Hi, I'm writing a program that will identify whether or not the user's input string is a palindrome or not. However, the program keeps the inputed string is a palindrome eventhough it is not. It will say that the string is not a palindrome if the inputed string is a little bit longer. Please, help me!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 50
int palindrome(char[]);

int main()
  char str[MAX];
  printf("Enter a string : ");
    printf("\nThe string is palindrome.\n");
    printf("\nThe string is not palindrome.\n");
  return 0;

int palindrome(char str[])
  int flag = 0;
  int start, end;
  char rev[MAX];
        // Create another string for checking.
    rev[start] = str[start];
        // Check whether the string is palindrome.
        // Using the user's input to check with the new string.
  for(start=0, end=strlen(str)-1; start<=end; start++, end--)
    if(str[start] == rev[end])
      flag = 1;
  flag = 0;
  return (flag);