing a string

  1. #1
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    SIGABRT when constructing a string

    I've probably been staring at the screen too long to think clearly, I would have thought this would be an easy one to figure out, but I haven't had any luck yet.

    A part of my code is throwing an exception, and when constructing the exception, I get the following message:
    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Parser::SyntaxError'
    Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
    0x00007ffff72dfa75 in raise () from /lib/
    The code that raises the exception is:
      throw SyntaxError("';' expected");
    The definition of SyntaxError is:
      struct SyntaxError {
        std::string s;
        SyntaxError(const char *t) { s = std::string(t); }
    The SIGABRT is triggered on the s = std::string(t); assignment. I'm not sure why that would be. I don't believe it is a memory access issue. My understanding is that std::string(const char *c) will construct a string initialized to a copy of string pointed to by c.

    Any help would be appreciated


  2. #2
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    it's possible that 't' is an invalid pointer when you pass it to SyntaxError

  3. #3
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    If I check it in the debugger, t looks okay to me. It is passed to the SyntaxError constructor as a string literal.

    I also wanted to mention that the error above is what I receive when stepping through the code in gdb, and happens when i step over that assignment. If I run the program from a terminal, the error is slightly different:

    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Parser::SyntaxError'
    The exception is thrown inside of a try-catch block, where Parser::SyntaxError is caught.

    If more code is helpful, I can post the full source file(s).

  4. #4
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    Although I didn't think it would accomplish anything, I wrapped an error handler in around the part of the code in main that eventually leads to the exception. The exception now *is* caught in main.

    In general,
    1.) Parser::stmt() calls Parser::match() inside of a try-catch block:
        // If in interactive mode, allow either a semicolon or
        // a newline character to terminate an expression
        bool matchedNL = false;
        bool getNext = false;
        if (mode == INTERACTIVE) {
          try {
    	match(NEWLINE, false);
    	matchedNL = true;
          catch (SyntaxError e) {
    	// Error handling
    	getNext = true;
          catch (...) {
    	getNext = true;
    2.) Parser::match throws an exception when the token it was expecting is not the current token
    bool Parser::match(TokenType t, bool get) {
      if (get) lexer.getNextToken();
      if (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType() == t)
        return true;
      throw SyntaxError("Token Expected");
    3.) The call to Parser:arse(), which starts the whole process in main is where the exception is being caught:
      try {
      catch (Parser::SyntaxError e) { 
        cout << "In Parser::SyntaxError handler in main.cpp\n";
      catch (...) { 
        cout << "In default handler in main.cpp\n";
    So it seems the SIGABRT was due to the exception not being caught. Now I see the output saying the program reached Parser::SyntaxError handler in main.cpp and the debugger (gdb) tells me the program terminated normally. However, gdb does not take me to the exception handler, maybe I have to toy with some options there.

    Why is the exception not being caught in Parser::stmt()?

  5. #5
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    If an exception is not being caught, the result is a call to terminate() which - by default - calls abort(). One reasonable implementation of abort() would be to raise SIGABRT.

    Another way by which terminate() is called is if he process of stack unwinding throws another exception. Given that your SyntaxError struct has a std::string member, that member is potentially copied repeatedly during stack unwinding. That copying potentially dynamically allocates memory, and may throw an exception (if the memory allocation fails). If that happens, then terminate() will be called. So sayeth the C++ standard.

    There are many other possible explanations for your problem. However, since you haven't given a small but complete sample of code that repeatably exhibits your problem, the best we can do is guess.

    Debuggers and exceptions don't necessarily play together well, which may explain why gdb is not taking you to the exception hander.
    Right 98% of the time, and don't care about the other 3%.

    If I seem grumpy or unhelpful in reply to you, or tell you you need to demonstrate more effort before you can expect help, it is likely you deserve it. Suck it up, Buttercup, and read this, this, and this before posting again.

  6. #6
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    I am a bit puzzled because I have not been able to produce a short sample of code that reproduced the problem. I am going to post two things, 1.) the short code I thought ought to capture / reproduce the problem, but fails to do so, and 2.) my actual code in its entirety. Sorry for the large postings, I've hesitated doing this but have been unable to reproduce in a short example.

    Here is the code I believe captures the flow of the original program and ought to reproduce the error, but does not. In comments off to the side I indicate what the different parts of this program are analogous to in the original.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    class Foo {    // class Parser
      void f1() {  // double parse(bool get = true)
      struct Bar { // struct SyntaxError 
        string s;
        Bar(const char *t) { s = string(t); }
      void f2() {  // double stmt(bool)
        try {
          f3();    // match(NEWLINE, false); line 93 of Parser.cpp
        catch (Foo::Bar e) {
          cout << "Foo::Bar Caugh in f2(). " << e.s << endl;
        catch (...) {
          cout << "Unknown exception caught in f2().\n";
      void f3() {  // bool match(Token, bool)
        throw Bar("Catch me if you can!");
    int main() {
      Foo foo;
      try {
        foo.f1();  // Call to Parser::parse()
      catch (Foo::Bar e) {
        cout << "Foo::Bar Caugh in main(). " << e.s << endl;
      catch (...) {
        cout << "Unknown exception caught in main().\n";
      return 0;
    Running this program produces "good" results:
    Foo::Bar Caugh in f2(). Catch me if you can!
    Now what follows are the source files that make up my actual program:
    #include <iostream>
    #include "Parser.h"
    using namespace std;
    int main() {
      SymbolTable table;
      Lexer lex = Lexer(&cin);
      Parser parser = Parser(lex, table, INTERACTIVE, true, true, &cout);
      try {
      catch (Parser::SyntaxError e) { 
        cout << "In Parser::SyntaxError handler in main.cpp\n";
      catch (...) { 
        cout << "In default handler in main.cpp\n";
      return 0;
    #ifndef _PARSER_H_
    #define _PARSER_H_
    #include <iostream>
    #include <stack>
    #include "Lexer.h"
    #include "Symbol.h"
    /* are there more? */
    enum ParserMode {
    class Parser {
      Parser(Lexer& lex, SymbolTable& t, ParserMode m, 
    	 bool chkSem, bool chkN, std::ostream *out);
      //Parser(Lexer lex, SymbolTable t, std::ostream *out);
      double parse(bool get = true);
      struct ZeroDivide {
        ZeroDivide() { }
      struct SyntaxError {
        std::string& s;
        SyntaxError(const char* t) { s = std::string(t); }
      bool match(TokenType t, bool get);
      double stmt(bool);
      double ifBlock(bool, bool);
      double expr(bool);
      double lunion(bool);
      double test(bool);
      double additive(bool);
      double term(bool);
      double expn(bool);
      double prim(bool);
      /* Private member type to hold state of the parser
       * If chkSemantics is false, Syntax only will be checked
       * If chkNames is false, will not check that Names have been declared
      class ParserState {
        const bool chkSemantics; // If Semantics should be checked
        const bool chkNames;     // If Names should be checked
        ParserState(bool chkSem, bool chkN)
          : chkSemantics(chkSem), chkNames(chkN) { };
      Lexer& lexer;
      SymbolTable& table;
      ParserMode mode;
      std::stack<ParserState> stateStack;
      std::ostream* output;
      double rslt;
      int numErrors;
    #endif // _Parser_H_
    #include <cmath>
    #include "Parser.h"
    Parser::Parser(Lexer& lex, SymbolTable& t, ParserMode m,
    	       bool chkSem, bool chkN, std::ostream *out)
      : lexer(lex), table(t), mode(m), output(out)
      // Seems pretty useless to run in interactive mode
      // and not have semantics enabled?
      // Maybe allow for testing / debugging?
      // if (m == INTERACTIVE)
      //  chkSem = true;
      stateStack.push(ParserState(chkSem, chkN));
      numErrors = 0;
      rslt = 0;
    /* Top level call to begin parsing
     * If get is true, a new token will read
     * Returns the numerical value of the last expression evaluated
    double Parser::parse(bool get) {
      if (get) lexer.getNextToken();
      // Read statements until end of input is reached
      while (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType() != END)
        (*this).rslt = stmt(false);
      return (*this).rslt;
    bool Parser::match(TokenType t, bool get) {
      if (get) lexer.getNextToken();
      if (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType() == t)
        return true;
      throw SyntaxError("Token Expected");
    /* Match a statement
     * Can be either an if-statement or a
     * numerical/logical expression
    double Parser::stmt(bool get) {
      double retVal = 0;
      // IF ( expr ) ifBlock ENDIF
      // IF ( expr ) ifBlock ELSE ifBlock ENDIF
      if (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType() == IF) {
        // Match an if-statement
        match(LP, true);
        double condition = expr(true);
        match(RP, false);
        // Parse the if true part of the if statement
        // Push a new Parser state onto the stack
        bool chkSem   = ( && condition);
        bool chkNames = (;
        stateStack.push(ParserState(chkSem, chkNames));
        retVal = ifBlock(false, true);
        // Check for an else clause
        if (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType() == ELSE) {
          // Parse the else part of the if statement
          chkSem = ( && !condition);
          chkNames = (;
          stateStack.push(ParserState(chkSem, chkNames));
          if (chkSem)
    	retVal = ifBlock(true, true);
    	ifBlock(true, true);
      } else {
        // expr ;
        retVal = expr(false);
        // If in interactive mode, allow either a semicolon or
        // a newline character to terminate an expression
        bool matchedNL = false;
        if (mode == INTERACTIVE) {
          try {
    	match(NEWLINE, false);
    	matchedNL = true;
          catch (Parser::SyntaxError& e) {
    	// Error handling
    	std::cout << "Caught Parser::SyntaxError in stmt()\n";
          catch (...) {
    	std::cout << "Caught unknown exception in stmt()\n";
        if (!matchedNL)
          match(SEMI, false);
      // member variable rslt will hold value of last evaluated expression
      if ((mode == INTERACTIVE) && ( && 
          (stateStack.size() == 1))
        (*output) << retVal << '\n';
      return retVal;
    double Parser::ifBlock(bool inElseBlock, bool get) {
      double retVal = 0;
      if (get) lexer.getNextToken();
      for (;;) 
        switch (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
        case ELSE:
          if (inElseBlock)
    	throw SyntaxError("'else' without matching 'if'");
    	return retVal;
        case ENDIF:
          return retVal;
          retVal = stmt(false);
      // Cannot reach this point
    double Parser::expr(bool get) {
      double left = lunion(get);
      for (;;) 
        switch (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
        case OR:  // union | union
          left = left || lunion(true);
        default:  // union
          return left;
      // Cannot reach this point
    double Parser::lunion(bool get) {
      double left = test(get);
      for (;;)
        switch(lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
        case AND:  // test & test
          left = left || test(true);
        default:   // test
          return left;
      // Cannot reach this point
    double Parser::test(bool get) {
      double left = additive(get);
      for (;;)
        switch(lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
        case LT:  // additive <  additive
          left = (left < additive(true));
        case LE:  // additive <= additive
          left = (left <= additive(true));
        case GT:  // additive >  additive
          left = (left > additive(true));
        case GE:  // additive >= additive
          left = (left >= additive(true));
        case EQ:  // additive == additive
          left = (left == additive(true));
        case NEQ: // additive != additive
          left = (left != additive(true));
        default:  // additive
          return left;
      // Cannot reach this point
    double Parser::additive(bool get) {
      double left = term(get);
      for (;;)
        switch(lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
        case PLUS:  // term + term
          left += term(true);
        case MINUS: // term - term
          left -= term(true);
        default:    // term
          return left;
      // Cannot reach this point
    double Parser::term(bool get) {
      double left = expn(get);
      for (;;)
        switch(lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
        case MULT: // expn * expn
          left *= expn(true);
        case DIV:  // expn / expn
    	if (double d = expn(true)) { // Fetch divisor in advance
    	  left /= d;                 // and check for divide by zero
    	if (
    	  throw ZeroDivide();
        case MOD:  // expn % expn modulus operator
    	if (double d = expn(true)) { // Fetch divisor in advance
    	  left = int(left) % int(d); // and check for divide by zero
    	if (
    	  throw ZeroDivide();
        default:  // expn
          return left;
      // Cannot reach this point
    double Parser::expn(bool get) {
      double base = prim(get);
      double retVal = base;
        switch (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
        case POW: // prim ^ expn  - expn "binds to the right"
          {       // a ^ b ^ c = a ^ (b ^ c)
    	double power = expn(true);
    	retVal = pow(base, power);
        default:  // prim
          return retVal;
      // Cannot reach this point
    double Parser::prim(bool get) {
      if (get) lexer.getNextToken();
      switch (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType()) {
      case NUMBER:
          double v = lexer.getCurrentToken().getNumberValue();
          return v;
      case NAME:
          double& v = table.getSym(lexer.getCurrentToken().getStringValue());
          if (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType() == ASSIGN) v = expr(true);
          return v;
      case NOT:   // unary negate
        return !prim(true);
      case MINUS: // unary minus
        return -prim(true);
      case PLUS:  // unary plus
        return +prim(true);
      case LP:
          double e = expr(true);
          if (lexer.getCurrentToken().getTokenType() != RP)
    	throw SyntaxError("')' expected");
          lexer.getNextToken(); // eat ')'
          return e;
        throw SyntaxError("primary expected");
      // Cannot reach this point
    #ifndef _LEXER_H_
    #define _LEXER_H_
    #include <iostream>
    #include "Token.h"
    class Lexer {
      Lexer(std::istream *in);
      Token getNextToken();
      Token getCurrentToken();
      class LexerError {
        const char *p;
        LexerError(const char* q) { p = q; }
      Token currentToken;
      std::istream* input;
    #endif //_LEXER_H_
    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include "Lexer.h"
    using namespace std;
    Lexer::Lexer(std::istream* in) 
      : input(in) { }
    // Could inline this in class definition
    Token Lexer::getCurrentToken() {
      return (*this).currentToken;
    Token Lexer::getNextToken() {
      int ch = 0;  // int, rather than char so large enough to hold EOF
      do {  // Skip over whitespace other than newline
        ch = (*input).get();
        if (ch == EOF) return (*this).currentToken = Token(END);
      } while (ch != '\n' && isspace(ch));
      switch (ch) {
      case EOF:
        return (*this).currentToken = Token(END);
      case '\n':
        return (*this).currentToken = Token(NEWLINE);
      case ';':
        return (*this).currentToken = Token(SEMI);
      case '/':
          int look = 0;  // Look ahead a character to detect comments
          look = (*input).get();
          if (look != '/') {
    	if (look != EOF) (*input).putback(char(look));
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(TokenType(ch));  // Division
          // Read over comment until the end of the line (or end of input)
          while ((look != EOF) && (look = '\n')) look=(*input).get();
          if (look == '\n')
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(NEWLINE);
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(END);
        // Simple operators
      case '^':
      case '*':
      case '%':
      case '+':
      case '-':
      case '|':
      case '&':
      case '(':
      case ')':
        return (*this).currentToken = Token(TokenType(ch));
      case '!':
          int look = 0;
          look = (*input).get();
          if (look != '=') {
    	if (look != EOF) (*input).putback(char(look));
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(TokenType(ch)); // Uniary NOT
          } else
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(NEQ); // Not equal to
      case '=':
          int look = 0;
          look = (*input).get();
          if (look != '=') {
    	if (look != EOF) (*input).putback(char(look));
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(TokenType(ch)); // Assignment
          } else
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(EQ);  // Equality test
      case '<':
          int look = 0;
          look = (*input).get();
          if (look != '=') {
    	if (look != EOF) (*input).putback(look);
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(TokenType(ch));  // Less than
          } else
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(LE);  // Less than or equal to
      case '>':
          int look = 0;
          look = (*input).get();
          if (look != '=') {
    	if (look != EOF) (*input).putback(char(look));
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(TokenType(ch));  // Greater than
          } else
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(GE); // Greater than or equal to
        // Numbers
      case '0':
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':
      case '7':
      case '8':
      case '9':
      case '.':
          double d;
          (*input) >> d;
          return (*this).currentToken = Token(NUMBER, d);
      // Keywords and names
          // Names can begin with letters or underscore
          if (isalpha(ch) || ch == '_') {
    	string s;
    	// And can contain letters, numbers, and underscores
    	while ( (ch=(*input).get()) && (isalnum(char(ch)) || ch == '_') )
    	(*input).putback(char(ch));  // Read one too many characters
    	// Check for keywords
    	if ("if") == 0) return (*this).currentToken = Token(IF);
    	if ("else") == 0) return (*this).currentToken = Token(ELSE);
    	if ("endif") == 0) return (*this).currentToken = Token(ENDIF);
    	// Not a keyword, must be a name
    	return (*this).currentToken = Token(NAME,s);
          // Not good if we reach this point
          throw LexerError("bad token");
    #ifndef _TOKEN_H_
    #define _TOKEN_H_
    enum TokenType {
      END,       NEWLINE='\n', SEMI=';', DIV='/',
      MULT='*',  POW='^',      MOD='%',  PLUS='+',
      MINUS='-', OR='|',       AND='&',  LP='(',
      RP=')',    ASSIGN='=',   NOT='!',  LT='<',
      GT='>',    EQ,           NEQ,      LE,
      GE,        IF,           ELSE,     ENDIF,
      NAME,      NUMBER 
    struct Token {
      TokenType tokenType;
      std::string stringValue;
      double numberValue;
        : tokenType(END), stringValue(""), numberValue(0) { }
      Token(const TokenType t) 
        : tokenType(t), stringValue(""), numberValue(0) { }
      Token(const TokenType t, const std::string& s)
        : tokenType(t), stringValue(s), numberValue(0) { }
      Token(const TokenType t, double d)
        : tokenType(t), stringValue(""), numberValue(d) { }
      TokenType getTokenType() const { return tokenType; }
      std::string getStringValue() const { return stringValue; }
      double getNumberValue() const { return numberValue; }
    #endif // TOKEN_H
    #ifndef _SYMBOL_H_
    #define _SYMBOL_H_
    #include <string>
    #include <map>
    class SymbolTable {
      double& getSym(std::string key);
      double putSym(std::string key, double val);
      class SymbolNotFound { 
        const char *p;
        SymbolNotFound(const char* q) { p=q; }
      std::map<std::string, double> table;
    #endif // _SYMBOL_H
    #include "Symbol.h"
    SymbolTable::SymbolTable() {}
    double& SymbolTable::getSym(std::string key) {
      std::map<std::string, double>::iterator it = table.find(key);
      if (it == table.end())
        throw SymbolNotFound(key.c_str());
      return it->second;
    double SymbolTable::putSym(std::string key, double val) {
      return table[key] = val;

    I just got this thing to compile, and would like to test / debug it, I'm sure there are lots of bugs in there. I work through those as I find them. I am looking for help catching my Parser::SyntaxError exception. To trigger the exception, you can simply enter a constant followed by a semicolon. When run in interactive mode, I want the parser to let the user get away with ending expressions with a newline rather than a semicolon.

    As a generic way to match/eat expected tokens, I use the match() function. If I don't match what I am expecting, the program throws an exception. This will happen when parsing an expression that is terminated in a semicolon, because first the parser will try to match a newline and if that fails (or if it is not in interactive mode), then it tries to match a semicolon.

    The problem is that the exception being thrown when the newline isn't matched is not being caught in Parser::stmt(). It gets caught in main() instead.

    I compile the program with g++ like so:
    g++ -Wall -g Symbol.cpp Lexer.cpp Parser.cpp main.cpp -o calc
    I get a clean compile, with no warning or error messages. Below, I run the program, parsing a constant followed by a semicolon:
    Caught Parser::SyntaxError in stmt()
    In Parser::SyntaxError handler in main.cpp
    Again, I am just trying to get my head around why the SyntaxError exception being thrown in Parser::match() is blowing past my try-catch block in Parser::stmt and getting caught in main instead.


  7. #7
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    Woah woah woah stop the presses. I didn't even look at the results, it was caught this time. I'm not sure which change I made resulted in that happening. I did change the exception type to a reference type, I guess I need to play with this more. Sorry for the confusion. I'll figure out what my question is eventually.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    I am a bit puzzled because I have not been able to produce a short sample of code that reproduced the problem. I am going to post two things, 1.) the short code I thought ought to capture / reproduce the problem, but fails to do so, and 2.) my actual code in its entirety. Sorry for the large postings, I've hesitated doing this but have been unable to reproduce in a short example.
    In practice, if you can't recreate the problem in code that you consider represents the problem, it means you have probably misunderstood the cause. So, when you remove code you consider is not a factor, you remove the cause as well.

    My guess - not having had a look at your entire code - is that some other part of the code executed before you attempt to throw the exception is doing something invalid (e.g. undefined behaviour).

    One of the joys of undefined behaviour is that it is not necessarily detected immediately. For example, one function may be the cause (eg an invalid pointer operation) but nothing is seen until another unrelated function happens to collide with the problem (eg it makes use of memory corrupted in that invalid pointer operation).

    The only universal rule of undefined behaviour is that "errors cannot be detected before their cause". However, errors may be detected well after the occurrence that causes the problem. It is relatively rare for an error to be detected at the line of code which causes it.

    Since your code is making use of other header files (and presumably associated source files) that you haven't shown, it is quite possible the culprit is a function in a file you haven't shown.
    Right 98% of the time, and don't care about the other 3%.

    If I seem grumpy or unhelpful in reply to you, or tell you you need to demonstrate more effort before you can expect help, it is likely you deserve it. Suck it up, Buttercup, and read this, this, and this before posting again.

  9. #9
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    Unless I keep making the same oversight, all of my source files were provided above, headers included. After learning more about how to use gdb to debug exception handling, and fixing logic errors in my code, I think I have figured out what my original problem was.

    The problem was that a.) I didn't understand how to use my debugger, and b.) partly as a result, didn't acknowledge the possibility that a subsequent, unhanded error was being raised.

    When I stepped over the "throw SyntaxError("...");" line in my debugger, without setting up any other instructions, the debugger "lost" control over the execution of the program. The exception I was expecting *was* being caught in stmt() the whole time, and a later error due to not grabbing the next token was being thrown, which was not caught until main(). I didn't realize this because I did not originally have the debug print statement in catch block in stmt(), and the debugger was not stepping through those instructions. I was assuming that the debugger would take me to catch() statement, which was incorrect.

    I am now issuing the instruction "catch catch" to gdb prior to stepping through my code. This steps through execution where an exception is caught. I wanted to post this to resolve this thread, which has a lot of faults. I originally titled it "SIGABRT when constructing a string" because the string construction and assignment in the exception constructor was the last statement I could step over in the debugger. However, there was never an issue with the string or exception construction. Further, the exception was always being caught where I expected, and that is why I failed to reproduce the problem with a simplified program.

    The code posted above has a fair number of other logic errors (many due to the current token not advancing) and is in bad need of better error handling, but I've been able to make some progress today now that I have resolved the exception. Sorry for all the confusion.

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    By Tonto in forum Windows Programming
    Replies: 5
    Last Post: 12-22-2006, 05:45 PM
  3. Something is wrong with this menu...
    By DarkViper in forum Windows Programming
    Replies: 2
    Last Post: 12-14-2002, 11:06 PM
  4. Classes inheretance problem...
    By NANO in forum C++ Programming
    Replies: 12
    Last Post: 12-09-2002, 03:23 PM
  5. Warnings, warnings, warnings?
    By spentdome in forum C Programming
    Replies: 25
    Last Post: 05-27-2002, 06:49 PM