void median_qsort( int a[], int p, int q, int piv )  /*to sort the subarray */
{                          /* a[p:q] of array A into ascending order */
  int i, j;

  if( p < q ) 
	 /* Initially i and j point to the first and last items */
     i = p;
     j = q;
	 partition( a, &i, &j, piv ); /* partitions a[p:q] into a[p:j] and a[i:q] */
	 median_qsort( a, p, j, piv );
	 median_qsort( a, i, q, piv );
where piv is a value between 1 and 3 determining the location of the pivot (1 being the beginning, 2 being the middle and 3 being the end of the array)

void partition( int a[], int *i, int *j, int piv )
  int pivot, temp;

  pivot = median (a[*i], a[*j - 1], a[SIZE / 2]);

  if ( piv == 1 )
    if ( pivot == a[*j-1] )
      temp = a[0];
      a[0] = pivot;
      a[*j-1] = temp;
    else if ( pivot == a[SIZE/2] )
      temp = a[0];
      a[0] = pivot;
      a[SIZE/2] = temp;
  else if ( piv == 2 )
    if ( pivot == a[*j-1] )
      temp = a[SIZE/2];
      a[SIZE/2] = pivot;
      a[*j-1] = temp;
    else if ( pivot == a[0] )
      temp = a[SIZE/2];
      a[SIZE/2] = pivot;
      a[0] = temp;
  else if ( piv == 3 )
    if ( pivot == a[0] )
      temp = a[*j-1];
      a[*j-1] = pivot;
      a[0] = temp;
    else if ( pivot == a[SIZE/2] )
      temp = a[*j-1];
      a[*j-1] = pivot;
      a[SIZE/2] = temp;

  print_list ( a, SIZE );

  do {
/* Find leftmost i such that a[i] >= Pivot.*/
	while( &a[*i] <= &pivot )
/* Find rightmost j such that a[j] <= Pivot.*/
	while( &a[*j] >= &pivot )
/* if i and j didn't cross over one another, swap */
	if (*i <= *j) 
		temp = a[*i];
		a[*i] = a[*j];
		a[*j] = temp;         /* a[i] and a[j] */
		(*i)++;               /* move i one space right */
		(*j)--;               /* move j one space left */
  } while (*i >= *j); /* while the i and j pointers haven't crossed yet */
I was supplied the original code for quicksort and partition, and instructed to code the rest to make it median of three quicksort (main declares the piv variable). The median calculation works fine, as does the switching. The problem is that the program takes about 7 seconds between printing the list (print_list function) and it does not sort it at all. Any ideas where the error is? Any help is greatly appreciated!