Thread: Problem with time converting program.

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Question Problem with time converting program.

    I am working on an excersise from one of my programming books and I need to get the program to take a time in minutes and convert it to hours and minutes.

    Example- The user would input a time in minutes, such as, 90 minutes.
    The program will then output the time in hours and minutes, such as, 1 hour 30 minutes.

    I am completely lost when it comes to this. I was able to get a program to print out the reverse but can't get it to do it like this. The closest thing I can get is a 1.5 print out.

    The program I have so far is:

    #include <iostream>
    int hour;
    int min;
    int total;
    int main()
    	std::cout << "How long did it take you to run the marathon in minutes?  " << '\n';
    	std::cout << "                    Minute: ";
    	std::cin >> min;
    	total = min / 60;
    	std::cout << '\n' << total << '\n';
    The final print out
    std::cout << '\n' << total << '\n';
    was something that I just wrote in to see if I was able to get the rest of the program to print what I wanted. The program will be completed with something such as
    std::cout << '\n' "Your total time took to complete the marathon in hour minute form was << total << '\n';
    Thank you for your help in advance.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Well since you seem to understand how to get the hours, you just need to know how many minutes are left over. There is a "mod" (modulo/modulus) operator that gives you the remainder after a division. So the remainder after dividing 90/60 is 30, which is exactly what you want. So just look up an example of how to use it. The actual operator is "%", and is used just as any other binary operator (+, -, /, etc). Of course there are other ways of doing it, for example repeatedly subtracting 60, until the number is less than 60. So 90 - 60 is 30, so there is one hour, and whatever is left, 30 minutes.

    I wouldnt worry about the formatting, as that should be easy, once you have it calculating the correct numbers. I think you should use "endl" or "std::endl" instead of "'\n'", like:
    cout << "this is first line" << endl << "and now second line";

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I got it to work. Thank you for the help.

    Here is the working code I have

    /* Program to convert minutes to hours and minutes */
    #include <iostream>
    int hour;
    int min;
    int total;
    int totalA;
    int main()
    	std::cout << "How long did it take you to run the marathon in minutes?  " << '\n';
    	std::cout << "                    Minute: ";
    	std::cin >> min;
    	total = min / 60;
    	totalA = min % 60;
    	std::cout << '\n' << "Your total maration time in a minute hour format is " << total << " hour " << totalA << " minutes." << '\n' << '\n';

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