Thread: five digit palindrome

  1. #1
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    five digit palindrome

    Hi... I told my friend that i would help him with a problem... unfortuantely my programming skills are VERY limited.

    The problem requires the user to enter a five digit integer and then the program is supposed to check to see if it is a palindrome. I have searched but all of the threads are for letters and words.

    I don't know where to begin... because the hint says that i should use the division and modulus commands??

    Should i have the user input each number seperately? I have no idea what i am doing... Please help me as i want to make a good impression on this "friend"...thanks

  2. #2
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    i think that i figured out the division and mod commands..however i don't know how to write it as a program...

    d1 = d1 \ 10000
    d2 = (d2 \ 1000) Mod 10
    d3 = (d3 \ 100) Mod 10
    d4 = (d4 \ 10) Mod 10
    d5 = d5 Mod 10

    If d1 = d5 And d2 = d4

  3. #3
    Rabble Rouser Slacker's Avatar
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    Well, this would be most easily done by creating a reversed number and then testing for equality. If the number and its inverse are identical, then the number is clearly a palindrome:
    void is_palindrome ( int x )
      int y = 0, z = x;
      char *s;
        y = y * 10 + x % 10;
      while ( x /= 10 );
      s = z == y ? " " : " NOT ";
      printf ( "%d is%sa palindrom\n", z, s );
    Code written to get you in trouble if you copy it and turn it in as homework.


  4. #4
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    i think it is required to use the division and modulus command...

  5. #5
    Registered User ssharish2005's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sashax415
    i think it is required to use the division and modulus command...
    well excatly, u have to use '/' and '%' operator to find the the palindrom. thats what slacker is done. for you informaton the '/' operaotr takes a off a digit from the number and '% operaor gvies a copy of a last digit
    int num=123;
    num %10 --> 3;
    num/10 --> 12;
    hope u know these things before


  6. #6
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Use a lookup table. Or a big switch.
    switch( pal )
    #define C case
        C 10001:C 10101:C 10201:C 10301:C 10401:C 10501:C 10601:C 10701:C 10801:C 10901: fill in the rest...
        C 99099:C 99199:C 99299:C 99399:C 99499:C 99599:C 99699:C 99799:C 99899:C 99999:
    #undef C

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  7. #7
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    what does this line do?
    s = z == y ? " " : " NOT ";
    and what is
    thank you for the explanation

  8. #8
    Registered Luser cwr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sashax415
    what does this line do?
    s = z == y ? " " : " NOT ";
    Compares z for equality to y, if true, assigned " " to s, if false, assigns " NOT " to s.
    and what is
    thank you for the explanation
    It dereferences s, look up pointers in your favourite book/reference.

    Edit: clarification, s = " "; will make the pointer s point to the string literal of " ", rather than "assigning" it.
    Last edited by cwr; 12-14-2005 at 10:20 PM.

  9. #9
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    int ispal( int x )
        char buf[BUFSIZ]={0};
        sprintf( buf, "%d", x );
        if( strlen( buf ) != 5 )
            return 0;
        return buf[0] == buf[4] && buf[1] == buf[3];

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  10. #10
    Super Moderater.
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    Originally Posted by sashax415
    what does this line do?
    s = z == y ? " " : " NOT ";

    I think this explains that...

    Code written to get you in trouble if you copy it and turn it in as homework.

  11. #11
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    I did something simliar.. Check this out:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    #define SIZE 256
    int paliTest(char[], int high, int low); // Defines the function (accepts input
                                             // of string, high-size of string and
                                             // and low -beginning of array
    char sopal[SIZE];                        //these are temporary arrays that store
                                             // temporary char data
    char lowpal[SIZE];
    int a;
    int i;
    int main() 
        char str[SIZE]; //setting the size of str to SIZE
        printf("Please enter a palindrome\n"); // Prompts user for palidrome
        scanf("%s",&str);      // scans it into a character array called string
    	int high = 0; // sets high to 0
        int low = 0;  // sets low to 0
        int i = 0;    // sets i to 0
    	high=strlen(str)-1; // sets high to the number of indexes in str -1 to account
    	                    // for /01 character at end
        for(i=0,a=0;i<high;i++) //for test while i is less than high (which is defined
        {                       //above
            if(isalnum(str[i]))// if str[index] is a alphanumeric character copy it
                               // to a temporary character array
                 a++;  // increment the index of the temporary character array
    for(i=0,a=0;i<high;i++) //for test while i is less than high 
      str[i] = tolower(sopal[i]); //copies back the string into character array str
                                  // while converting any characters from upper case
                                  // to lower
        if (paliTest(str,high,low)) // If the function is true
    		printf("\nYou entered a palindrome.\n"); //display palindrome detected
            else  //else
    		printf("\nYou did not enter a palindrome.\n"); // string is not a palindrome
        system("pause"); // pauses screen so user can read
    	return 0; 
    int paliTest(char str[],int low,int high) // Defines the function (accepts input
                                             // of string, high-size of string and
                                             // and low -beginning of array
       if(str[low]==str[high]) // if the first and last element of the array is equal
                               // return true
       paliTest(str,low+1,high-1);//Recursion which then compares the next two elements
                                  // of the array on either end
       return TRUE;               // returns true which indicates that it is a palindrome
       else                       // else
       return FALSE;              // returns false which indicates its not a palindrome

  12. #12
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    You have a few problems with your recursive method.
    1 - You never tell it when to stop recursing, other than when str[this] != str[that].
    This means that this scenario will play out:
    if( str[ 5 ] == str[ -1 ] )
    and potentially, other out of bounds tests.

    2 - If the first and last are the same, but the others aren't, it still will return TRUE.

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by treenef
    I think this explains that...

    So what is the correct way to write this
    s = z == y ? " " : " NOT ";

  14. #14
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    There is no "correct" way. Or rather, there is no "one correct way" to do it. Just like displaying something to stdout. There are many functions you can use to do it. Whatever you choose is up to you, and should be based somehow on what you actually want to get done, and how hard you want it to be to get it done.

    The line shown is a perfectly fine way to do it. If you know what it does. That's the whole point of it. You figure out how to do it your way, or get a good enough understanding of everything that is happening, so that when you turn it in for homework, you can prove to your teacher that you didn't just copy someone.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

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