Thread: character string problem

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    character string problem

    I need to write a program that has the user input a command such as ADD (adds two numbers), SUB(subtracts two numbers), DIV( divides), MUL(multiplies) and then input the two numbers. The user is asked to input all three things at one time. Here is the code.

    int performance(char[], int, int);
    int main()
      int one;
      int two;
      char com[3];
      int FI;
      printf("Enter Instruction:");
      scanf(" %3s %d %d", &com, &one, &two);
      FI =  performance( com, one, two);
      printf("the answer is %d\n", FI);
    int performance(char A[], int B, int C)
      int final;
      char ADD;
      char SUB;
      char DIV;
      char MUL;
      if(A[3] == ADD)
        printf("%d", final);
      if(A[3] == SUB)
        final = B - C;
      if(A[3] == DIV)
        final = B / C;
      if(A[3] ==  MUL)
        final = B*C;
    I am not getting the right answers. I think it has something to do with my if statements.

    please help.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    1. you haven't given enough room to store a three-character string in array comm -- you forget about the null-terminator. So it should be a minimum of 4, not 3 characters.

    2. use strcmp() to check if the string contains specific characters. For example
     if( strcmp(A, "ADD") == 0)

  3. #3
    ... kermit's Avatar
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    int final;
      char ADD;
      char SUB;
      char DIV;
      char MUL;
    Problems 'o plenty...

    What values are stored in each of the above variables? Do you know? The thing is that you did not initialise them to any value at all, and as such they are holding some garbage value. Then you use them as values to test against, when they are holding no meaningful value. So in that sense, yes, it does has something to do with your if statements..


    But yes, Ancient Dragon has given you an example which ought to do what you intended. Just remember to #include <string.h> and you may as well ditch those char variables in your function 'performance'.
    Last edited by kermit; 11-28-2005 at 04:33 PM.

  4. #4
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    char ADD; isnt actually making a string a containing the word ADD, it simply creates a variable called ADD.

    Also A[3] is the 4th element in A, i.e if A was "hello", A[3] would be l (the 2nd one).

  5. #5
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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