How do I go about swapping bytes (little endian -> big endian and visa-versa) in a platform independent way.

I saw this:

float FloatSwap( float f )
    float f;
    unsigned char b[4];
  } dat1, dat2;

  dat1.f = f;
  dat2.b[0] = dat1.b[3];
  dat2.b[1] = dat1.b[2];
  dat2.b[2] = dat1.b[1];
  dat2.b[3] = dat1.b[0];
  return dat2.f;
However apparently there are some situations where it causes problems:

double swap(double) Doesn't Work

I cant seem to get the correct values from the above function anyway. The dat2.f returned is always 0.0

Many Thanks,