I am writing an N-queens problem using stacks in C. I am only doing boards of size 4 thru 8. I initially had my prog displaying the first solution for boards of those sizes, however, i needed it to display all solutions. When i finally got it to display all solutions, it would get to the first non-solution and instead of jumping out would print the non-solution over and over until i ^C to get out. So it is not doing that any more but now i am popping an empty stack somewhere in my program. I'm pretty sure which function it is and I think I need to add code, not change something i already have, but i have been racking my brain all night and getting nothing. Is there anyone who can help me. I think i am probalby missing one line of code here somewhere but can't figure out what it is. This is my fillBoard function (I thinkthat is where i'm missing something ):

void FillBoard(STACK *currSolution, STACK *lastSolution, int BoardSize)

  int row;
  int col;
  int board[9][9] = {{0}};  /*0 no queens: 1 queen*/

  ELEMENT *place;
  place = (ELEMENT *)malloc(sizeof(ELEMENT));

    row = 0;
    col = -1;
      pop(lastSolution, place);
      push(currSolution, *place);
      board[place->row][place->col] = 1;
      row = place->row;
      col = place->col;
    pop(currSolution, place);
    board[row][col] = 0;

    if( col == BoardSize )
      pop(currSolution, place);
      row = place->row;
      col = place->col;
      board[row][col] = 0;

  while(row < BoardSize)
     while(col < BoardSize && row < BoardSize)

       if(!guarded(board, row, col, BoardSize))
         board[row][col] = 1;

         place->row = row;
         place->col = col;

         push(currSolution, *place);

         col = -1;
       while(col >= BoardSize - 1)
          row = place->row;
          col = place->col;
          board[row][col] = 0;