Thread: doesn't stop before EOF

  1. #1
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    doesn't stop before EOF

    Enter a filename, enter a number, and the program is supposed to get to that "line" and print it then exit. My plan to accomplish this was count newlines (i < lines) or until EOF and then print a line. However I can't get the program to stop before EOF, it doesn't seem to be paying attention to the i < line part. I've tried swtching || for && in the while loop assuming somehow that was forcing it to wait for the EOF, no help (since it of course should be an && by my logic). I've tried moving the i < lines into the while as an if break and still exact same results.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 100
    int main(void)
    	int i = 0, line, check;
    	FILE *fp;
    	char words[MAX+1], fname[MAX+1];
    	puts("Enter filename");
    	fgets(fname, 100, stdin);
    	if((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
    		fprintf(stdin, "Can't open %s file.\n", fname);
    	puts("Enter the line you wish to see");
    	scanf("%d", &line);
    	while(i < line && (check = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
    		if(check == '\n')
    	fgets(words, 100, fp);
    	puts("Line contents:");
    	if(fclose(fp) != 0)
    		fprintf(stderr,"Error closing file\n");
    	return 0;
    the file I input has the following text
    one two three
    test test test
    four five six
    seven eight nine
    ten eleven twelve
    [Session started at 2007-08-03 12:53:56 -0400.]
    Enter filename
    Enter the line you wish to see
    Line contents:

    Prime has exited with status 0.

    and it always prints the same garbage so obviously nothing new is getting read into words, no matter the number I input.

  2. #2
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    I've also tried changing the if(check == '\n') to
    if(check == '\0')
    if(check == '\r')
    if(check == ' ')
    if(check == 32)
    if(check == 't')

    and still no change

  3. #3
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    The string "word" contains nothing throughout the program, so don't expect a legible result, especially something like containing the current line you're on.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by citizen View Post
    The string "word" contains nothing throughout the program, so don't expect a legible result, especially something like containing the current line you're on.
    fgets(words, 100, fp) is supposed to fill it, but since it only reaches that after EOF it's not going to put anything.

    I have even changed the code to
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 100
    int main(void)
    	int i = 0, line, check;
    	FILE *fp;
    	char words[MAX+1], fname[MAX+1];
    	puts("Enter filename");
    	fgets(fname, 100, stdin);
    	if((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
    		fprintf(stdin, "Can't open &#37;s file.\n", fname);
    	puts("Enter the line you wish to see");
    	scanf("%d", &line);
    	while(i < line && (check = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
    		if(check == ' ')
    	if (check == EOF)
    		printf("\nEnd of file reached before given line\n");
    		fgets(words, 100, fp);
    		puts("Line contents:");
    	if(fclose(fp) != 0)
    		fprintf(stderr,"Error closing file\n");
    	return 0;
    And it reports the "end of file reached" so it is going all the way to EOF and not terminating when i = line or i > line or i isn't getting incremented.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zmaker5 View Post
            fprintf(stdin, "Can't open %s file.\n", fname);

  6. #6
    Registered User manofsteel972's Avatar
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    fprintf(stdin, "Can't open &#37;s file.\n", fname);
    Why are you printing to stdin?

    puts("Enter the line you wish to see");
    	scanf("%d", &line);
    	while(i < line && (check = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
    		if(check == ' ')
    Since you are asking the user to input what line to display, you know that you want to read at least that many lines into the file so a for loop would probably be better. You can then test for end of file and exit the loop if they entered a number that exceeds the number of lines in the file.
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  7. #7
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    yeah I change it to stdout and it works just the same (even if I test with fake file names with stdin and stdout.)

    I originally was going to use a for loop and then thought a while loop would be the best way to check for EOF and read characters at the same time. I'll try reconverting to a for loop and see what happens.

  8. #8
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    ok changed to

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 100
    int main(void)
    	int i = 0, line, check;
    	FILE *fp;
    	char words[MAX+1], fname[MAX+1];
    	puts("Enter filename");
    	fgets(fname, 100, stdin);
    	if((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
    		fprintf(stdout, "Can't open &#37;s file.\n", fname);
    	puts("Enter the line you wish to see");
    	scanf("%d", &line);
    	for(i=0; i < line; i++)
    		check = fgetc(fp);
    		if (check != EOF)
    			if (check == 't')
    //	while(i < line && (check = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
    //		if(check == ' ')
    //			i++;
    	if (check == EOF)
    		printf("\nEnd of file reached before given line\n");
    		fgets(words, 100, fp);
    		puts("Line contents:");
    	if(fclose(fp) != 0)
    		fprintf(stderr,"Error closing file\n");
    	return 0;
    and still getting

    [Session started at 2007-08-03 14:54:15 -0400.]
    Enter filename
    Enter the line you wish to see
    End of file reached before given line
    Prime has exited with status 0.
    though I just double checked the file, and found that when I set it to "w" for fopen it still had the other file by the same name (obviously an empty file) and removed it. Now I can't get the program to see the file, where am I supposed to put it (I'm doing this in Xcode as a project, might have to compile it on Terminal since I know where that looks)

  9. #9
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    I don't think there is any problem is the code , I checked the same cod in the vc++ and it is working fine.
    I am just giving the code snippet of what I tried in hurry:-


    void main()
    FILE *fp;
    char lineWanted[201], char_file;
    int i= 1, line = 1;

    if(!(fp = fopen("c:\\r1.txt", "r")))
    printf("Cannot open the file");

    while(i < line && (char_file = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
    if(char_file == '\n')
    if(char_file != EOF) {
    fgets(lineWanted, 200, fp);


    and I checked that it is giving correct output. I think your logic is correct.
    Last edited by ratneshp; 08-03-2007 at 01:20 PM. Reason: wanted to make some change

  10. #10
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    alright I've got the program relatively working in terminal, part of the problem was fgets was grabbing the \n at the end of entry (dunno why I keep forgetting about that)

    thanks for your help guys

  11. #11
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    ok new problem, now all it does is print out the first line of any file minus the first character, no matter what is input for lines

    new code
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 1000
    int main(void)
    	int i = 0, line, check;
    	FILE *fp;
    	char words[MAX+1], fname[MAX+1];
    	puts("Enter filename");
    //	fgets(fname, 1000, stdin);
    	if((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
    		fprintf(stdout, "Can't open %s file.\n", fname);
    	puts("Enter the line you wish to see");
    	scanf("%d", &line);
    	for(i=0; i < line; i++)
    		check = fgetc(fp);
    		if (check != EOF)
    			if (check == '\n')
    	if (check == EOF)
    		printf("\nEnd of file reached before given line\n");
    		fgets(words, 100, fp);
    		puts("Line contents:");
    	if(fclose(fp) != 0)
    		fprintf(stderr,"Error closing file\n");
    	return 0;
    Last edited by zmaker5; 08-03-2007 at 01:23 PM.

  12. #12
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    You second try doesn't make any sense. I think it is completely wrong and it is going nowhere. You first logic was correct.

  13. #13
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    I think you should not call fgetc() in a for loop , it should be called in a while loop till EOF.

  14. #14
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    ok it's working now
    though could someone explain to me why changing it from i = 0 to i = 1 fixed it? thanks

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define MAX 100
    int main(void)
    	int i = 1, line, check;
    	FILE *fp;
    	char words[MAX+1], fname[MAX+1];
    	puts("Enter filename");
    //	fgets(fname, 100, stdin);
    	if((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL)
    		fprintf(stdout, "Can't open &#37;s file.\n", fname);
    	puts("Enter the line you wish to see");
    	scanf("%d", &line);
    	while(i < line && (check = fgetc(fp)) != EOF)
    		if(check == '\n')
    	if (check == EOF)
    		printf("\nEnd of file reached before given line\n");
    		fgets(words, 100, fp);
    		puts("Line contents:");
    	if(fclose(fp) != 0)
    		fprintf(stderr,"Error closing file\n");
    	return 0;

  15. #15
    Deathray Engineer MacGyver's Avatar
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    Because you're assuming the file starts at line 1. Therefore, you should begin counting the first line as if it starts at 1.

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