Thread: Dynamic String Array

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Dynamic String Array

    I need a sample function to return a dynamic string array which is modified in the function.


  2. #2
    Gawking at stupidity
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    Oregon, USA
    This has been asked dozens of times on this board. Why not try a search?
    If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

  3. #3
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    Why cant i access the var domains from process_thread() but I can in parser()???

    char **add_string( char **list, char *add, int size )
    	char **newList;
    	int count;
    	newList = malloc( sizeof( char* ) * ( size + 1 ) );
    	if( size > 0 )
    	for( count = 0; count < size; count++ )
    		newList[count] = list[count];
    	newList[size] = malloc( strlen( add ) + 1 );
    	strcpy( newList[size], add );
    	free( list );
    	return newList;
    size_t parser(regex_t *re, struct MemoryStruct *rawhtml, char **domains)
    	regmatch_t matched[1];
    	char *domain; size_t i = 0; int m_last = 0;
    	while (regexec(re, &rawhtml->memory[m_last], (size_t) 1, matched, 0) == 0)
    		strncpy(domain, &rawhtml->memory[matched[0].rm_so + m_last], (matched[0].rm_eo - matched[0].rm_so));
    		domain[matched[0].rm_eo - matched[0].rm_so - 1] = 0;
    		domains = add_string(domains, &domain[23], i);
    		m_last += matched[0].rm_eo;
    		printf("%s\n", domains[i]);
    void *process_thread(void *threadargs)
    	CURLcode res;
    	struct MemoryStruct rawhtml;
    	rawhtml.memory = NULL;
    	rawhtml.size = 0;
    	struct ThreadArg *thread_data;
    	thread_data = (struct ThreadArg *) threadargs;
    	char **domains = NULL;
    	size_t s_domains;
    	if ((res = get_html(thread_data->url, &rawhtml)) == 0)	
    		//Connected and we got the page.
    		if ((s_domains = parser(thread_data->re_domains, &rawhtml, domains)))
    			int i;
    			for(i=0;i<s_domains;i++) {
    				printf("%s\n", domains[i]);
    		//Unable to connect
    		printf("Unable to connect to URL: %s | CURLcode: %i\n", thread_data->url, res);
    	thread_data->done = 1; --*thread_data->r_threads;

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    you pass 'domains' by value so the changes you make are performed on a copy of it. change the parameter to a char *** and you will have the variable itself - just dereference the pointer in the function.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    O.K. I did what you said and it fixed it, sort of. I added another parser and it stopped working. Below is the code.

    char **add_string( char **list, char *add, int size )
    	char **newList;
    	int count;
    	newList = (char **) malloc( sizeof( char* ) * ( size + 1 ) );
    	if( size > 0 )
    	for( count = 0; count < size; count++ )
    		newList[count] = list[count];
    	newList[size] = (char *) malloc( strlen( add ) + 1 );
    	strcpy( newList[size], add );
    	free( list );
    	return newList;
    size_t domain_parser(const regex_t *re, const struct MemoryStruct *rawhtml, char ***domains)
    	regmatch_t matched[1];
    	char *domain; int m_last = 0; int i=0;
    	while (regexec(re, &rawhtml->memory[m_last], (size_t) 1, matched, 0) == 0)
    		strncpy(domain, &rawhtml->memory[matched[0].rm_so + m_last], (matched[0].rm_eo - matched[0].rm_so));
    		domain[matched[0].rm_eo - matched[0].rm_so - 1] = 0;
    		(*domains)= add_string((*domains), &domain[23], i);
    		m_last += matched[0].rm_eo;
    size_t url_parser(const regex_t *re, const struct MemoryStruct *rawhtml, char ***urls)
    	regmatch_t matched[1];
    	char *url; int m_last = 0; int ignored_first = 0; int i=0;
    	while (regexec(re, &rawhtml->memory[m_last], (size_t) 1, matched, 0) == 0)
    			if (ignored_first)
    				strncpy(url, &rawhtml->memory[matched[0].rm_so + m_last], (matched[0].rm_eo - matched[0].rm_so));
    				url[matched[0].rm_eo - matched[0].rm_so - 32] = 0;
    				(*urls) = add_string((*urls), &url[8], i);
    				m_last += matched[0].rm_eo;
    				ignored_first = 1;
    				m_last += matched[0].rm_eo;
    void *process_thread(void *threadargs)
    	CURLcode res;
    	struct MemoryStruct rawhtml;
    	rawhtml.memory = NULL;
    	rawhtml.size = 0;
    	struct ThreadArg *thread_data;
    	thread_data = (struct ThreadArg *) threadargs;
    	char **urls = NULL;
    	char **domains = NULL;
    	size_t s_urls=0;
    	size_t s_domains=0;
    	int i;
    	if ((res = get_html(thread_data->url, thread_data->proxy, &rawhtml)) == 0)	
    		//Connected and we got the page.
    		if ((s_domains = domain_parser(thread_data->re_domains, &rawhtml, &domains)))
    			printf("%i Domains Returned by domain_parser()\n", s_domains);
    			//Executes this with out problems
    			for(i=0;i<s_domains;i++) {
    				printf("%s\n", domains[i]);
    		if ((s_urls = url_parser(thread_data->re_urls, &rawhtml, &urls)))
    			printf("%i URLs Returned by url_parser\n", s_urls);
    			//Segfault here
    			for(i=0;i<s_urls;i++) {
    				printf("%s\n", urls[i]);
    		//Unable to connect
    		printf("Unable to connect to URL: %s | CURLcode: %i\n", thread_data->url, res);
    	free(domains); free(urls);
    	thread_data->done = 1; --*thread_data->r_threads;

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    May 2005
    The code below works perfectly fine on my machine...

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    char **add_string(char **list, char *add, size_t size)
    	char **newList;
    	int count;
    	newList = (char **) malloc( sizeof( char* ) * ( size + 1 ) );
    	if( size > 0 )
    	for( count = 0; count < size; count++ )
    		newList[count] = list[count];
    	newList[size] = (char *) malloc( strlen( add ) + 1 );
    	strcpy( newList[size], add );
    	free( list );
    	return newList;
    void middle_man(char ***list, char *add, size_t size)
    	(*list) = add_string((*list), add, size);
    int main()
    	char **p_array = NULL; 
    	char **p2_array = NULL;
    	char *t1 = "Line 1";
    	char *t2 = "Line 2";
    	char *t3 = "Line 3";
    	middle_man(&p_array, t1, 0);
    	middle_man(&p_array, t2, 1);
    	middle_man(&p_array, t3, 2);
    	printf("p_array[0]:%s  &p_array[0][0]:%p  &t1:%p  &t1[0]:%p\n", p_array[0], &p_array[0][0], &t1, &t1[0]);
    	printf("p_array[1]:%s  &p_array[1][0]:%p  &t2:%p  &t2[0]:%p\n", p_array[1], &p_array[1][0], &t2, &t2[0]);
    	printf("p_array[2]:%s  &p_array[2][0]:%p  &t3:%p  &t3[0]:%p\n", p_array[2], &p_array[2][0], &t3, &t3[0]);
    	middle_man(&p2_array, t1, 0);
    	middle_man(&p2_array, t2, 1);
    	middle_man(&p2_array, t3, 2);
    	printf("p2_array[0]:%s  &p2_array[0][0]:%p  &t1:%p  &t1[0]:%p\n", p2_array[0], &p2_array[0][0], &t1, &t1[0]);
    	printf("p2_array[1]:%s  &p2_array[1][0]:%p  &t2:%p  &t2[0]:%p\n", p2_array[1], &p2_array[1][0], &t2, &t2[0]);
    	printf("p2_array[2]:%s  &p2_array[2][0]:%p  &t3:%p  &t3[0]:%p\n", p2_array[2], &p2_array[2][0], &t3, &t3[0]);
    	free(p_array); free(p2_array);
    	return (0);

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    May 2005
    nevermind I got it... I feel so stupid...

    char domain[100];

    char urls[100];
    Last edited by fabriciom; 05-17-2005 at 05:55 PM.

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