Thread: Can't print object's attributes in a binary tree - "no member named 'toString'"

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Can't print object's attributes in a binary tree - "no member named 'toString'"

    Hi All,

    This was in another thread but it's a completely new problem so I thought I'd create a new thread...

    I am writing a program for an assignment which uses binary trees to store a text file (a kind of maze):
    1) Create a maze object which contains a binary tree of rows
    2) Create a row object which contains a binary tree of maze points and a y value
    3) Create a maze point object which contains a char attribute and an x value

    This way, I should be able to traverse the file as if it was a 2D-Array, I think. I then have to run tests on it and print it out. But I am getting an error before I can even get as far as to run tests - i.e, when I try to just print the maze:

    binnode.h: In member function 'void binNode<dataType>::print() const [with dataType = mazePoint]':
    bintree.h:129:   instantiated from 'void bintree<dataType>::print() const [with dataType = mazePoint]'
    assign3.cpp:126:   instantiated from here
    binnode.h:200: error: 'const class mazePoint' has no member named 'toString'

    Here's my latest cpp code: I tried including string.h, but that didn't work. I gave the class a toString function, but it wasn't happy with that either; there were more errors.
    Note: I am not allowed to modify the header files.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "bintree.h"
    #include "binnode.h"
    using namespace std;
    class mazePoint
       int x;
       char point_type;
       void set_maze_point(char point, int i);
       void print();
       //const string toString();
       bool operator!=(const mazePoint &other) const;
       bool operator==(const mazePoint &other) const;
       bool operator<(const mazePoint &other) const;
    class mazeRow
       bintree<mazePoint> points;
       int y;
       void set_maze_row(int row_number);   
       void store_points(char ch, int i);
       int get_size();
       void new_row();
       void print();
       void clear();
       bool operator!=(const mazeRow &other) const;
       bool operator==(const mazeRow &other) const;
       bool operator<(const mazeRow &other) const;
    void load_maze(bintree<mazeRow> &maze, string arg);
    void print_maze(bintree<mazeRow> &maze);
    int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
       bintree<mazeRow> maze;
       //Make sure a maze file was provided   
       if (argc != 2) 
          cout << "Must supply 1 argument to this program\n";
          return 0; 
       //Load and test the maze  
       load_maze(maze, argv[1]);
       //If load successful, calculate and print solution  
    //   find_solution(maze);
    //   print_solution(maze);
    //   clear_rows(maze_rows);
       return 0; 
    void mazeRow::set_maze_row(int row_number)
       y = row_number;
    int mazeRow::get_size()
       return points.size();
    void mazeRow::store_points(char ch, int i)
       mazePoint point;
       point.set_maze_point(ch, i);
    void mazeRow::new_row()
    void mazePoint::set_maze_point(char point, int i)
       point_type = point;
    bool mazeRow::operator==(const mazeRow &other) const
       return(this->y == other.y);
    bool mazePoint::operator==(const mazePoint &other) const 
       return(this->x == other.x);
    bool mazePoint::operator<(const mazePoint &other) const
       return(this->x < other.x);
    bool mazeRow::operator<(const mazeRow &other) const
       return(this->y < other.y);
    void mazeRow::print()
    void mazePoint::print()
       cout << point_type;
    /*const mazePoint::string toString()
       stringstream ss;
       string s;
       ss << point_type;
       ss >> s;
    void load_maze(bintree<mazeRow> &maze, string arg) 
       string filein;
       mazeRow row;
       ifstream fin;
       char ch;
       int i = 0;
       filein = arg;
       //open stream to filein;
       if (!fin) 
          cerr << "Unable to load maze " << filein << " \n";
       while (!fin.eof()) 
          row.store_points(ch, i);
          if(ch == '\n') 
       //Print the maze (temp test)
       //Run tests on the maze to make sure it is valid  
    //   if(test_maze(maze) == 0)
    //   {
    //      cout << "Unable to load maze " << filein << " \n";
    //      exit(0);
    //   }
    void print_maze(bintree<mazeRow> &maze)
    #ifndef BINTREE_H_
    #define BINTREE_H_
    #include <stdexcept>
    #include <math.h>
    #include "binnode.h"
       template class for a binary tree
    template <typename dataType> class bintree
          binNode<dataType> *root;
          int numItems;
             constructors & destructors
          // constructor
          bintree() : root(NULL), numItems(0) {}
          // destructor
          ~bintree() {
             if (root != NULL) delete root;
             misc functions
          bool empty() const {
             return (numItems == NULL);
          int size() const {
             return numItems;
          int numNodes() const {
             if (root == NULL) {
                return 0;
             } else {
                return root->numNodes();
          int maxTreeDepth() const {
             if (root == NULL) {
                return 0;
             } else {
                return root->maxTreeDepth();
          int numLeafNodes() const {
             if (root == NULL) {
                return 0;
             } else {
                return root->numLeafNodes();
          double balance() const {
             // Returns a measure of how balanced a tree is.
             // A value of 1 is a prefectly balanced tree.
             // The closer to 0 the value is the more unbalanced
             // the tree.
             // A value < 0.5 indicates a tree that is seriously unbalanced
             if (numItems == 0) return 1.0;
             else return root->balance();
          void rebalance() {
             // Rebalance tree using the AVL algorithm
             // While this does not guarantee a perfectly balanced tree
             // it does make it mostly balanced by guranteeing that the diference
             // in depth between every right and left subtree is at most 1
             if (root != NULL) {
                while (root->rebalance(root));
             insertion and erasure functions
          void insert(const dataType& newData) {
             if (root == NULL) {
                root = new binNode<dataType>(newData);
             } else {
          void erase(const dataType& delData) {
             if (root == NULL) {
                throw std::invalid_argument("data does not exist in tree to erase");
             root->erase(&root, delData);
          dataType* find(const dataType &findData) const {
             // this function looks for findData in the tree.
    	 // If it finds the data it will return the address of the data in the tree
    	 // otherwise it will return NULL
             if (root == NULL) return NULL;
             else return root->find(findData);
             print function for assignment. 
             assumes dataType has print() function 
          void print() const {
              if (root != NULL) root->print();

    #ifndef BINNODE_H
    #define BINNODE_H
    #include <math.h>
    #include <iostream> 
       template node class for binary tree
    template <typename dataType> class binNode 
          dataType nodeData;
          binNode<dataType> *left, *right;
          void deleteNode(binNode<dataType> **root) {
             if (left == NULL && right == NULL) {
                // leaf node
                *root = NULL;
             } else if (left == NULL) {
                // right branch but no left branch
                *root = right;
             } else if (right == NULL) {
                // left branch but no right branch
                *root = left;
             } else {
                // has left and right branch
                binNode<dataType> *temp = right;
                // find left most node of right branch
                while (temp->left != NULL) temp = temp->left;
                // attach left branch to left side of right branch
                temp->left = left;
                // make root point to right branch
                *root = right;
             left = NULL;
             right = NULL;
             delete (this); 
          // constructors
          binNode() : left(NULL), right(NULL) {
          binNode(const dataType& dataItem) :
             nodeData(dataItem), left(NULL), right(NULL) {
          // destructor
          ~binNode() {
             if (left != NULL) delete left;
             if (right != NULL) delete right;
          void insert(const dataType& dataItem) {
             if (nodeData == dataItem) {
                throw std::invalid_argument("dataItem already in tree");
             if (dataItem < nodeData) {
                if (left == NULL) {
                   left = new binNode(dataItem);
                } else {
             } else {
                if (right == NULL) {
                   right = new binNode(dataItem);
                } else {
          void erase(binNode<dataType> **root, const dataType &delData) {
             if (delData == nodeData) {
             } else {
                if (delData < nodeData) {
                   if (left == NULL) {
                      throw std::invalid_argument("delItem not in tree");
                   } else {
                      left->erase(&left, delData);
                } else {
                   if (right == NULL) {
                      throw std::invalid_argument("delItem not in tree");
                   } else {
                      right->erase(&right, delData);
          dataType* find(const dataType &findData) {
             if (findData == nodeData) {
                return &nodeData;
             } else if (findData < nodeData) {
                if (left == NULL) return NULL;
                else return left->find(findData);
             } else {
                if (right == NULL) return NULL;
                else return right->find(findData);
          bool rebalance(binNode<dataType>* &root) {
             // rebalance the subtrees hanging from this node
             int rnodes=0, lnodes=0, nodes, dif;
             bool rotate = false;
             if (left != NULL) {
                if (left->rebalance(left)) rotate = true;
                lnodes = left->numNodes();
             if (right != NULL) {
                if (right->rebalance(right)) rotate = true;
                rnodes = right->numNodes();
             if (rnodes > lnodes) {
                dif = rnodes - lnodes;
                // work out node difference if we rotate anticlockwise
                rnodes = 0;
                if (right != NULL && right->right != NULL) rnodes = right->right->numNodes(); 
                nodes = 0;
                if (right != NULL && right->left != NULL) nodes = right->left->numNodes();
                lnodes = 1 + lnodes + nodes;
                if (abs(lnodes - rnodes) < dif) {
                   // rotate anticlockwise
                   root = right;
                   right = right->left;
                   root->left = this;
                   rotate = true;
             else if (lnodes > rnodes) {
                // work out node difference if we rotate clockwise
                dif = lnodes - rnodes;
                lnodes = 0;
                if (left != NULL && left->left != NULL) lnodes = left->left->numNodes();
                nodes = 0;
                if (left != NULL && left->right != NULL) nodes = left->right->numNodes();
                rnodes = 1 + rnodes + nodes;
                if (abs(lnodes - rnodes) < dif) {
                   // rotate clockwise
                   root = left;
                   left = left->right;
                   root->right = this;
                   rotate = true;
             return rotate;
          double balance() const {
             int lheight = 0, rheight = 0, dif;
             double bal = 1.0;
             if (left != NULL) {
                lheight = left->maxTreeDepth();
                bal *= sqrt(left->balance());
             if (right != NULL) {
                rheight = right->maxTreeDepth();
                bal *= sqrt(right->balance());
             dif = abs(lheight - rheight);
             if (dif <= 1) return bal;
             else return bal / log(dif);
          // tree statistic functions
          int maxTreeDepth() const {
             int rdepth = 0, ldepth = 0;
             if (left != NULL) ldepth = left->maxTreeDepth();
             if (right != NULL) rdepth = right->maxTreeDepth();
             if (ldepth > rdepth) return 1 + ldepth;
             else return 1 + rdepth;
          int numNodes() const {
             int size = 1;
             if (left != NULL) size += left->numNodes();
             if (right != NULL) size += right->numNodes();
             return size;
    	  void print() const {
    	     if (left != NULL) left->print();
    		 std::cout << nodeData.toString() << "\n";
    		 if (right != NULL) right->print();
          int numLeafNodes() const {
             if (left == NULL && right == NULL) return 1;
             int numLeaf = 0;
             if (left != NULL) numLeaf += left->numLeafNodes();
             if (right != NULL) numLeaf += right->numLeafNodes();
             return numLeaf;
          // overloaded dereference operator
          const dataType& operator * () const {
             return nodeData;

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Well guess what the problem is.
    There IS no member named toString!

    You already figured that out and made an attempt to solve it, but apparently you took a step backwards again just because there were more bugs than just the one.

    So, re-add toString and work from there. One hint though: make the function const. Not the return value, but the entire function!

  3. #3
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    If you look at my cpp code you'll see I commented out a prototype for toString, and the function is included just before the last function (load_maze). So, I uncommented them and am receiving this compilation error:

    assign3.cpp:134: error: 'string' in class 'mazePoint' does not name a type
    I've been pulling my hair out here -> this is the first line of the toString function:
    Also note I added the word const to the end of the prototype and function.
    const mazePoint::string toString() const

  4. #4
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    try including "<string>" and "<sstream>"

  5. #5
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    I'm afraid I get the exact same error EVOEx, I can't for the life of me figure out why..

    If toString was an unknown member though wouldn't the compiler have a problem with it just being mentioned in the binnode.h header file (in the print() function) regardless of whether I was going to call the print function in my cpp file? What I'm trying to say is, the compiler accepts toString() in the header file, but when I try to utilise it in the cpp file it has a problem. toString() is not defined in the header file though.

    Does this help shed some light on the issue? It just feels like I'm meant to leave toString() alone, and that it is some other nagging problem which is causing this issue... like I need to add something to the mazeRow and mazePoint classes for the compiler to understand what it's actually printing when it receives the command print with the binary trees.

  6. #6
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    When you're implementing the toString() function, take the "mazePoint::" prefix off. There is no type named mazePoint::string declared or defined in your code.

    The declaration within class mazePoint would be better as
        std::string toString() const;
    rather than having the const in front where it is, more or less meaningless. The implementation of the function needs to match the declaration too.
    Right 98% of the time, and don't care about the other 3%.

    If I seem grumpy or unhelpful in reply to you, or tell you you need to demonstrate more effort before you can expect help, it is likely you deserve it. Suck it up, Buttercup, and read this, this, and this before posting again.

  7. #7
    Registered User hk_mp5kpdw's Avatar
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    I don't like this:
    void load_maze(bintree<mazeRow> &maze, string arg) 
       string filein;
       mazeRow row;
       ifstream fin;
       char ch;
       int i = 0;
       filein = arg;
       //open stream to filein;
       if (!fin) 
          cerr << "Unable to load maze " << filein << " \n";
       while (!fin.eof()) 
          row.store_points(ch, i);
          if(ch == '\n') 
       //Print the maze (temp test)
       //Run tests on the maze to make sure it is valid  
    //   if(test_maze(maze) == 0)
    //   {
    //      cout << "Unable to load maze " << filein << " \n";
    //      exit(0);
    //   }
    ...though it doesn't have anything to do with your question here. Don't rely on testing eof to control your loops.
    "Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods."
    -Christopher Hitchens

  8. #8
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    grumpy, you have totally just solved that part of my problem. It just had to be one of those silly errors, I'd put mazePoint:: too early! It was meant to say:

    string mazePoint::toString() const;
    Now it compiles AND prints. I am eternally grateful. Many an hour do I spend being held up with forgetful nuisances like this one :P

    hk_, are you implying it would be an issue if I had an overly large file or is eof a troublesome function? Can you please explain why testing for the end of the file would be a bad idea?

    Thankyou everyone for being so helpful.
    I now have one more question: the binnode.h header file defines the print() function in a way that it prints a new line after each node - however, the way the program works, is that the new line character is actually a node - so it will start new lines when there is a new line in the file. This printing of a new line after each character seems to me to be pointless; I don't quite understand why it's included in the header file. So instead of getting the file printed on screen as-is, I just get one-character lines.

    I tried to make my own print function to override the header file's one as you can see above for the mazePoint class but evidently it ignores this and continues with the binnode.h version.

    I was thinking that I could try to adapt my mazeRow class' print() function to take only the first char of binnode.h's print() function and I was hoping I could get a bit of feedback on this idea before wrestling with the practicality of doing it? Greatly appreciated in advance folks!

  9. #9
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abrownin View Post
    hk_, are you implying it would be an issue if I had an overly large file or is eof a troublesome function? Can you please explain why testing for the end of the file would be a bad idea?
    Testing for eof sounds like a great idea. The catch is, that's not really what the eof function does. If you click on the link that was in hk's post, then you'll see what it actually does.

    Quote Originally Posted by abrownin View Post
    I tried to make my own print function to override the header file's one as you can see above for the mazePoint class but evidently it ignores this and continues with the binnode.h version.
    mazePoint and binnode<mazePoint> are different objects, and defining print for one of them will be irrelevant when dealing with the other. If you don't want what's there, you can do a template specialization, i.e., define the function
    template <>
    void binnode<mazePoint>::print()
    (note: untested, but I'm pretty sure that's the right syntax). Whether your instructor will like you for it, I can't say, but it's the best way to get around the "this is a great idea except in the case when" problem.

  10. #10
    Registered User hk_mp5kpdw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abrownin View Post
    hk_, are you implying it would be an issue if I had an overly large file or is eof a troublesome function? Can you please explain why testing for the end of the file would be a bad idea?
    The eof function will only return true after an attempt to read past the end of the file has occurred. Up to the point where you read the last character eof will still return false. This is a problem since you'll then test eof at the beginning of the while loop and it will return false seemingly indicating that you've still got more to read even though you are at the physical end of the file. Since the test fails and the overall condition in the while loop is to keep going while the eof test fails you'll enter the loop one last time even when there is nothing more to be read from the file. The fin.get will execute and fail which likely means that ch retains its previous value and you will be operating on bad data and since you're already in the body of loop it's too late to do anything in your current version of that code. The net effect of all this is that your loop executes one time too many processing invalid data.

    The solution is usually to test the return value of the read operation instead of eof. That is, instead of:
    while( !fin.eof() )
        ... would instead have:
    while( fin.get(ch) )
    In this case if the read op (get) fails (there's nothing left to get or there is some other error in the file stream) the loop never gets executed. You could also put in a second eof test immediately after the read (get) and break out of the loop prematurely.
    "Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods."
    -Christopher Hitchens

  11. #11
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    Thanks hk_, I'll take your advice and implement it, it makes a lot of sense and I agree is much safer.

    tabstop, regarding the following code:
    template <>
    void binnode<mazePoint>::print()
    Is this something I would put as-is into my cpp file?

    What I mean is the following:

    previous functions...
    template <>
    void binnode<mazePoint>::print()
       cout << point_type;
    ... more functions
    And then when I call row.print(), it will call points.print() for each point in the row.

    I'm at work so I can't test it until much later..

  12. #12
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
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    That's right -- and since points is a binnode<mazePoint>, calling points.print() will call the print function as defined for binnode<mazePoint>. Right now it's filling in the template for binnode<T>, but if you give a specific specialization it will use that one instead (provided it appears after the template version in your code).

  13. #13
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    Thanks tabstop I'll give it a go tonight if I get a chance and post an update

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