Thread: Football schedule algorithm

  1. #1
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    Football schedule algorithm

    Hey guys,

    I've got this old football game for my computer that I'm trying to create a season for. I've got custom leagues and teams, but the game's auto-scheduler is extremely buggy as it has teams playing each other 3 times and some other teams have up to 12 home games and whatnot.

    I've figured out by hand what each teams' opponents are, and where they play them (home/away), but when I try to create a schedule I wind up getting stuck near the end of the process. I had the bright idea to program this, but quickly realised that if I knew the algorithm to program, I could've done it by hand.

    There has to be a better way than an exhaustive algorithm that backs up every time it gets stuck. I've tried searching online, but found nothing relevant. Does anyone have any ideas?

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Make something up. Given T teams, and G games in a season, assign N match-ups for each team, with the minimal amount of repeating games. If a game is to reapeat (team A playes team B for the second time), alternate the field (home/away). Also, The team who has played the most home games so far plays the game away. If it's a tie, flip a coin. (rand())

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  3. #3
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    I already have a set up for which teams should play what other teams and where (including duplicate divisional opponents) based on how each team did the previous season I played. So assigning opponents is not an issue.

    The problem is arranging the games into a 17 week schedule (16 games + 1 bye) such that every game fits without conflict.

    Okay, let me map this out in detail. I have one league of 40 teams (2 conferences, 4 divisions each and 5 teams per division). Each team has a list of opponents (8 division, 4 conference, 4 non-conference) and a bye week that I've determined should be based on past performance.

    So basically, I have 40 lists of 17 and I want to re-organize them somehow so that they match.

  4. #4
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Start with this list
    Team 1 plays Team 2
    Team 1 plays Team 3
    Team 1 plays Team 4
    Team 1 plays Team 5
    Team 2 plays Team 1 (this is the return visit)
    Team 2 plays Team 3
    Team 2 plays Team 4
    Team 2 plays Team 5

    Then shuffle it
    Does that work?
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
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  5. #5
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    Sort of, but they have to be sorted such that on the same line that Team 1 plays Team 2, Team 2 has to play Team 1.

  6. #6
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    Let me put it this way. Forget football, forget scheduling, for get all that. I have a list of 40 length 17 arrays, or a 40x17 matrix that looks like this:

    [O] [i1] [i2] [i3] ... [i39] [i40]

    [ j1] [ 2] [ 3] . . .

    [j2] [ 6] [23] . . .

    [j3] [ 3] [14] . . .


    [j17] [ 5] [ 1] . . [37]

    I need to sort it in such a way that for any j: (i,j) = x ==> (x,j) = i. (ie. team i, on week j has opponent x => team x on week j has opponent i).

    [Edit: The matrix looks off compared to what I just did, but I hope you still understand it. Stupid text formating...]
    Last edited by Zughiaq; 09-03-2005 at 01:16 PM.

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