ok what im trying to do is to combine 3 bits of code that are exactly the same except for what the read in character is passed into.

firstly i read in from the file to a temp 'z', then do some checking which is all the same, and then i want to move it into the struct (but i want it to go to 3 different multidimensional arrays to store).

i cant figure out what to pass and how so to put the 1st in 'street_name', 2nd in 'street_type', & 3rd in 'suburb_name'.

check out my code and help if u can, thanx.

void readString(BOOK *fptr, char z, FILE *bfil, int a);
readString(fptr, z, batch_in_file, a);
void readString(BOOK *fptr, char z, FILE *bfil, int a)
   int b = 0;                                        /* Declare temporary counting variables */
   count = 0;                                        /* Reset counter to read incoming string */
   rester();                                         /* Call to reset word test variables */
   for (b = 0; b < STRING_MAX_SIZE; b++)             /* Run loop until maximum string size */
   {                                                 /* Start for loop */
      if(ended == TRUE)                              /* Check if end of word has been reached */
      {                                              /* Start if statement */
         break;                                      /* Break from for loop if at end of word */
      }                                              /* End if statement */
      z = fgetc(bfil);                               /* Gather character from file to temporary variable */
      if((z == ' ') && (started == FALSE))           /* Check if read in character is a space */
      {                                              /* Start if statement */
         b--;                                        /* Reset counter back one to allow space */
      }                                              /* End if statement */
      else                                           /* Else read in character is not a space */
      {                                              /* Start else statement */
         started = TRUE;                             /* Set started to true if word has begun */
         if((z == ' ') && (started == TRUE))         /* Check if character is a space and word has started */
         {                                           /* Start if statement */
            ended = TRUE;                            /* Set end to true if at end of word */
         }                                           /* End if statement */
         else                                        /* Else character is letter in word */
         {                                           /* Start else statement */
            count++;                                 /* Add one to string size counter */
            fptr->street_name[a][b] = z;             /* Move read in character into struct */
         }                                           /* End else statement */
      }                                              /* End else statement */
   }                                                 /* End for loop */
what the heck do i put in the bolded bits so i can just call it and pass in where i want it to go. thanx again.