Thread: subtracting fractions in classes

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    subtracting fractions in classes


    I am having difficulty in creating a function for subtracting fractions in a class. I was given this advice to do it

    Note:subtraction can be achieved by adding (by changing the sign of the numerator - this can be achieved by multiplying it by -1).
    and my attempt is shown below:

    void Fraction::subtract(Fraction f2, Fraction& f3)
      int s_denom = denom * f2.denom ;
      int s_num = ((num * -1) * f2.denom) - ((f2.num * -1) * denom);
    but a subtraction seems to come out a little wrong for example the output is:
    Enter first numerator: 3
    Enter first denominator: 4
    Enter second numerator: 2
    Enter second denominator: 4
    3/4 - 2/4 = -1/4
    Can anyone help me to correct this little error.
    Thanks if you can.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    void Fraction::subtract(Fraction f2, Fraction& f3)
      int s_denom = denom * f2.denom ;
      int s_num = num * f2.denom - f2.num  * denom;
    Multiply f2.num by -1 and add the products, or don't bother multiplying by -1 and subtract the second product from the first. Either way, you shouldn't multiply num by -1.
    Last edited by R.Stiltskin; 03-18-2009 at 07:29 PM.

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