did it for my self but I think someone will need this

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;


class login
      string name;
      string givename ()
      getline (cin, name);
      cout << "we are in class1   " << name << endl;
      return name;
      string show_name (string new_name)
             name = new_name;
             cout << "we are in class1 " << name << endl;


void myfunc(string name)
     cout << "we are in myfunc   " << name << endl;


class myclass2
             string namew;
             string changename;
             int name (string nameq)
                 cout << "we are in class2   " << nameq << endl;
             string nameen (string nameq)
                    getline (cin, changename);
                    nameq = changename;
                    cout << "we are in class2 changing name   " << nameq << endl;
                    return nameq;

int main ()
    login log;
    string y;    
    y = log.givename();
    cout << "we are in int main " << y <<  endl;
//we have made a string and pass it to int main
//we have to pass this info to function now

    myfunc(y); // this value passes to myfunc even if numbers aren't exact number
               // but this valuable must not be declared 2 times with int or anything else

// we have now pass name to myfunc
// we have to pass this info from myfunc to myclass
    myclass2 clas;
    cout << "\n\nwe are in main and changing name\n\n" << endl;
    y = clas.nameen(y);
    cout << "we are in main and changing name " << y << endl;

// we call myfunc and look at our name
// my func hasn't change but y value has


//now we would like to change the begining name we used
    log.show_name (y);
//we change it with value y from this scope and send value to begining
    cout << "\n" << endl;
    system ("pause");
    return 0;