Thread: Insertion of tree nodes embedded in a list

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Insertion of tree nodes embedded in a list

    struct t_node
        char word[20];
        int wordAppears;
        struct t_node *left;
        struct t_node *right;
    typedef struct t_node TREE_NODE;
    struct t_tree
        TREE_NODE *root;
    typedef struct t_tree TREE;
    struct node
        char title[50];
        int height, wordsInTree;
        TREE *tree;
        struct node *next;
    typedef struct node LIST_NODE;
    struct list
        LIST_NODE *head;
    typedef struct list LIST;
    TREE_NODE *addTreeNode(char *string, TREE_NODE *pCurrent)
        if(pCurrent == NULL) //if the root doesn't exist yet
            pCurrent = (TREE_NODE *)(malloc(sizeof(TREE_NODE))); //create new node
            pCurrent->wordAppears = 0;
            pCurrent->left = NULL;
            pCurrent->right = NULL;
            strcpy(pCurrent->word, string);
        else if(strcmp(string, pCurrent->word) < 0)
            //word is smaller, send left
            addTreeNode(string, pCurrent->left);
        else if(strcmp(string, pCurrent->word) > 0)
            addTreeNode(string, pCurrent->right);
            //we have a match and we should increment the word counter
       return pCurrent;
    void loadData(FILE *file, LIST *chapters)
        LIST_NODE *currentChapter;
        int totalChapters = 0;
        int i = 0;
        int wordsInTree = 0;
        char word[20];
        fscanf(file, "%d\n", &totalChapters);
        currentChapter = chapters->head; //initialize outside loop
        while(i < totalChapters)
            if(currentChapter == NULL) //this is the first chapter
                currentChapter = (LIST_NODE *)(malloc(sizeof(LIST_NODE)));
                currentChapter->tree = NULL;
                currentChapter->wordsInTree = 0;
                currentChapter->height = 0;
            //create the tree
            currentChapter->tree = (TREE *)(malloc(sizeof(TREE)));
            currentChapter->tree->root = NULL;
            //read title and the number of words in the file
            fscanf(file, "%s %d", &currentChapter->title, &currentChapter->wordsInTree);
            wordsInTree = currentChapter->wordsInTree;
            //currentChapter->height = heightOfTree(currentChapter->wordsInTree);
            //fill the tree
            while(wordsInTree > 0)
                fscanf(file, "%s", &word);
                //printf("%s\n", word);
                addTreeNode(word, currentChapter->tree->root);
            if(i == 0)
            	chapters->head = currentChapter; //fill head node
            currentChapter->next = (LIST_NODE *)(malloc(sizeof(LIST_NODE)));
            currentChapter = currentChapter->next; //move to next node
        //printf("%s\n", chapters->head->height);
        /*printf("%s\n", chapters->head->next->title);
        printf("%s\n", chapters->head->next->next->title);
        printf("%s\n", chapters->head->next->next->next->title);*/
    Everything loads in the list fine but inside the loop to add the words to the tree inside the list the root is always returned as null when trying to print. I'm using a standard insert and I don't see any pointing problems even though from the output that is most likely what it is. Any help at "pointing" out my blind spots would be appreciated. The pun is stupid, I'm drunk on programming.

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    Try say
    pCurrent->left = addTreeNode(string, pCurrent->left);

    You're ignoring the all important return result when you actually create a new node.
    There's a lot of ignored return results.

    And remove all those malloc casts, this is C.

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